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  • Mornings!
    Mild and rainy today, so deffo an indoor day - last physio at tea-time, don't know if any more will be approved on NHS. Depends if she thinks they're helping, I'm not sure it's making much difference, really - although a massage always does make my back feel better, I'm sure most of us would agree with that

    Have a good'un


    • Morning we had a dull cool start to the day but sunshines due for the afternoon more potting on and seed sowing for me.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • Well, early start this morning. Second on the list for my op. Everything has gone according to plan and I’m at my daughters having a not so restful time but being looked after. It’s a bit chaotic when my ggs is about as he enjoys winding my dog Prince up. Hollie stays out of the way. The remote on the tv is bust so although phone apps can connect and give us films etc, terrestrial telly is not on the menu.

        I’m a bit sore as the pain killers wear off and they had a problem finding something to give me as I react badly to opioids (cocodamol, tramadol, codeine etc), so it’s paracetamol and ibuprofen for me.

        Hopefully home tomorrow but have to take it easy.

        A little light internet shopping and pay some bills inc my speeding fine.
        "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
        "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


        • Take it easy Janie, hope you feel better soon.


          • Good luck, Janie. Hope you make a swift recovery.


            • Evening all, been a smashing day here and I spent most of it in my plot and planted out loads of onions . I'd have preferred to wait a while but my greenhouses and cold frames are overflowing.


              • Glad to hear the op is over Janie...just think about looking after yourself for a change
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Good Morning All It's frosty here. Have a good day All and take care Janie
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Morning, all. Chilly but the sun is shining through a tiny gap in the clouds, so it looks like it should feel warmer than it does.

                    Another day of too much work. Things should calm down tomorrow. If I don't say yes to anything else, that is.

                    Have a good day, everyone.


                    • Morning, Flo it was frosty here early on only 1.5c in my GH overnight glad my toms and cucs are still indoors.

                      All the best with your recovery Janie.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Mornings!

                        Bright here, sun trying to break through but we still have a nagging cold wind - tommies and peppers out in the greenhouse as it's just reached 10C in there
                        My job for the day is making holes in new Mypex for my shallots and onions. Might be doing that sitting down as I've still got twitchy legs after more acupuncture yesterday...

                        Have a good'un


                        • Morning All

                          A tad colder this morning but only down to 5�. Recovered 40 lengths of 100 x 25 x 1200 timber yesterday from some old pallets, will put them to use by making 10 1200 x 1200 edged beds for the new plot today.

                          Have fun all


                          • Mornin n'alln'all

                            Been up and around for a duty done for this morning...we have loads of sploshy stuff going on here so many of them wanted to stay indoors. Can't blame them

                            Indoor jobs today for me. Needing doing so just as well that it's wet out there

                            See ya later peeps...half way to weekend!
                            Last edited by Nicos; 10-04-2019, 09:58 AM.
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Good morning all,dry here,do you all agree,spring might have sprung at last,slowly sowing seeds,hopefully my mojo is creeping back up,after hiding in a bad place,getting MR out down the plot for short times is good,having to make myself notes on what to bring back from home,as everything was took home after i gave the big plot up,getting there is the main thing,Thelma ask the Physio,Janie so glad you being looked after,hope all goes good for you,take care of yourself,like i say,Bood2yrself,have a good day everyone,i got seeds to sow,and toms to prick outand another couple rows of toms to plant down the plot.
                              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                              • Morning all. Twas a beautiful day here yesterday so I got to go make a start on my gardening plans. Most of the garden is paved or gravelled but there are/were three large evergreen bush things that need to go so I made a start on hauling them out. As a result, today I can't move. I really must work on becoming fitter.

                                Probably just as well today is dull, I don't think I could do more than lift a seedling tbh.

                                Have a good one all. x


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