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The what makes you happy thread 2019


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  • #61
    Bob arrived home with a buzzard. Not the healthiest looking bird I've ever seen. Resembled a dead bird apart from the blinking. Think it was just very cold. Left it with a heat lamp & stone hot water bottle for an hour. Went back and it was looking a little better. Spent the next half hour digging worm for it ( they are part of there natural diet ). It was sat up properly by time we'd got the worm. Looks like it's going to make it. We've got some day old chicks defrosting for it as well. We'll let it go again in the same place when it's fit.


    • #62
      Everyone should have a few day old chicks in the freezer.
      Of course they should.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
        Bob arrived home with a buzzard. Not the healthiest looking bird I've ever seen. Resembled a dead bird apart from the blinking. Think it was just very cold. Left it with a heat lamp & stone hot water bottle for an hour. Went back and it was looking a little better. Spent the next half hour digging worm for it ( they are part of there natural diet ). It was sat up properly by time we'd got the worm. Looks like it's going to make it. We've got some day old chicks defrosting for it as well. We'll let it go again in the same place when it's fit.
        I was going to post my "Happy" about finding a Long Tailed Tit in the GH and seeing sparrows collecting nest material and spotting a robin flying out of an airbrick near the chimney where the Great tits nested last year - but SP's Buzzard makes my little happies insignificant.
        Hope its fully recovered now and thank you both for caring.


        • #64
          I'm happy I don't drive now. Some of the idiots driving now are so stupid.

          We had a little snow but no gritter but a little residual grit from day before. We are on a steep hill.

          A woman came over to our side to give way and couldn't move off uphill due to wheel spin, she actually inched down the road couple of feet after numerous attempts. After an hour she phoned for help. A man turned up, used gravity to reverse into a drive, did a 3 point and drove off.

          Later a scaffolders' lorry, male driver, had same problem and took best part of hour to get to top of road.

          My male next door neighbour came out 4 times and tried to drive off up the road each time. If he'd have gone down the road there's a turning which is level all the way to the main road--and he's done this before!

          I had the last laugh last year. Another neighbour with a nice sports Merc scoffed at my suggestion of fitting winter tyres. He parked up as he couldn't get into his drive. His empty car promptly slid back into a BMW.
          Loads of damage!

          Nearly went flying when stepped on pavement. Luckily I had some spikes which fit on my shoes. Hastily fitted them, perfect.
          Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


          • #65
            Simply being back in my own bed again pleases me!

            Having said that I've had some really good times with family and friends over the past couple of weeks
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #66
              That Nicos is back in the house.
              Last edited by Snoop Puss; 31-01-2019, 08:01 AM.


              • #67
                ^^^ awww..thank you! xx
                That made me grin

                I also am really happy because we managed to stop off at Stone Henge and Avebury on the way back to the ferry!
                Tis over 30 years since we last saw them and I love anything to do with prehistory
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #68
                  I love checking out who’s visiting the rspb bird feeder,today I’ve just seen a red squirrel,never see those on my feeders but there was a Robin & great tit round mine this morning,filling up with food we haven’t had much snow here so they’re quite lucky they can see ground in the borders where all the bugs live,but check out the live feeder on this link,it’s quite relaxing watching the birds
                  Location : Essex


                  • #69
                    ^The above link. Lovely.


                    • #70
                      Me again!

                      My seeds, seed pots and shallot sets have arrived. Pots and shallots are excellent. Plus, two unexpected free gifts, a climbing bean mix, which looks great, and lemon cucumbers, which Mr Snoop is less likely to like, not being a cuc fan.


                      • #71
                        Filled some cell trays with compost,and had MR plonk the onion sets in,160,i did the other 39,then had him down the garden for a couple off mins,to see what am up to and what my plans are,just gota keep trying things to motivate,spudz set to chit,new daliah tuber set to chit,i was most supprized at the garden beds,yesterday frozen concrete,today beautifull to work,that is just a test i done,hope tomoz is the same,then it's move the loganberry,this warmer sun is so good.
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • #72
                          What makes me happy.
                          Taking my grandson for a walk in his buggy.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • #73
                            And now the rhubarb crowns have landed too. Not as good as a grandson, but they'll do.


                            • #74
                              I think that my Mojo is coming back!
                              Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                                Bob arrived home with a buzzard. Not the healthiest looking bird I've ever seen. Resembled a dead bird apart from the blinking. Think it was just very cold. Left it with a heat lamp & stone hot water bottle for an hour. Went back and it was looking a little better. Spent the next half hour digging worm for it ( they are part of there natural diet ). It was sat up properly by time we'd got the worm. Looks like it's going to make it. We've got some day old chicks defrosting for it as well. We'll let it go again in the same place when it's fit.
                                How's he doing? Have you still got him?
                                ....just for future birds scrambled egg is brill feed. They usually love it! ( my brother used to keep an army of birds whe we were kids!)


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