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Chatback #17


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  • Good Morning All This is a much more civilised time than is usual for me of a weekday! Hot and sunny. Have a good day
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Hope you're enjoying the lie-ins, FF.

      Another hot, windy day forecast here. Not quite as hot and not quite as windy as yesterday. Plants took a proper battering yesterday. With any luck, another couple of days and we might be over the worst of the heat this summer. Amazingly, the lettuce are coping (outer leaves are useless, but still a decent heart) and the courgettes are losing leaves but enough left to keep going.

      Interesting to look at the difference between the climbing beans. No beans yet, but there are some with purple stems and very dark green leaves. I'm guessing they're the purple beans. They are not doing very well in this heat, but the others are looking OK. Shame about the purple ones, as the flowers are gorgeous. Small, but very dramatic colour. Only just started opening. Can't imagine we'll get many more as the plants are struggling.

      Anyway, busy day ahead. Better crack on. Have a good one, everyone.


      • Morning, it’s just flipping hot here, don’t think it will make 100 but it will be close
        Haven’t moved a muscle yet, this heat is killing me. Over weight and heat do not mix.
        We are going to a bbq this afternoon for our Daughters birthday
        I will be inside I’m sure.
        The garden is looking great, Hubby waters for England and we will be eating our first runners next week. Expect pics
        Keep well everyone, house chores will still be there tomorrow
        Nannys make memories


        • Too hot to work in, too hot to sit in, done in
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • That the bags tempted and the slabs in place I will seal the joints tomorrow, it took quite a bit of shovelling didn't realise two full bags held as much soil I have a couple of bins of composting material that I want to put into the bed so think I will have some soil left over so will need to give some thought into what I will do with it and dumping it is not an option, now I need to go for a shower as I have a bit of dirt sticking to me for some reason I wonder if I can get someone to wash my back
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Originally posted by rary View Post
              That the bags tempted D
              Goodness, Rary. I hadn't figured you for such a tease. Wind-up merchant, yes. But tease, no.


              • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                Goodness, Rary. I hadn't figured you for such a tease. Wind-up merchant, yes. But tease, no.
                It was an auto correct
                And what do you mean "Wind-up merchant, yes
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • Mornin n'alln'all
                  Yey!....light rain and goosebumps
                  A perfect way to start the day after a heatwave!
                  Got sooo many jobs I want to do outside now it's cooled down.
                  Got friends coming over for a meal this evening so will need to give the menu some thought.
                  Have a great day peeps...see ya later..kettle's on!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Originally posted by rary View Post
                    It was an auto correct
                    And what do you mean "Wind-up merchant, yes
                    I think that's "wind" as in flatulence, rary.

                    Happy Friday everyone. Spots of rain here but very muggy (that's another funny word!).
                    Have a good one, whatever you're doing, or not doing what you should be doing!


                    • No rain here. Temperatures due to drop into the low 30s today, which would be a relief. Still hot out there now, mind. And a thunderstorm but no rain to speak of (1 mm forecast). A fireman's nightmare: lightning bolts and everything tinder dry.

                      Getting through the work steadily so that I can play out in the garden later this week when it gets a bit cooler still. Just been looking ahead. In a few days, they're forecasting night-time temps of 12 and 13 �C. That'll be a shock to the plants. Wonder if they really mean 22 and 23 �C.

                      Anyway, on with day. Have a good one, everyone.


                      • We have been forecast 9C for Sunday night, so it's probably accurate Snoop.
                        My first reaction was 'Cor blimey, we have had frost at 4C'
                        Looks like it's survival of the fittest at the moment as far as the garden plants are concerned
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Hot again here but gloomy. Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Mornings, well, we made it through the hottest day
                            Cooled down a lot today, rain early doors sorted that out.
                            Came home last night to see the bean frame had collapsed
                            Hubby had joined everything up with heavy duty tape. The sun had melted that and the glue
                            He normally pop rivets it together, but for some reason didnt this year.
                            More repairs today
                            Bean picking today as well, happy Days
                            Have a great day folks
                            Nannys make memories


                            • Good morning all.
                              Another sunny day, 20degs but not a drop of rain.
                              My arms are getting longer from carrying the watering cans,
                              Off to the hairdressers this morning.
                              Have a good day all,

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Morning, hope you are all well! Phew hasn�t it been warm, a lot cooler today temperature wise but still feels sticky.
                                It�s been a while since I�ve checked in so off to catch up. Have a great day and see you later.


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