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Chatback #17


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  • Another bright, warm day ahead of us here. No frost this morning for a change.

    We'll be bringing up our first water of the year from the well today. Might be a struggle, as some of the pipes are pretty old... But, I'm keen to get my leeks and onions started at long last. We'll still get some frosts, so everything will come in at night (probably only 4 or 5 �C in the basement at the moment, but at least it's above freezing, so they can go in there).

    Got myself a plan of attack for the next couple of weeks, which should see some serious progress made at long last.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone.


    • Mornings!
      Late on parade as I actually had a good night's sleep, woke up turned over, and went back to sleep for another hour First time I've done that (without painkillers!) in ages....

      When I get my act together - I'll be off to the plot. Need to uncover it all for the rotavator man, hopefully he'll do it sometime this week. fingers crossed!

      Have a good Sunday everybody!
      Last edited by Thelma Sanders; 24-02-2019, 09:59 AM.


      • As a one time student of French .. well I got my o level .. Vide grenier had me scrambling for the online French/English translator and it is oh so descriptive of the motive of many for going to a car boot sale. Look it up yourselves though, it will be good for you . Her ladyship discussed this subject with me and then told me that next time she thinks I'm talking nonsense, she's going to point at her head and then point at me and say "Vide". Hmmmmmph.

        Anyways, a crowd of us are going out for a carvery lunch today. Yummie yummie. I don't anticipate needing much to eat at tea time.


        • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
          We'll be bringing up our first water of the year from the well today.
          Snoop you've intrigued me . I'm assuming your household supply isn't dependent on the well supply and that the well supply is just used for horticultural activities? I'm not sure how the age of the pipes could/would impact unless leaks from corroded bits would cause problems. Do use an electrical pump or is it one of the old manual cow's tail type? I seem to be in nosey mode today but it's with a view to helping resolve any issue with your well water. Honest


          • Good morning all.
            Late checking in as we gave ourselves permission to have a lie in after a hectic day yesterday.
            After a lo Roy christening g ceremony we went to Clontarf Castle for a meal and then on to a local hostelry until the early lazy day today.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • Good morning all,first time i seen fog in a while,clearing now,MUST get done some more outside,all i realy want to do is sit and cry,have a good day all,right am back of into my bubble,and wobetide anyone that says boo to me for bit,i got a hen coop to clean and alter a few bits,then a want a lift with things,grrrrrrrrr,i hate being not able to cope on my own,see ya on at braketime.
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                Snoop you've intrigued me . I'm assuming your household supply isn't dependent on the well supply and that the well supply is just used for horticultural activities? I'm not sure how the age of the pipes could/would impact unless leaks from corroded bits would cause problems. Do use an electrical pump or is it one of the old manual cow's tail type? I seem to be in nosey mode today but it's with a view to helping resolve any issue with your well water. Honest
                Household supply is brought in from town at the moment (unsurprisingly, we're very parsimonious with water). We're having a garage built and some other works done this year. By the end of the year, we'll be collecting rainwater off the garage for some household use.

                Well water is indeed used for horticultural activities (sounds very grand put like that!). We have two pumps in use. Today's was the generator-powered pump. The other one is a solar pump and I'll be using that in conjunction with soaker hose (if that's the term - water seeps out along its length) to water the veg patches.

                The pipes used today are very old hosepipes. Turned out that we had a problem with a jubilee clip at a joint and a couple of minor splits. Will be drawing up water and sending it elsewhere tomorrow afternoon. Some of those hosepipes are ten years old and Mr Snoop has already identified some problems, but he reckons we'll be able to fix them.

                We just leave the hosepipes in situ rather than bringing them up in the winter. They get overgrown with grass, so some protection from both sunlight in summer and cold in winter. We maybe should coil them up at the end of the season, but so far there's been nowhere to put them. That situation should change by the end of the year.


                • Thanks Snoop for the explanation. As you can see my mind was conjuring up pics of metal piping . Lets the rest of us see how fortunate we are to have a mains water supply


                  • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                    Thanks Snoop for the explanation. As you can see my mind was conjuring up pics of metal piping . Lets the rest of us see how fortunate we are to have a mains water supply
                    Also a constant top-up supply, though it hasn't rained since early this morning, it doesn't usually stay as dry as this
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Good evening, as I had postmarked earlier it was dry today, so after church went out to the back garden and decided to try and get a tree stump that I couldn't get out last year, and after struggling a bit I had success so then fitted some edging wood in to allow OH to cut the grass with the lawnmower without needing to cut the edge with shears, (while working out the back I must have disturbed a bee as one was flying about but unfortunately I doubt if it will survive as there are no flowers or blossom about) doing that took most of the day then after tea I went out to the greenhouse where I set up some pots with onion sets to give me salad onions, and also sowed some petunias seeds and while doing that I noticed a ladybird moving about so linking that with observing the crows building their nests and mateing, hopefully we are going to have an early spring. Well enjoy your week and smile. Goodnight
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Good Morning All Have a good day
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Morning all,
                          Flo must have been noisy this morning and woke me up
                          Tried but couldn't doze off again, I'm wide awake for some reason, don't normally do early mornings pffff

                          Have a good'un


                          • Morning, weekend went quick didn’t it.
                            Have a lovely, hopefully sunny day folks
                            Nannys make memories


                            • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
                              Thanks Snoop for the explanation. As you can see my mind was conjuring up pics of metal piping . Lets the rest of us see how fortunate we are to have a mains water supply
                              Mains water is amazing. Whenever I visit my Mum, turning on the tap seems like a minor miracle to me!

                              Very hard frost again this morning. So a good reality check. Birds singing their hearts out when I got up. Lovely to hear.

                              We've got lots more bumblebees this year than the past few years. Lovely to see (and hear) too.

                              JCB here this morning to redo the drive. It's a steep slope and great rivulets have formed. Plus, rockfalls have blocked the gutter down one side. A JCB with a skilled operator is a sight to see. The land transformation is remarkable, and so quick. Beats me with a mattock any day!

                              And NS is right, the weekend shot by. Could do with a two-day working week and a five-day weekend!

                              Have a great Monday, everyone.


                              • Mornin n'alln'all
                                Was awake a lot in the night...think I may have overdone 'stuff' thus weekend!
                                They do say though, 'make hay whilst the sun shines' ...although I was just cutting lawns and weeding.
                                Now starting to think all the clearing up won't get done after all before the rains come, but hey, we're both doing a brill job

                                Only thing I absolutely HAVE to do today is go and collect a friend's house key as I'm on cat duty this week whist she's away.
                                The lovely thing is that the wilder strays are now prepared to stand and stare at me from not too afar when I appear so at least I can do a head count!
                                The boldest comes up and demands a stroke which is wonderful!
                                All 8of them were local feral cats and my friend has taken on their care, all vet fees (when they can be caught/trapped) etc on top of own 4cats.
                                She's done wonders with them physically and mentally -she should be proud of herself!

                                So - best get a wiggle on!
                                See ya later peeps
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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