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  • A little tip for those of you who may be going out for a special meal with someone you want to impress - particularly if you are visually challenged and wear specs.

    Don't order Linguine!!

    You have to lean over a bowl of steaming hot pasta and twizzle it around your fork, very carefully, before shoving it in your mouth (only delicately in a lady/gentleman-like fashion).

    The problem is - as you lean over the pasta your specs steam up and you lose visual contact with the fork. So you pretend that all is well, bring the fork up to your chops..................but, you're not really sure where the fork is, or how much pasta is dangling from the fork ready to drop down your front. Result - you look an utter mess!

    Now, I'm telling you this because I'm hoping you'll think I'm out for a meal with a special someone and I don't want you to embarrass yourselves. The truth is, I'm reading the Vine, wearing my reading glasses, whilst trying to eat some linguine - which has unravelled itself on my jumper, the keyboard and the table.

    Last little tip - if you're a messy eater, make sure you have a dog or three.


    • Morning it windy out but none of yesterdays rain (yet) be careful if you're out and about.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Mornings!
        Yes, just a gentle breeze, so far, and the sky is a much lighter, so perhaps the worst of it is over for here

        Have a good'un and be careful if you still have the bad weather.


        • Morning all, blue sky’s here as well, hopefully a better day than yesterday
          Pull switch on bathroom light gave up the ghost this morning, so hubby is taking the bulb out during the day until we work out how to fix it.
          A trip to BQ seems a good idea for him
          Have a lovely day peeps
          Nannys make memories


          • Morning, quite windy here still though peeping out the window, everything looks ok in the garden, at least the greenhouse is still there.


            • Good morning all,bright and windy here as well,at least it should dry up the ground a bit,but not good when you got jobs to do that need calmer times,got a nice supprise last night,younger son has invited us both to a meal out later on,am looking forwards to it,what a lovely idea bless him,Bgood and look afteryrselves.
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Good morning g all.
                Bright and breezy here but dry.
                Off to play pitch and putt.
                Have a good day all.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Mornin n'alln'all
                  Bit late clocking in this morning!
                  Gusty wind here too...the old house's roof timbers are creaking like an old ship
                  I suppose in reality the oak beams are put together in such a way as an upturned boat!
                  The oldest part of the house was built in 1630s and some of the oak timbers are at least 40x40 cm.
                  Looking at them I am always moved to think that to achieve that size the trees must have been well over 100 years old, so were probably saplings in the late 1400s.
                  How hard would life have been in winter for the locals in those days?

                  Just 'nipping' out(30 mile round trip) to get a spare key cut and maybe accidentally call in at the garden centre on the way home
                  All this talk of shallots and onions...I need to get some spuds chitting too!
                  See ya later peeps.
                  Keep warm !
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Afternoon all,

                    been the odd shower but it is dry with a breeze. Not really warm enough to do owt outside so I've been doing some more tidying up in the garage. I've been missing my metal detector since we moved in and I'd almost got to the stage of thinking I'd junked it but it was lurking in a box in a pile of boxes. I'm happy with that. I've also been missing a screwdriver out of a set my son gave me several years ago because he could never find one in my tool box and thought I'd left it high up in the garage somewhere when I'd been fitting shelves. Well I got up on my stepladder but when I looked down, I saw said missing screwdriver hiding on the floor. Hey ho, not where I thought it would be but I've found it and that's what is important.

                    Going out shopping shortly and when out going to have a look at a house in another village not with any real thought of moving more just to compare with our own. i.e. keeping a finger on the pulse.

                    Oddly, not seeing any birds in the garden today despite putting out some food for them. Maybe getting some natural food now the frost has lifted?

                    OOOh I've just seen a reference to a key in the post above, I found a key on the ground outside which I lost a couple of days ago. It's the one for the chain on my trailer. Thought I was going to have to get the grinder on the go.

                    Laters all
                    Last edited by Aberdeenplotter; 09-02-2019, 01:15 PM.


                    • I've had a brilliant day so far. Out and about clearing the beds, with Mr Snoop joining in later to help with things I couldn't manage (wire ties - we won't be doing them again). Not much more to go. Will be knocking beds into shape over the course of the next few weeks, but am feeling pretty well on track. With a little help from my friends. Cats and dogs enjoyed us being outside too and kept us company. They will not like me fencing in some of the patch near the house...

                      Nejiri hoe absolutely brilliant. Made one of my nigh-on impossible jobs doable with a bit of effort.

                      As for linguine, I hate them. Tagliatelle too. Bit too thick to twirl around a fork and far too dangerous for me to eat because of that. They end up flopping everywhere. Me, I'm a spaghetti and fusilli gal (not at the same time, of course).

                      Congrats on all the finds, AP. I could do with a day or two like that.

                      Have a nice rest of the afternoon and evening, everyone.


                      • Prevening All Made an orange sponge sandwich cake today, it's yummy
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • ^Was that with your new mixer, FF?


                          • Early night last night but didn’t get much sleep because of storm Erik. Something outside was banging and I thought it might be the door to my new shed. When I got up this morning it was obvious that it was nothing in my garden but couldn’t see anywhere else in any neighbours gardens causing the noise.

                            No damage to the fences. I really want to get out in the garden but it’s too early. I will satisfy my urges by starting to propagate seeds in the kitchen, something that annoys my children but it’s my kitchen not theirs.
                            "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                            "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                            • Mornings, she says quietly, in case everybody is having a lie-in

                              Woken up early with cramp Ouch! Quite a long while since that's happened, but my calf is now very sore Not that I'm going out for a walk, mind, cos we have horrid grey, mizzle...
                              My son & DIL coming for lunch, and I suspect, to inspect refurbed chair I have made a huge Lasagne and it smells gorgeous.. mmmm

                              Have a good'un whatever you're up to


                              • Morning All

                                Grey and damp this morning +5�

                                I may pop over the plots today but not sure yet. Got loads to do but can't be bothered, which is not like me.

                                Have fun


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