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Vaguely gardening related Challenge for VC and anyone else!


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  • #16

    Depending where you read, vegetarians were allowed 1 extra egg and 3-5oz extra cheese per week.
    There’s a mention of extra nuts too, but nowhere seems to quantify those.


    • #17
      I am liking this thread and watching with interest. All of us meat eaters would benefit from dropping the amount down to ration portions, saving � too. Buying (growing) seasonal UK produced food over imports might restrict choices over the year, but who really enjoys the flavour of strawberries imported from who know where in January?
      That said I would like to point out not much coffee and tea grown in the UK so you may struggle a bit with that. But plenty of British wine available VC so "Don't Panic"

      Questions? Will you start growing all the spices you need for a good curry; make your own pasta from local flour and give up rice?... Sorry deviated from the war time rationing
      The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


      • #18
        I'm not aiming for self-sufficiency, Vp, just using whatever I grow, eating local seasonal produce and cutting back on fats and sugar.
        I don't drink tea and coffee is black, instant and unsweetened - and I'm not giving that up or changing to Camp coffee. Nor am I giving up wine and moving to beer.
        As for pasta and rice - we'll see. This may only last a few days............


        • #19
          I deviated into the challenges of "Eating British" and away from rationing. Sorry.
          Who knows, here in the UK we only produce a fraction of our own food and next month if the Jolly Bodger gets his way we may see rationing again! < running franticly away from the keyboard before foot enters mouth...>
          The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


          • #20
            We do try not to waste any of our produce and give lots away to our extended family. The reason we generally over produce however is because of my husband's hoarding mentality which stems from rationing and wartime shortages.
            Also the reason we have 4 freezers.(for 2 of us.)
            Last edited by greenishfing; 12-10-2019, 09:34 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              I don't drink tea and coffee is black, instant and unsweetened - and I'm not giving that up or changing to Camp coffee. Nor am I giving up wine and moving to beer.
              As for pasta and rice - we'll see. This may only last a few days............
              I do drink tea black and unsweetend but do add milk to my coffee, but need to ask VC, what is Camp coffee
              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


              • #22
                Camp coffee is from Scotland and has been around for many years - almost as long as you have, rary. In fact, you could be the chap in the kilt on the label!!

                Last edited by veggiechicken; 12-10-2019, 08:00 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Vegi potager View Post
                  I am liking this thread and watching with interest. All of us meat eaters would benefit from dropping the amount down to ration portions, saving � too. Buying (growing) seasonal UK produced food over imports might restrict choices over the year, but who really enjoys the flavour of strawberries imported from who know where in January? )
                  I have only been growing my own for a few years, but home grown goosegogs and raspberries are a world away from the flavour of imported out of season supermarket soft fruit! Yes, eating locally grown produce does restrict choices at certain times of year, but that first strawberry of the season tastes sooo much better when you’ve waited 9-10 months for it :-)


                  • #24
                    I refuse to buy tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries and courgettes as I'd rather wait for the gluts I know will come. I'm already looking forward to next June and the first strawberries. (still picking toms, raspberries and courgettes but they won't last much longer!).


                    • #25
                      Cloches versus Hitler

                      I've watched a couple of episodes of the Wartime Kitchen and Garden now and although it is interesting there's a bit too much kitchen and not enough garden for me. At the start of Ep.2 up pops this book titled Cloches versus Hitler, nearly spurted my coffee, genius title.


                      • #26
                        My dad was a child during the war and his recollections were that the food was horribly boring so we shouldn’t get too misty eyed or nostalgic.
                        My take on it is to try to grow and eat as much fresh food as possible and avoid processed foods. I’ve lost 2 and a half stones over the last year and feeling much better for it.


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