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Smoking Ban


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  • #16
    So if the nicotine doesn't get you, the aluminium will?


    • #17
      As a smoker I'm been interested to read all the different opinions, although it does seem that smokers do nothing but stand outside pubs!

      The smoking ban is a difficult one, I, of course, know the health risks, but do resent the dictatorial Big Brother aspect of the ban and here I am still contributing large daily amounts of cash to the government, haven't seen them considering stopping their dibs on tobacco.

      Why was it not thought possible to give pubs, restaurants etc the choice to remain smoking or not? I rarely went to pubs anyway and now wouldn't fancy standing around outside most of the evening so don't go to them at all now.

      Most of all, I feel angry that drinking in the street hasn't been considered. I know people find cigarette smoking offensive and I understand that, try not to do it around other people etc but I find it very offensive to see people necking back beer etc on the street, reeling around and generally behaving badly. Nothing done about that. Nothing done about people eating greasy fast food on public transport or on the street, the smell of which makes me want to throw up.
      Stupidly the legislation makes me even more stubborn about giving up but I suppose it was easy to target the smokers.



      • #18
        Originally posted by scared55 View Post
        So if the nicotine doesn't get you, the aluminium will?

        My Grandmother, who died some years ago of lung cancer, always told me it was bad manners to eat,drink or smoke in the street. No doubt times were different then, but I still find it unattractive. I don't really want my children to see it either. The butts all over the street and folk loitering in hazy doorways -yuk. No doubt it must be difficult to enjoy an al fresco meal without sitting amongst everybody who is now not in the pub smoking. I believe the businesses should be contained within their premises. Those establishments who have outside tables, well that's fine, but just hanging around the entrance is horrid.

        I do hope this encourages people to quit but I still maintain this legislation is ridiculous, why, while tobacco is still legal, should a premisis not be allowed to provide a separate, well extracted, room for those who wish to smoke? consideration to all parties. I don't think a dining room is an appropriate place to smoke but in adult rooms for the purpose...why not?


        • #19
          each to their own I say! we all have opinions and I respect them. some good points raised by every1 who has contributed to this thread. I have read them and fully take on board what has been said, but, as I say, each to their own! we could all argue the toss about smoking, drinking, obesity, crime, world poverty etc etc etc and everything else (that we as a person consider right or wrong) in the world today, but I think we just have to learn to accept and deal with the world as it is today and which we live in.


          • #20
            I am sick of the Nanny State telling us all what we can or can't do. Whatever happened to common courtesy where if you wanted a cigarette you asked the people near to you if they minded? If they said yes they did, then you waited or went elsewhere. I am a smoker, but would never (even before the ban) light up without asking if anyone objected (apart from when I used to play darts and 90% of the people in the pub smoked). I wonder how the small local pubs which relied on darts and pool teams to survive are doing now? It's OK for the larger pubs which serve food ( and I do agree there should be separate smoking areas) I am a smoker but I don't like to eat and breathe other people's smoke at the same time. Used to be good when you had your meal in the restaurant area (non smoking) and then went through to a lounge or sitting area for your after dinner coffee/brandy/cigarette/cigar.


            • #21
              So am I right in believing that as long as you aren't ugly,thick,fat,a smoker,a drinker,don't use butter,don't stand in pub doorways or outside supermarkets,don't use deodorant,or worry about world crime and poverty,aren't a Yank,don't have a heart attack and don't get on an aeroplane, everything should be hunky-dory then?
              My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
              to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

              Diversify & prosper


              • #22
                Yep Snadger - you'll live forever. (Or at least, it'll seem like it!)
                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

       Updated March 9th - Spring


                • #23
                  As an ex-smoker, like several here, married to a non-smoking teetotaler....

                  Pubs and clubs are nicer without the smoke but I find that just tossing the poor punters out into the dark and the rain to be less than helpful - these pubs and clubs are supposed to have made some sort of reasonable provision for their smoking members - a loud speaker and a flowerpot seem less than reasonable!

                  Has you pub applied to extend its licence to include the curb TS? If not it may be in breech. Won't help the smokers, who will no doubt all catch pneumonia and need expensive health care from the sacred cow called the NHS but hey!

                  If the government would actually spend the money they collect as National Insurance on the NHS it might just be able to pay a nurse or three!

                  Just like if they spent the road tax on the roads......

                  It's all very well blaming the current incumbents - but are the others any better? I think not! They all seem to be as bad as each other!

                  Here's a radical plan.....

                  Axe all the current taxes - and I do mean ALL - VAT, petrol, the works.....

                  Put a flat rate income tax of 15% on all earnings - no more......

                  But introduce a health insurance on three levels, as chosen by the contributor. Make basic, comprehensive care an affordable 5% of earnings - this would be the equivalent of current standard NHS as at today - and add levels which give a few perks, such as private room - same health care - silver - 10%. As before but with a dedicated nurse - gold - 15%.

                  Yes, those who earn more, get more - but they pay for it. Not those who only want basic, but end up subsidising an illegal immigrants third cesarean op!

                  Any civil servant (my family included!) who think the job is about being overpaid while nurses and teachers starve gets sacked!

                  Pare down the ridiculous layers of management in hospitals and so on and put the wards back in Sisters care - they were kept properly clean then, they would be again.

                  Give nurses and teachers the wages they deserve - they deserve a heck of a lot more than they get (no, I'm not either!).

                  OK, that lot should fuel debate!

                  Start nitpicking!
                  The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                  • #24

                    (only not like Wee Gordy who is doing both badly at the mo)



                    • #25
                      Personally I'm dead happy about the smoking ban as I'm fed up with coming home smelling like an ash tray when I go out - it's saving me a fortune in washing powder and shampoo!

                      Regarding the civil liberty arguement, it is different to some issues as it's not just you you're harming, it's all those around you, including kids. However, heard a great quote the other day, in that the government didn't feel that they could ban the old fashioned type light bulbs but felt that it was perfectly acceptable to put troops into Iraq. Says quite a lot.

                      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                      • #26
                        As a non smoker I object to inhaling second hand smoke from people who want to kill themselves.

                        If they want to kill themselves, good for them. But don't try to kill me.

                        All talk of loss of freedom on this is of course sheer hypocrisy. If alcohol drinkers insisted everyone else had to drink the slops from the beer barrels, we'd all complain. The principle is the same.

                        As far as I am concerned, smokers can do whatever they like as long as it affects their own health and no-one else's.

                        I hope they don't get ill but chances are they will. Painfully. And deliberately do not give up because they have hooked themselves on a drug. And then they expect my taxes to be spent on the NHS trying to put right the ills they have caused themselves by their own abuse of their bodies. Cos usually when they become ill, they are too ill to work.

                        I don't begrudge my taxes.. but I do begrudge them trying to kill me. So banning smoking ? Hurrah.

                        "WHAT DOES the pus you squeeze out of a Camels anal glands after it has walked across Iraq smell like?
                        Last edited by Madasafish; 13-09-2007, 08:20 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Flummery View Post
                          Yep Snadger - you'll live forever. (Or at least, it'll seem like it!)
                          Or at least a bus comes along and runs you over (in spite of you taking the utmost care regarding lifestyle there is always the possibility of an unpredicted accident or illness)


                          • #28
                            Sorry Alison, I hope it wasn't my tongue in cheek election campain that sparked all the 'deep and meaningful' commentries.

                            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                            • #29
                              Don't worry Terry, I'm fine with tongue in cheek, especially when aimed at "officials", just thought that the thread was moving beyond that and it was making me feel very uncomfortable. Thought maybe it was time to get back to the original discussion.

                              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                              Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                              • #30
                                Now peepsters, please keep this thread somewhere(ish) along the lines of its title.

                                May I also remind people that although everybody is entitled to their opinion, this forum is not the place to air any that may be construde as racist, sexist or homophobic, so please keep those under your hat or suffer the consequences with a darned good thrashing.

                                Some posts that were some or all of the above have been cropped out as even to my thick skin they were getting a tad offensive.

                                Now, where were we, oh yes the smoking ban, please continue.
                                Last edited by pigletwillie; 17-09-2007, 10:15 AM.


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