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Chatback #17


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  • Oh. My. Life. Surprise surprise we have cloud and drizzle again. Matches my mood.

    Yet another Gumtree no show. I'm actually beginning to wonder if there is something going on I'm not aware of. Can't see how though, I'm friendly and harmless, I can't see that anyone would have it in for me. Just seems a bit odd that this is 4 times in the last week or so.

    Someone is supposed to be coming shortly to pick up a Freecycle freebie from me, if they don't turn up either I will be officially paranoid.

    Was hoping to get back out clearing the rest of the shed today but can't see the weather being kind enough for that. I'm on a roll though so it's frustrating.

    Anyway, love to all, hope you have a fantastically brilliant day.

    (was that too much?)


    • Afternoon all
      Late on parade, day off, so no rushing about
      GG, nothing wrong with your post, must be so frustrating me dear.
      Don�t give up sorting stuff out though. It�s a great sign of progress
      Last edited by Nannysally99; 19-03-2019, 02:24 PM.
      Nannys make memories


      • No shows are the pits .

        anyways afternoon all. I mentioned earlier that I'd made a fan shaped trellis and that I still had to give it a coat of preservative. Well blow me down, what a faff that was . Worse even than painting a central heating radiator and that is saying something. I managed a while at the plot this morning. Weather has been horrible this last wee while so it was good getting started again


        • Morning All

          Another dry but cloudy day, currently 9�.

          I shall be visiting the plots today as I want to prepare the brassica cages and do a little general tidying up.

          Have a funtastic day


          • So, no rain to speak of yesterday. Maybe three drops but very cloudy all day and ominous skies late evening. Very disappointing. Today, bright again after a chilly night.

            Getting some work and billing out of the way this morning before sowing seeds this afternoon. Mr Snoop out for the day so can suit myself over mealtimes and the like. Shame he knows about the bar of chocolate in the house, otherwise I could have snaffled it.

            Anyway, on with the show. Have a great day, everyone.


            • Good morning all.
              It's a beautiful sunny morning and 12 degs already.
              Unfortunately the first part of my day will be taken up by a visit to the eye specialist.
              I am hoping to get my sweetpeas planted out in the afternoon.
              Have a good day all.

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • Good Morning All Sunny here. Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Mornings!
                  We had a mild night and 11C now, but dark sky, certainly looks like rain to come, although none in the forecast.
                  Making pasties for the GKs again today and tomato seed sowing also on the Agenda.
                  Have a good'un


                  • Good afternoon dry but dull today, tidying up at the back door everything I don't use or need is getting bind, the rubbish bin was emptied yesterday and that's I full already, and sure as enything now that I have got rid of some things so one will ask if I have something that's been dumped, too bad time for a clear out, just finished lunch and now going back out for a time
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Boo!!!!

                      Arthur noon n'alln'all

                      Yup....I'm baaaack
                      Did ya miss me?

                      Is everyone OK?......not had a chance to look back at all yet.

                      Got loads to do just now, but will try and pop in later today...if not it's breakfast in bed tomorrow for you all
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Hope the hols went well Nicos.

                        I've spent the day putting tiny, tiny wee lettuce seedlings into new pots and introducing myself to them all as their Mum. I'm hoping they feel so loved up that they just explode (in growth terms).

                        I'm chomping at the bit to get into the garden, I have a million and one plans in my head but I just can't get any of them started due to the weather.

                        Freecycle person turned up yesterday so no need for my slowly growing paranoia. Different Gumtree person supposed to be coming tonight so keep your fingers crossed it works out, I kinda really need some extra cash right now.

                        I also need (please note: a very strong craving is known as a need in this house) one of Thelma's pasties. Despite the fact I am gluten free and couldn't eat them anyway, I am still imagining this lovely tasty pasty on my plate.


                        • Ha Ha the GKs are like gannets - I'll be lucky if I get one myself


                          • What a beautiful day.
                            Spent the afternoon in the garden digging, planting and sowing.
                            Sun was shining, birds were singing, and a pair of robins kept me company.
                            Definitely shades of moving in the right direction.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Morning All

                              Mild with a touch of drizzle but 12�

                              Been awake for hours after a very restless sleep

                              Gardening will be part of today's schedule but got chores first and worse of all shopping.

                              Have a great Thursday


                              • Mornin GL n'alln'all
                                Hope you all found your breakfast trays?

                                Yup....I'm baaaack!
                                Still got some holiday washing to do -mostly hand washing of merino wool thermals.
                                Boy were they fantastic.
                                So....I'ts going to take a while to try and catch up...but it's lovely to be back with you all! I missed ya!

                                First things first though....a brew....
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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