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  • Good Morning All Cough woke me at 4:30 so I'm a wee bit tired. We have sun, hail, a strong wind and it's very cold. Washing on the radiators then. Have a good day All
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Morning, oops, afternoon all. Bright blue and shiny here. All the rain we were forecast has now been cancelled. Hope this isn't going to go on all year, like last year...

      Lots of work to get through, yet again. Tedious. New client, so couldn't say no, just in case. Anyway, will slow down next week.

      Have a lovely weekend, everyone.


      • Afternoon all. It's so dull here I have the table lamps on! It's also very cold and windy! In fact as I type it has just started chucking it down with a kind of sleety rain. This is sooo not my weather.

        Anyway, have a good one and keep warm!


        • Our breeze is now about force 7 on the beaufort scale, nearly got my head blown off going into town to get some shopping, worn out after a wander round Mozzers, kind of surprised how long it is taking to get back to some sort of fitness.


          • Afternoon everyone
            Sunny, cold, windy, you name it today.
            Hubby has been into town and struggled with the wind.
            Reading the Vine with a cup of hot chocolate, lovely
            Have a good evening peeps
            Last edited by Nannysally99; 09-03-2019, 04:21 PM.
            Nannys make memories


            • Originally posted by burnie View Post
              Our breeze is now about force 7 on the beaufort scale, nearly got my head blown off going into town to get some shopping, worn out after a wander round Mozzers, kind of surprised how long it is taking to get back to some sort of fitness.
              Did they give you any advice on what to expect?


              • Afternoon all,not liking this wind,ooooh i love hot choc,i relented and had some help from son with the hen home,just bits and bobs now,it is looking nice,like it always been there,feel tired out mentaly with lifes going's on's,got virgin TV back on,but have descovered the darned anoying voice over,you supposed to be able to turn it off,but having looked on line is rubbish,tecie friend coming tomoz,see what he makes of it,i have tried but no responce,have a good evening and stay safe all.
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • Good evening it has felt bitterly cold today, but was out the back for a time sawing up some wood as I need to try and get everything cleared up, OH says she wants the he place tidy them so year, mind you she says s the hat every year you never know some year it might happen, have my job for tomorrow all sorted the car will need to be emptied ready for being uplifted for repair Monday morning, this is becoming an annual event hopefully this will be the last . Right off to have a read, so keep warm, safe and smiling. Goodnight
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                    Did they give you any advice on what to expect?
                    Nope, just advice on when to take dressings off the wounds, not a word about what the likely outcome might be, no advice on diet, my G.P. was better.


                    • ^That's not terribly helpful. Any point in seeing your GP again just to see if everything is OK?

                      Frost here again this morning, but bright blazing sun now. We're still a bit cold in our valley, but up top, so to speak, there are spring flowers everywhere. The rosemary is putting on a dramatic show and the tiny narcissi are out too. There are absolutely loads of bumblebees this year. And wasps. Went to feed the dogs yesterday evening and there were five lurking under one of the bowls.

                      In other news, Allan Jenkins has a piece in the Guardian this morning. Must be related to VC, or else he is VC:

                      More work today. Really time I started paying attention to my signature down below.

                      Have a great day, everyone.


                      • Good Morning All We've had a sprinkling of sner! Awake again at half four and dozing off and on since between bouts of coughing Have a good day
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Morning
                          We have snow not a lot probably only an inch so enough to make the garden look pretty but not to be an inconvenience if you want to be out and about.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • NawSnaw here...………………….yet, glad that wind has dropped, managed a Balti curry and a dram last night without any nasty side effects, so it seems the surgery has fixed something, another lazy day planned, have fun all.


                            • Morning all.
                              Bright sunshine here at the minute, rained early doors.
                              Got the family over for a nice roast lamb dinner later on.
                              Hubby has done all the veg for me, he’s wanting to go out today and gently paving the way .....
                              He’s actually huffy cause he bought the bony half of the leg �10.85 and will barely feed two of us.
                              I just casually queried why and he’s banging and crashing round the kitchen now.
                              He will recover
                              Have a great day folks, wind, sun, snow or rain
                              Nannys make memories


                              • Mornings,
                                You like living dangerously burnie

                                No snow here, but it's blowing a gale - fences down and wheelie bins blowing about

                                Think I'll just stay indoors and sort through my flower seed stash, again! I'm planning a cut flower bed on the allotment, near my shed. Got all the dahlias to go back in, but have to decide on the rest - without buying any more seeds!!! repeat after me - MUST NOT BUY MORE SEEDS

                                Stay safe everyone, and have a good'un


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