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Smoking Ban


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  • Smoking Ban

    Any thoughts?
    Any of you given up?
    Scotland is reporting a 17% drop in heart attacks since their smoking ban (or maybe they've banned deepfried MarsBars too)

    We have to listen to increased noise from the pub on the corner, whose smokers now congregate on the pavement ... the landlord has kindly put up an outside speaker so they (and the whole street) can listen to Oasis at 11pm on a Sunday night ...

    but hopefully it will get cold soon, the smokers will stay home and the pub will close down, ha ha ha ha
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.

  • #2
    Thats the trouble TS. I wonder how long before they ban folks outside pubs because of the litter problem ?
    Never be afraid to try something new.
    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


    • #3
      I can't understand why they drop their butts on the floor - ashtrays are provided, for crikes sake. Terracotta flowerpots are even better cos they don't blow over. What's wrong with people?
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Yes I saw those figures this morning and I was truely amazed, to be honest the data seems too big to be believed. Maybe the very cool summer that we had also had an effect on heart attacks. I know one thing, going out for a drink is far more pleasurable in a smoke free bar.


        • #5
          A lot of bars seem to be putting up canopies outside so the smokers don't get sunburnt or wet!

          The bouncers in the toon are allowing drunks to go out for a smoke and then just not letting them back in............saves having to chuck em oot in the first place!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            I see people standing outside pubs smoking. It looks just awful. I think for the good of their own business they should provide an area at the back of their premises. And I feel sorry for people who live close by who now have the smoking pub goers standing about on the pavements.
            The 17% drop in heart attacks in that space of time ? I doubt it ! Think there must be something else at work there. Maybe some researcher lost his jotter (notebook) and a good few cases got left out of the figures.

            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


            • #7
              Here in Ireland every pub now has some kind of an outdoor facility for the smokers. It cannot be enclosed as it then will be looked on as an adjoining room on to the pub.

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • #8
                TwoSheds, You could be right because now that pubs no longer smell of smoke there are complaints about the smell of stale beer and B.O..... To solve this problem there's a plan currently under consideration to ban beer and people...



                • #9
                  Are there any figures for increased violence in city centres? - now we have lots of inebriated folk conjugating outside bars. I don't think it is very attractive smoking in the street but no doubt the whole al fresco fag experiance will be less pleasant in January.

                  However revolting and ridiculous smoking may be; there's still rebellious part of me that just wants to start again. I object to premises not being entitled to choose if they wish to provide a smoking room. I object to the hypocracy of the government continuing to take a handsome profit from drug dealing while preaching about health risks and introducing this ban. If one argues that it financially supports the NHS, well, apart from the fact that they wont even treat you if your fat now -let alone a smoker; It is in NHS' interest for you to pay more and die younger. I am told that a heart attack is probably the best way to go.

                  Most of all, I object to the nanny state and the recent unopposed erosion of our liberties. Where did all the anachists go? Prohibition is an American import, like tobacco, and George W's middle east policy; I don't much care for any of them. I have heard there is a proposal to increase the cost of alcohol for our own good...and then next step no drinking pubs? "after all its just as bad for our health and society."

                  Mankind has medicined itself since Adam ate the first fermenting apple. Banning everything is as ridiculous and ineffectual as accepting that sticking a tenner on the price of a flight is saving the planet. Is free choice no longer a worthy cause?


                  • #10
                    Its not only pubs where people are congregating... shops (esp. supermarkets) too.

                    I hate walking past the entrance with a whiff of smoke!

                    One supermarket has a purpose made shelter just outside the main entrance!!

                    I'm all for 'free country' etc. but do smokers realise that even outside the smoke doesn't just disappear?

                    I'm yet to frequent a pub to see if its any better (cheaper to buy it and bring it home).

                    As for statistics on news - can they really tell this soon that there has been less heart attacks? Or has the summer mellowed people so their blood pressure has lowered anyway

                    I just can't wait to move out of town... hurry up kids, grow up!
                    Jan A novice gardener - first year of growing


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Paulottie View Post
                      I object to the hypocracy of the government continuing to take a handsome profit from drug dealing while preaching about health risks and introducing this ban. If one argues that it financially supports the NHS, well, apart from the fact that they wont even treat you if your fat now -let alone a smoker; It is in NHS' interest for you to pay more and die younger. I am told that a heart attack is probably the best way to go.Is free choice no longer a worthy cause?
                        1. Dying of a heart attack may be the quick bit; unfortunately you have to live with years of deteriorating health before that happens. Its just not true that smokers are as healthy as the rest of us, same as the obese are not
                        2. People may have free choice, but they aren't very good at making good choices: chips or an apple? We seem to be unable to think longterm, preferring to always go for short-term satisfaction over long-term good health. I like smoke-free pubs: I go in them a couple of times a week now, never did before the ban. We also eat more in pubs because we can taste our food instead of ashtrays
                        3. We have to have laws, or else the shops would all be looted. We now need health laws because people are not making good choices. We are all exercising less and eating any fat people actually enjoy being fat, do you think? And many smokers really want to quit, but are unwilling/unable to do it off their own bat.
                        4. We always like to blame someone else for our problems - often "them", or "the government"
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #12

                        1. Am I going to be denied butter as well? What right have authorities to follow a policy that discriminates and judges your suitability to be treated by a service to which you have paid lifelong subscriptions

                        2. Free choice does not require anyones, blessing and agreement. I like to choose smoke free pubs too, ours was long before the ban. I still like to CHOOSE for myself as much as I enjoyed and respected the landlord's freedom to decide for himself.

                        3. I didn't advocate looting, just the freedom to make my own mistakes or choose my own poison in the company of like minded people. Smokers could have their own, preferably well extracted places, where you or I might choose not to go.

                        4. I'm not sure I can blame the Yanks for obesity, junk food or idleness but because I chose not to vote for this government does not preclude me from exercising my one remaining tenuous right, that of free speech. Frankly that sort of 'my farts don't smell' comment irritates me more than cigarette smoke. I have not sort to blame anybody for my addictions. ( and I'm not complacent enough to think I'm not more a smoker who is not smoking at the moment) My point is just the government continue to allow their sale for financial reasons. I think that is running with the fox and the hounds...Oh sorry, that's been banned too.


                        • #13
                          The United Kingdom has had, since 1997, a government with a badly jerking knee. This has manifested itself in a passion for banning things - some things because it's what the majority or the loudest minority seem to want (and you have to honour a manifesto pledge); others both in direct contradiction of a manifesto pledge and clearly against the will of the people (the government must give leadership). Truly a government of contradictions - a land where, rightly or wrongly, the annual Gay Pride events are encouraged, but a man is arrested a number of time for walking the length of the land in an unclothed state.

                          And now there is Wee Gordy ...


                          • #14
                            Come, come lads!

                            I have to say I've never smoked, and I like to eat in clean air. I don't want to take away anyone's right to smoke - they can do it outside or at home. However, I don't think they should take away my right to breathe clean air - especially since it is proven to be harmful to me as well as him/her.

                            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                   Updated March 9th - Spring


                            • #15
                              I've noticed how many more people smoke walking up the road.

                              My hairdresser says that her daughter has noticed how sweaty our local nightclub is now it is smoke free - I bet sales of Lynx have gone through the roof!


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