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The what makes you happy thread 2019


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  • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
    New grand designs is back on the TV
    I watched it. The cliff house build was a tad expensive for what it was I thought.

    Lovely view though.
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • I'm getting an approx 8foot extension on my beloved polytunnel when I get new cover. Its costing me but I cant wait to plant up the extra space. The cover is held together with sticky tape at the moment. Only thing worrying me is how much damage to existing plants in the tunnel will happen when they are working. I have new seeds planted and some enormous broccoli plants. And a ton of tomatoes still ripening.


      • I brought my very 1st oriental lily . 1/2 price in homeb@se. That�ll go into a big pot tomorrow ready to go into my new garden. And I�ll be planting the 10 tulip bulbs I got from a cheap supermarket around it as well.


        • The first of the season's 2020 seed catalogues hitting the mat. Gives me an all-over-body shimmy of happiness. *clutches pen and catalogue and hides in the bathroom*


          • Mixed flocks of swallows, swifts and bee eaters going up and down our valley almost constantly, hoovering up the flies that have emerged with the rains. A magnificent sight and surprising, as they tend to start migrating about now.

            The other day there was a flock of well over three dozen birds very high up that I thought were migrating. I could only identify the bee eaters from the calls, can't be sure about the others, but because the bee eaters regularly fly alongside the swallows, it was probably them.


            • Just got an email from nursery saying my calabrese and broccoli plants and autumn onion sets are en route.
              Happy and full of anticipation.


              • My sweet pepper makes me happy

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                • That due to unseasonal dry weather, I have 3 beds and one of 6 raised beds pretty much ready to plant... next year. I'm NEVER this clear and covered this time of year... In Sept I'm usually trying to rescue rotting tatties up to my knees in mud!


                  • Lots of things are making me happy!
                    The giving and receiving of mommy hugs.
                    Eating comfort foods ( a lot you don't realise are until you've not tasted them for a year or so!)
                    English beers!
                    This fabulous weather.
                    Stocking up on daffodil bulbs..both for me and my family (yup-I had a shopping trolley full)
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Nicos in the house.


                      • Am feeling better,
                        The car had a valet and pasted it's MOT yesterday,allowing me to just chill out and wait.
                        carpet fitting arranged,
                        and got a nice time span to finnish of the painting,plus get new tiles down on the front porch floor phew,pleased son and friend have done the heavy work for me,
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • This is making me happy today. Finally getting a proper return from my tomato plants. And very tasty they are too. No idea why this picture is upside down though
                          Click image for larger version

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                          Last edited by annie8; 20-09-2019, 04:06 PM.


                          • Another days successful skate fishing

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                            • Originally posted by 1Bee View Post
                              The first of the season's 2020 seed catalogues hitting the mat. Gives me an all-over-body shimmy of happiness. *clutches pen and catalogue and hides in the bathroom*
                              Building up the pile... hiding them from him indoors. Luckily the bathroom has a good lock!
                              The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


                              • It’s raining a tiny bit here,I opened the door to see if my cat wanted to go out & noticed a snail on the doorstep,don’t know where my cat went but I got the torch & started on a slug hunt,I noticed four leopard slugs following each other up the side of our house,maybe to mate because there’s no greenery there (I left those ones). I walked onto the lawn toward the bottom of the garden & I heard what I thought was my cat at first,then I thought it was a person hiding or something because I couldn’t see anything,then I saw a big hedgehog near my borage/runner beans so I’ve left any remaining snails & came indoors
                                Last edited by Jungle Jane; 23-09-2019, 09:13 PM.
                                Location : Essex


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