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Furry Grapes


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  • Furry Grapes

    Whilst watching it rain again I had a brilliant (where�s our Lumpy and who are you I hear you all ask) thought.

    Furry Grapes or Vine Members Furry Friends.

    We all remember VC�s tail of Bessie who moved in with the daft chicken bringing with her far more than was expected.

    I�ll start the ball rolling 🐾🐾🐾

    This is Maggie the Sag.

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    We�ve had her about a year. We went to the local rescue kennels after Marcus a 6 year old Staffie who looked very cute in his sunglasses.

    Then my mistake (or not) happened. I told Jo that we had spent years fostering real oldies or end of life care. That did it.
    Jo appeared with 2 Staffies. Mum and daughter. They�d been in rescue for a year. I imagine their ages put people off.

    Maggie was about 10-11 and her Mum Pip the Plop

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    was supposed to be 13.

    So much for Marcus. We had them instead. Our vet took one look at Pip and laughed when I said 13. She said closer to 30. Pip had terrible arthritis and died in my arms of liver and kidney failure 4 months after we got her.

    Maggie not too well after a Mast cell tumour was removed from her mouth.

    I love all animals but dogs completely rock my boat.
    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

    Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.

  • #2
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    This here is Baxter with his favouritest thing in the whole wide world. Okay, third-favouritest...

    Baxter is an idiot, but he's our idiot and we love him in spite of his idiotic ways.

    He's over 11 years old and has been with my husband for over 10 of them as a rescue. When I first met him (7ish years ago), he was a funny dog who was terrified of children, old ladies with walking sticks, other dogs, combs and brushes, hoovers, and anyone touching him while he was sleeping.

    I spent a lot of time with him, and now he's still afraid of children and hates other dogs, but he will reluctantly let old ladies pet him. He will even let kids throw sticks and balls for him as long as they don't try to touch him.

    After growling a LOT at me when I tried to comb his fur, he realised it was a waste of time. First, he just sat there looking defeated. Then, he realised he kinda likes it. Now, he sleeps while I brush and comb him.

    He still wakes up when hubby touches him, but in the evenings you will find him sleeping on the sofa with his head on my foot and my knees resting on his hips. I can also stroke him without getting him to jerk his head up in panic.

    The hoover was a challenge but we have reached a stage where he will lie in its path and not move, which does not help when I want to hoover the spot he is lying in. He will also allow me to hoover him sometimes.

    Recently, we've started practicing not being scared of the scissors. He's got unnaturally furry paws and the fur tends to matt up inside. Yesterday was a major victory when I managed to snip out the matted bits inside his hind paws. He was very happy and excited when the crazy woman (me) put the scissors away and praised him!

    Next goal is the matted bit under his left ear, which is going to be difficult. You see, he has discovered that if he lies down on his side with his ear pressed on tot the ground (or sofa), the crazy woman can't get to it!


    • #3
      VC you think the newbies need to here Bessies Tail?
      I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

      Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


      • #4
        It goes "Wag, wag, wag, wag".

        You can tell it, if you like, with a Lumpy spin.

        If anyone wants the full story, as it happened, make yourself comfy and a cuppa..............

        Most of the photos have disappeared - but I reposted a few at
        Last edited by veggiechicken; 14-06-2019, 09:41 AM.


        • #5
          Sooo liking this thread Lumpy. Lots of us have animals round our feet in the garden, it's nice to involve them on the vine.

          My mutt is nearly 12, he's a fox red lab and we've had him since he was a puppy. I actually got professional advice about him when he was small (as he wasn't responding as I felt he should), from a well known dog behaviourist. He suggested the dog may have autistic tendencies. That didn't surprise me in the least as a number of our family are on the spectrum somewhere so why the heck not the dog as well?! As time went on he grew into the most loyal sidekick anyone could have. He's not fussed about playing with other dogs and he doesn't like it when people approach him, he gets very scared but he loves the bones off 'his humans' and still acts like an idiot puppy sometimes with them.

          He hasn't had it great health wise, he suffered from various conditions when he was young and he now has Megaesophagus and Larangeal Paralysis. Either of these can kill him sadly. He has to be spoon fed in a 'doggy highchair'. If he didn't, he would simply starve to death. His esophagus isn't working properly and can't push the food down into the stomach as would happen normally so he has to be upright when eating so gravity helps the food 'fall' into the stomach. He is always at risk of aspiration pneumonia as it's very easy for the food to come back up and to be inhaled into the lungs. This isn't the same thing as vomiting, it's simply the food sliding back out the way it came as the esophagus isn't able to stop it. This tends to be worse at night as he's lying down more. He's had several bouts of this but as I sleep with him I'm very much in touch with his sounds/breathing/normal or abnormal behaviour 24/7 and so far it's always been caught really quickly.

          His hind end is weak now, mostly due to the Larangeal Paralysis and he can't walk too far without panting. He's lost a lot of weight and muscle tone. There is an operation to help keep the airway open but it's not recommended for dogs with Megaesophagus as it increases their risk of aspirating. So we're pretty much in management mode now. The vet is still always amazed at how happy and waggy he seems despite having such serious conditions.

          So, that's my boy and I wouldn't change him for the world. He's a sensitive and kind softie and all it take to make him happy is a soft bed placed beside his human(s). I know we're on borrowed time a little but until that time comes, he's such an important part of my world and I struggle to imagine life without him.

          Oh my, that was all a bit serious, sorry.

          This is the 'ok I've been fed, let me out of here' stare.

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          • #6
            Maybe the patience learned through growing helps with our furries who sometimes come with or are born with problems.

            I salute you all.

            Now, VC and a synopsis of Bessie’s Tail (I really recommend reading the whole thread).

            Chicken goes to rescue centre.
            Chicken spots Bessie the cutest dog in the world.
            Chicken takes Bessie home so she can be company for Mary.
            Chicken thinks she’s over feeding.
            Bessie’s girth is expanding.
            Chicken starts to think and asks Vine..............
            I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

            Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


            • #7
              Very good, Lumpy.
              I'm enjoying this story. What happened next?


              • #8
                Sorry you daft duck but it’s better explained on the thread VC put in earlier.

                Let’s just say it was far more traumatic, exciting and unexpected than anyone of us thought.

                Now come on Grapes post your furry friends (please keep this to within family acceptability)
                I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                • #9
                  This Headline is on the BBC news page - I thought it was you, Lumpy!!

                  500 Words: Chicken tale tops pecking order at writing competition


                  • #10
                    I�ve been waiting for the perfect photo before introducing my two.
                    I don�t think any words are needed

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