Originally posted by greenishfing
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The what makes you happy thread 2019
Not being able to see to the end of the garden.
Its OK, I don't need spocksavers! As the trees and shrubs come into leaf, they block the view and create "windows" and "archways" to a mystical garden that lies beyond.
I may have walked the paths before, countless times, but I still like to imagine that there's a secret garden, waiting to be discovered. Sometimes. I glimpse it..........
Really thrilled to watch 8 cows with their one week old babies being turned out into the field behind our house.
The mommies have clearly been indoors for a while...they were mooing excitedly, galavanting around the field, rodeoing and skitting about the place.
The calves on the other hand were quietly following their mommies around, quite bewildered
Just couldn't help grinning stupidly at their sheer joy. Fantastic!Last edited by Nicos; 20-04-2019, 09:00 PM."Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Easter...I love Easter, especially such a sunny , warm one like this!
Always good to stop and look around at nature and appreciate what there is.
So far today I have heard donkies braying, church bells, cows mooing, lambs bleating,buzzards calling, swallows flying overhead,an orange tipped butterfly and a yellow one of unknown name, blossom and fresh new green leaves slowly opening up, loads of bees on the rosemary flowers, a wren picking its way through a window box , and a host of birds calling....
And I was only sat outside for 10 minutes munching on my chocolate Easter egg...more to come no doubt!
....chocolate eggs as well as nature!
Last edited by Nicos; 21-04-2019, 01:03 PM."Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
A ladybird flew into my hair.
A tortoiseshell butterfly in the garden.
And of course the sunshine.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Unknown yellow butterfly - ?brimstone
Being gardener enough to substitute the seeds in my daughters fairy garden. What was included pansy (yes) forget me not (not the most child friendly) and..... ....zinnia (really, for that farty little pot with various bits and bobs as well). Good ole candytuft fairy mix to the rescue and some alpine dianthus.
Gorgeous sunshine again.
Being given a tray full of cowslips before someones gardener mows their heads off.
Holly blue butterflies actually landing in the garden.
Nice days out with the girls where they weren't as busy as expected.
Fertile eggs
Lots more.....Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 22-04-2019, 11:14 AM.
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