The wife has this idea that pubs are for socializing and chit chat.
My idea is that pubs are for drinking and there is far too much chit chat.
To this end I am producing a short list of permitted phrases.
The current initial list is as follows, please feel free to add any critical omisions.
1) Could I have XXX please. Where XXX is any viable item sold by the pub, for example
A pint of beer
A whisky
A bag of crisps
A bag of nuts
A pork pie
Banned items would be a cup of tea or coffee.
2) Where's the gents.
4) My legs have mysteriously malfunctioned, please book me a taxi!
List on going
My idea is that pubs are for drinking and there is far too much chit chat.
To this end I am producing a short list of permitted phrases.
The current initial list is as follows, please feel free to add any critical omisions.
1) Could I have XXX please. Where XXX is any viable item sold by the pub, for example
A pint of beer
A whisky
A bag of crisps
A bag of nuts
A pork pie
Banned items would be a cup of tea or coffee.
2) Where's the gents.
4) My legs have mysteriously malfunctioned, please book me a taxi!
List on going