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  • Can't get in my greenhouse, the doors frozen shut !!


    • Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
      Rhubarb roots don't usually mind being frozen, and more good news - despite the cold the newbie did view and has taken on the plot - site now full.
      Thanks, TS. Put my mind at rest. Now getting very, very excited.


      • Old school rule for rhubub was to lift it and let the frost get at it, divide and re plant in the spring.


        • I was given a chunk of thubarb root one year and put it in a bucket without soil intending to plant it on the lottie. Then completely forgot about it.
          The following summer I spotted it behind the shed in full leaf.
          It'd gone through a -11C period over the winter where I'd lost several shrubs. Plus no nutients and just rainwater. And it still survived just sitting in a bucket over winter!

          I brought it here with me a couple years later and planted it out...and it was dead by the end of rot.

          It's almost indestructible
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • ^^ Well, I've managed to destroy two in just a few months. In fact, I might start a thread on advice for growing rhubarb, so I can get the conditions right.

            Goodness me, but I'm all antsy. Really can't wait to get going.

            First almond blossom has opened on our earliest tree to flower every year. And it's quite warm outside at the moment. But we'll be back into the minuses overnight tomorrow, and I really must try to be patient. I'd forgotten what waiting for the summer holidays to start was like. Well, it's just like this.


            • Good afternoon, cold here today -6 in the greenhouse, then showing -5 when taking the boy's to school, though the one good thing about the snow is everybody's garden looks the same
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              And some animals enjoy it, she is standing there waiting for me to I kick some snow at her
              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


              • Just been outside to check the garden thermometer, still -4. Don’t know what it was overnight.
                "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                • Evening all, missed you Nicos, put on half a pound this week, lord knows how.
                  Off out early this morning to Ikea with a friend, bought stuff for our new window displays at the charity shop.
                  Didn’t buy much for myself, so that was good.
                  So cold here today, just couldn’t get warm at all. Covered in a fluffy throw to sort that out.
                  Hope everyone has wrapped up warm on here
                  Nannys make memories


                  • Daren't even get on the scales NS
                    Hopefully whatever I weigh now will have dropped a tad by my Monday weigh in
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Evening all,

                      -7c here this morning. Outside tap frozen so gas blowlamp had to come out. I even had to cup it between my hands to get it to work . Car got through its MOT but needed a tyre which surprised me. I put a couple of new ones on a couple of weeks ago and the outfit I use for tyres usually checks round the whole car and says if any tyre is suss. Anyway, coud have been worse, cost me several hundred pounds this time last year.

                      We had a new visitor in the garden today. A Fieldfare. I got a few very poor pics of it and a 5 second film clip with 3 seconds of gorgeous pics and 2 seconds of a blur of branches and twigs. I've tried editing out the blurry bit but fell asleep trying
                      Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 31-01-2019, 08:53 PM.


                      • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Thick frost again but no snow. Have a good day
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Morning All

                          3-4" of snow this morning and -.4� outside. Shall be off to the plots soon to clear the tops of the tunnels. Keep warm and mind the underfoot conditions


                          • Morning all, cold and snowy morning here in London
                            Day off, going nowhere today.
                            Hope you all are ok and not snowed in
                            Have a good one peeps
                            Nannys make memories


                            • Snowing heavily when I went to bed, everything was already covered when I pulled the curtains. Expected it to still be there this morning, but it is thawing quite quickly and the paths/roads are clear already. The grey sky looks like rain, rather than more snow IYKWIM?
                              Take care if you are out and about..


                              • Lovely bird, AP. Not heard of them before. Our thrush population has plummeted. Terrible olive harvest after the drought, so there are hardly any thrush here this year. Most years there are so many they're effectively a pest, eating the olives.

                                More rain in the night. More almond blossom out. That's four weeks earlier than usual. And the birds over the other side of the valley are singing their hearts out. But there's a possibility of snow tomorrow and still very cold temps ahead.

                                Friday today. Two jobs to finish and one to start. Better get a move on.

                                Have a good day, everyone.


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