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  • Morning all. I think I might have a 'thing' (I hesitate to use the word bug but who knows).

    I've been trying to get bits done in the garden over the last few days but as soon as I get physically tired (which is usually quite soon these days ) my face goes red and burns and I feel as if I'm getting the flu. I start shivering and I have to go to bed. Next day I'm fine but tired. Then if I exert myself again it happens again. Very odd.

    So my garden is one step forward, one step back at the moment which is a shame as the sun has been out a lot more. I think I'm probably just feeling my age now. lol.

    Anyway, good news about the Indian burnie, sounds like you are recovering as hoped. I'm starving right now I could happily eat a curry for breakfast.

    Have a lovely day all. x


    • Morning (just), all.

      Bright here and surprisingly warm. But still very cold at night. Hard to know what to do. But Mr Snoop has volunteered to help me in the garden, which has cheered me up no end.

      All go here today. Mr Snoop out at a wine fair this morning, but I'm staying at home, keeping the dogs company. Will pick him up later, in time for lunch at a friend's. Meanwhile, more washing up and work for me. Might get some bread on the go too.

      Right, have a good day, everyone. Especially HH.


      • Morning all, I spent most of the day with my leg elevated and the redness is abating slowly it appears that covering myself up at night and getting too warm assists the bacteria in munching away at the sugar in my skin the infection figure has gone down from 24.8 to 8.7 so keep taking the tablets and review on the 24th but no blood test the day before so that's another 2-3 hours wait for the results to come back so I can write off the whole morning of the 24th to being in AEU. NO allotment today as standing and working on it will only aggravate it and I need to keep it clean can't afford to injury it again at the moment.

        All very frustrating, the good news is that I'm on new medication for my diabetes and I need to monitor my sugars as it can create lows and I have seen and improvement and reduction in my sugar levels already 9.0 - 2 hours after breakfast where as it was between 14.7 - 16.3 last week
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • Cadalot, I might be offering unwanted advice here (apologies in advance if so) but I watched an interesting documentary recently about diabetes and diet.

          Dr Jason Fung spoke about the effects of fasting on diabetes particularly and it was enlightening imo. What he spoke of made perfect sense to me.

          If you can get past some of the 'Americanised' type interviews, he's worth a Google and a listen to I think.

          It would appear that perhaps the usual medical advice might not be the best way to go.

          Anyway I hope you get past this frustrating time soon.


          • Hi Gardening Gal - I will check him out, I'm looking at Dr Michael Mosley and his 8 week blood sugar diet and the 5:7 diet and now I have the means to monitor will be seeing what different foods actually do too me and for me. I need life style changes and as I'm now the cook of the day( and can't really) I need to improve my cooking skills and what I actually cook up.
            . .......Man Vs Slug
            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
            Nutters Club Member


            • Good Morning All Four day week, lovely. Have a good day
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Morning All

                Much milder this morning...7� at the moment.

                Loads to do today before I am allowed out to play

                Have a happy Monday


                • Cadalot, that Dr Mosley diet is a winner if you can manage it. I really have to get back on it. I'm not diabetic but have other weight-related issues. I was losing a kilo a week and not feeling at all hungry. Then things got complicated back in the UK and it all just went out the window. If you can manage to keep more or less to the limits (I ate more than his recommended amount and didn't stick to the recipe plan), it works very well. Fundamentally, it's a very strict version of the kind of diet my mum was recommended 40 years or so ago: eat less and cut right back on the carbs (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and the like).

                  As for here. very bright and sunny at the moment. Paid work today and tomorrow and then I was going to take a few days off to garden. But... rain is forecast and large amounts thereof. Good in one respect, but I'll have to wait afterwards till the ground becomes workable. At the moment, the forecast is for 150 mm/litres per square metre. Could amount to next to nothing, of course. But sometimes, when a lot is forecast, we get twice as much and more.

                  So, on with the work show to see how much I can get out the way beforehand.

                  Have a good day, everyone.


                  • Morning we have sunshine so its a good day to be out and about.

                    Enjoy your day
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • Mornings!
                      Cadalot, that Dr Mosley diet is a winner if you can manage it.
                      His 16:8, where you have a 16-hour fasting period and eight-hour window for eating, works very well for me, as I've never been a breakfast person
                      Back to today, I've woken up to sunshine woohoo! Was cold overnight but should warm up quickly as we seem to have lost the cold wind of the last few days. So hopefully plotting this afternoon - fingers xd

                      Have a good'un


                      • Mornin n'alln'all
                        Beautiful sunshine here too..but a very nippy breeze.
                        Going to have a quiet day today -my back desperately needs a 'quiet pottering' sort of day.

                        My serious diet starts very soon too. Early May. Yet to decide the day, but I want to enjoy a guilt free Easter first.
                        We had a diabetic friend ( now moved back to the U.K.) but h� lost about 6 stone and was declared a non-diabetic and had to argue with his health insurance company that they would continue to pay for his diabetic monitoring, just incase he suddenly had a peak or too low sugar count so he could check it out just to be safe.
                        Yes Cad, it really is a life style change and you'll find friends and family just don't quite get it. It's not all about lettuce. I got stuck into piles of cooked veg (mostly home grown too!!!!) I need to eat a lot....but only of the naturally low calorie produce...non of the synthetically produced diet stuff
                        It's amazing how different herbs and spices can change a plate of veg.
                        I'm sure that diabetes must complicate dieting and you do need to keep under the wing of a diabetic dietitian - just to keep safe

                        Right...having said all that whilst munching a late breakfast of croissants I have stuff to do
                        See ya later peeps!
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Maybe we need a Vine dieters' thread/forum!


                          • Morning all , Snoops and a cooking for those that can't thread, Nicos - I can sympathise, I bought my own testing machine and test strips in order to find out exactly what was happening and then found out that on the medication I was on I should have been provided with one anyway to check sugar levels before going on long car journeys etc. When I was first diagnosed it was because I nearly fell asleep at the wheel, scared the **** out of me and the wife and kids. Thelma - with the drugs I'm on I need to eat regularly and take the drugs after breakfast, lunch and evening meal so no fasting for me, otherwise it could cause a low sugar spike which can be worse than a high spike.
                            . .......Man Vs Slug
                            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                            Nutters Club Member


                            • Good Morning All Have a good day
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Mornin Flon'all

                                Been keeping an eye on the news updates of the fire at Notre Dame in Paris. Very sad.

                                Ironing , deadheading daffs and weeding the driveway are on the agenda for today.
                                Must remember to post my son's birthday card too!

                                See ya later peeps -enjoy your day!
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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