It�s that time of year again when you can hardly open your front door for all the seed catalogues that come through the letterbox every day.
What are peoples� thoughts On these? I never look at them, feel like I never signed up for them, and feel bad putting them unopened (once I�ve discarded the plastic wrapper!) into the recycling bin. I�m by no means an eco warrior, but isn�t it time we ditched the paper catalogue? Or at least had to �opt in� if we want to receive it?
What are peoples� thoughts On these? I never look at them, feel like I never signed up for them, and feel bad putting them unopened (once I�ve discarded the plastic wrapper!) into the recycling bin. I�m by no means an eco warrior, but isn�t it time we ditched the paper catalogue? Or at least had to �opt in� if we want to receive it?