You're young enough, Ms-T.
Thank you!
No 16 is P3 and the Lucky seeds are
Phlox drummondii "Brilliant"
Petunia multiflora
Potentilla Rupestris
Phacelia Campanularia
Petunia Pendula Mix
Phlomis lychnites
Penstemon "Miniature Bells"
Poppy "Pink Fizz"
Poppy "Applegreen"
Petunia Duo Mixed F1 hybrid
I wonder how many of these will germinate and whether I can identify the seedlings?

No 16 is P3 and the Lucky seeds are
Phlox drummondii "Brilliant"
Petunia multiflora
Potentilla Rupestris
Phacelia Campanularia
Petunia Pendula Mix
Phlomis lychnites
Penstemon "Miniature Bells"
Poppy "Pink Fizz"
Poppy "Applegreen"
Petunia Duo Mixed F1 hybrid
I wonder how many of these will germinate and whether I can identify the seedlings?
