As the first snows of this winter start, I thought I'd start the snow creation competition
same rules as before...
- has to be made by a Grape or a member of the family during this winter.
- snowman or anything made of snow ( remember this is a family forum!)
- no photos of children PLEASE without parental consent.
- as many entries as you wish!
- closing date 28 February 2019 10pm.
- winners will be chosen through a poll, and the prize will be a packet of French carrot seeds
good luck ....and have fun

same rules as before...
- has to be made by a Grape or a member of the family during this winter.
- snowman or anything made of snow ( remember this is a family forum!)
- no photos of children PLEASE without parental consent.
- as many entries as you wish!
- closing date 28 February 2019 10pm.
- winners will be chosen through a poll, and the prize will be a packet of French carrot seeds

good luck ....and have fun
