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Chatback #17


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  • Morning all,dry and sun here,had a real good sleep,look afteryrselves
    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


    • Afternoon everyone.

      What a glorious day here. Blue skies, warm enough to have lunch outdoors, bees checking out the wild rocket flowers, Mr Snoop stocking up our immediate wood stores, our early almond tree looking like it could blossom any day now. The fact that I'd cut half (if not all) of that tree down because it casts too much shade and steals water from my veg patch is neither here nor there today...

      Had a lie in this morning too, counting my blessings rather than getting up and at things. I do have rather a lot of blessings to count, when I think about them, so it was rather a long lie in.

      Have a lovely weekend.


      • I told you it was cold, though I doubt I shall be joining in


        • Good evening all.
          Well we did get out to play our pitch and putt competition.
          We had a very breezy afternoon but we lucky to miss the rain which came down just as we finished.
          Home now and looking forward to a night in.
          It's been a very busy week.
          Have a good evening all.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • Good evening, not in that long after being out far a most enjoyable meal with our son and family,that's two nights in a row that I have enjoyed, though to be honest I don't have much to complain about most nights anyway while out earlier today I went to a place that came up in the thing that AP posted showing where to buy Root Riots and having a look at them I thought them a wee bit expensive for a bag of them it was �11 or for a tray of 20 �6. But as AP seems to be pleased with them I thought I would give them a try, so I bought (i feel shivers rinnin doon ma back) a tray of them, the young man selling them must have realised how painful it was to me to part with all that money he offered them to me for �5. (for anyone in this area looking for a them it was in Kilmarnock) I am wondering if it was the fact I had to unlock my wallet or the fact that tears were running down my face as I was pulling out the money made him make that kind offer, now I am sitting sipping a glass of Glenfiddich to console my self after parting with that tenner i had wanted to keep it with all the rest as it made up a nice set. Goodnight
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Good Morning All Cold and clear here, have a great Sunday
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Morning from me too
                Nannys make memories


                • Wet and soggy here, off to St Andrews with the Grandsons, feeding the Meerkats experience...…………...simples


                  • Morning its windy and cold here but we also have sunshine so the best place outdoors will be in my GH
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Morning all. A really vile day out here so the best place out will be in here as well . I'm gobsmacked that Rary has flashed the cash with the root riots. Poor man must be ill. Should we call an ambulance?

                      Seriously though, I've never had such good germination rates as I have using root riots but I'm not convinced they are that great afterwards. I'm sure I posted that on this forum somewhere.

                      Yesterday, I had absolutely nothing to water either in the heated greenhouse or in the heated growbench. That is after recently potting on almost evrything into bigger pots and the extra compost is clearly holding moisture a bit better and at least for now is easing the need for everyday watering.

                      I may stick up some more shelves in the garage if the nasty weather persists, ermmh that is if I can find the shelf brackets I bought on fleabay a few months back


                      • Mornings!
                        My turn for a lie-in then.
                        A blessed 9hrs sleep for me, I must have needed it, and the noisy boys next door are away for the weekend, so nobody, not even Mollcat, woke me up A miracle.
                        It's bright and windy, here, but the cold hasn't arrived yet. No idea what I'll be doing today...

                        Have a good'un whatever you're up to


                        • AP, I've just added a post to your thread about Root Riots rather than comment here. But I'd be glad of more info.

                          Not much news, blue skies lasting for about ten seconds before more clouds come rushing in. Still very windy.

                          Bread baking today plus another run at an easy-peasy recipe that really appeals to my taste buds. I have Viking toes (apparently) but a Middle Eastern palate! Plus work in between-times. Mr Snoop off to clear a bit of my terrace veg patch. And I should really be doing a bit of that too. So, here goes for a busy day.

                          Have a lovely Sunday, everyone.


                          • Good evening all
                            I had no time to check in this morning so I hope you all had a good weekend.
                            Looking after my 7 month old grandson for the whole day.
                            What a busy day.

                            Spoonfeeds, bottles, nappy changing and entertaining.
                            It was a joy but now I'm just about ready for a chill out day tomorrow.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Good Morning and Monday comes around so quickly. Have a good day
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Morning, FF. You're up early again.

                                Too dark to comment on the weather. Forecast says rain. Not much chance of snow.

                                Plenty of work to be getting on with. So have a good day, everyone.


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