I have to do battle with the Leylandi hedge at the back of my garden.
6 to 8 devil trees that need sorting every year.
Last year we payed �100 to get them trimmed and the rubbish removed.
So I bought an electric chain saw to do it myself.
It's and evil beast and it frightens me, it could easily lop of a hand before you could say Jack Robinson.
My gardening gloves are cloth on the back so I tried using them back to front if you see what I mean. Leather on the back, but it was uncomfortable.
Is the a specific chainsaw glove?
6 to 8 devil trees that need sorting every year.
Last year we payed �100 to get them trimmed and the rubbish removed.
So I bought an electric chain saw to do it myself.
It's and evil beast and it frightens me, it could easily lop of a hand before you could say Jack Robinson.
My gardening gloves are cloth on the back so I tried using them back to front if you see what I mean. Leather on the back, but it was uncomfortable.
Is the a specific chainsaw glove?