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  • #16
    This is my entire veg plot (taken May 2018).

    It is 15' x 4'. the bottom 3 feet (top of pic) is autumn raspberries, the top 3 feet (right of pic)is a dalek, spare bee boxes, a big tub of mint, and a one foot wide brick path so I can reach both easily. There are herbs along the path edge, and next to the rasps - to their right in the pic, is a climbing rose. So count me in, my grow space is already small and any tips to get more from it will be very welcome.

    Click image for larger version

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    Oh, and so far, the sun is only making it halfway down the fence behind the raspberries at midday - it won't touch down on the soil till the end of the month, then another month before it creeps up the garden and starts to warm the soil.
    Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
    Endless wonder.


    • #17
      Splendid plan. And I have a one of those blue trays .

      Like the baby beetroot and turnip idea too


      • #18
        A couple of photos -

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        These plants, note the size of the Chard, are growing in old compost that is 2"-3" deep on a paved base. I'm amazed by the Chard - its a monster.

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        This is what made me realise that I could grow the same stuff outside in shallow trays in summer, when the GH space will be needed for toms and cues.

        This is where I'm going to put the trays -

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        • #19
          I like the idea VC.
          I dont have a big garden so this would suit me.
          I have a raised bed that runs down the side of my garden.
          My greenhouse and 4 half barrels all for veg.
          The other borders are for my sweetpeas, dahlias and polyanthus in the winter.
          Several window boxes and pots also for summer bedding plants and lily's.
          Looking forward to trying this.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • #20
            Good question VC.
            I suppose in my little world it comes down to sustainability. The more space I had the more of everything I’d need. Time, water, bug defences, patience etc. I think most people would want to fill any space which is what I used to do. I eventually realised that for me it was too much.
            I’m happish with what I have now even though I have nothing to store except toms in the freezer.
            I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

            Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


            • #21
              I love that long table and it's location to your greenhouse. I maybe stealing that idea for a future veggie garden layout .
              Those trays are doing great. As soon as it stops hissing down ( some time next week I think ) I'll go find mine and join you.
              That chard is doing very well . How longs he been growing?
              I'm very impressed with my perpetual spinach, I'm still harvesting it ( I know it's perpetual but I didn't think it would survive frost & snow ). It's in a normal raised bed but seeing your chard....... I wonder?


              • #22
                That's my "potting up table"! Made from a metal window frame, cut in half (to make the long sides with a leg at the ends, joined together with some more bits of frame, rivetted together.
                The top is pieces of GH base, bought from BQ when they were selling off the GHs cheaply. I bought lots as I knew they'd come in useful somehow. They've also been used to make the edges to the beds in the GH.
                The chard, and all the veg in the GH is either self seeded or old packets emptied out there last year. The lettuce and those frilly leaves are self seeded. Not sure about the chard.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                  You're so easily tempted, SP!!
                  At the moment, I'm thinking of these trays that some shops have mushrooms/spring onions in - and throw away afterwards

                  They're like mini raised beds or Square foot beds. I've been experimenting with a few. Lining them with cardboard, filling with compost, and sowing into them. At the moment they're in the GH but come the better weather, they're going outside on a makeshift table.
                  These trays are stackable, so, when first sown, they can be stacked until there's germination, when they can be moved out.

                  Still working up a list of what could be grown in them - obviously not long roots but round carrots and beetroot/baby turnips should be OK. I've found some deeper trays too at my local shop so they may suit normal carrots.
                  Year before were radishes and salad greens, this year I successfully grew chervil, wild rocket and onions from sets in those crates. The photos are some of the messy leftovers over winter, weeds and all. Chamomile self seeded in one. I put the sticks over them to keep a neighbourhood cat away.

                  Salad leaves didn't work out as decimated by slugs, the radishes were small but prolific. Rocket was great first year but I think birds got to them second year, chervil leaves were small and plants were 'dwarf', but nice yield considering. The onions were excellent. I tied up a long string of sweet mini onions over the cupboard and still a few in the crates post winter. About 1.5-2.5 inches, on the small for red baron but tasty so big success for me.

                  We have two 1/4 plots now but I'll still use the crates as plots are a bit away.
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    OMG those pics look worse than expected. Loving the huge dandelions in that one


                    • #25
                      I saw some similar crates to these in the b and q Clearance section...
                      I will not buy anymore stuff this year for the garden.
                      I will not buy anymore stuff this year for the garden
                      I will not buy anymore stuff this year for the garden...
                      (Sits on hands!)
                      Haha I even cut out a lot of what I’d written on that post VC I knew I was rambling on!!
                      Last edited by Chrissyteacup; 10-03-2019, 11:00 PM. Reason: Typo


                      • #26
                        Don't buy them!! Lidl sell spring onions in them and if you ask they can usually find some. My local corner shop has them too for mushrooms and will give them away - so ask at yours.
                        Promise me you won't buy them - spend your money on seeds instead.


                        • #27
                          Ohhhhhnow that’s a different matter altogether... need to figure out where to put them!! Not sure I’ll be joining in!


                          • #28
                            One big advantage is they're easily movable. So you can move them out of the way or into the sun or wherever takes your fancy.


                            • #29
                              Think I will use these mushroom trays. They're a bit small and a bit deeper than the blue ones, but I have more of these. I only have one blue tray. That ones already got a full time job

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                              • #30
                                If I'm honest I seem to feel overwhelmed if I have a lot to do/look after. I think too many years of being 'it' have taken their toll and I'm much happier pottering about tending smaller scale or at least simpler. I have to keep reminding myself of this though as I still have a tendency to make big plans in my head.

                                Or as my Granny would say, yer heid is fu' o wee shops but they're a' closed.

                                Probably best if they stay closed too.

                                I'm liking this crate idea but I can never find anywhere that chucks things like that out, they all go back to the supplier round these parts.


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