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Mushrooms again - any mycologists about ?


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  • Mushrooms again - any mycologists about ?

    Why did the mushroom get invited to all the parties? .. ... because he's a funghi... ..

    .. Anyway.., I was out hiking on Saturday in Oxfordshire and came across some funghi.

    I'm curious to know what species they are ..
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  • #2
    We stay away from identifying fungi here as there's always someone who wants to eat them - and its too risky. Its not just a case of saying its a red one therefore it must be a ????? You need spore prints and knowledge of the location where they grow.
    I suggest you try a good online site and a local person.
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 19-08-2019, 09:36 PM.


    • #3
      I fully agree with VC, not a subject to be dabbled with. They look like they may be from the Russula family, of which there are about 200 variants that grow in the UK, one of which is the Beechwood Sickener .... the clue is in the name.
      Location ... Nottingham


      • #4
        I love finding fungi when out walking in the countryside. My OH bought me an identification book for my birthday. Took it out on a walk, found a toadstool. Book out....impossible! The one variety looks like x when it's young, y when it's a bit older, z when it's fruiting. Beats me how anyone can identify anything with any certainty.

        Now I just look at them and admire them for their beauty, never mind the name.
        Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


        • #5
          There’s lots of dedicated sites on fb for identifying fungi. You would start finding a lot around now, it’s the start of the season for them.
          I’m in complete agreement with the others I stay well clear. It’s not worth the risk making amateurish guesses as so many look alike. Even the experienced struggle to ID some of them.
          I’m not a shroom fan, Even the ones that won’t kill me I’m highly allergic to.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Babru View Post
            I love finding fungi when out walking in the countryside. My OH bought me an identification book for my birthday. Took it out on a walk, found a toadstool. Book out....impossible! The one variety looks like x when it's young, y when it's a bit older, z when it's fruiting. Beats me how anyone can identify anything with any certainty.

            Now I just look at them and admire them for their beauty, never mind the name.
            Which book you got? Other half has mushrooms by roger phillips. The go to book apparently. I couldn�t care less what�s what as I can�t eat any anyway, but they are very pretty things to photograph


            • #7
              Got rid of it when we moved house - I couldn't use it anyway! To charity shop of course.....
              Last edited by Babru; 20-08-2019, 07:41 AM.
              Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


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