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  • #16
    Go SA !

    (not really)

    I'll be up tomorrow at 8.59 wth some sort of red dragon flapping about...
    Think they'll do it if its raining 'cos the 'Boks aren't used to that
    1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Stan79 View Post
      Wetter than an otters pocket here...
      Ha, this made me giggle, sounds a little euphemistic


      • #18
        It’s hissing down with the occasional hale shower !


        • #19
          Rained horribly most of yesterday but stopped just in time for the local Halloween fireworks display.
          Today bitterly cold but sunny. No complaints.


          • #20
            We had 7 cm of rain here the day before I got back from UK. Daytime temps still quite warm, but due to be well into the minuses by Thursday.


            • #21
              It has actually stopped raining here! Yippee!!


              • #22
                Nice bit of frost this kill off anything that survived the non stop rain
                Last edited by muckdiva; 27-10-2019, 06:44 AM.
                All at once I hear your voice
                And time just slips away
                Bonnie Raitt


                • #23
                  The sun's coming up, so nice to see a brighter sky
                  Location ... Nottingham


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mr Bones View Post
                    The sun's coming up, so nice to see a brighter sky
                    Its the same here MrB
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • #25
                      It has been unusually wet for the last couple of months here but even so the ditches and lakes are still about a foot below normal levels.

                      In August I posted the following about some of my trees on the old 'Just to spread some cheer and joy' topic:

                      '...�...The trees don't seem to give any clues regarding storms.
                      Their behaviour primarily predicts temperatures and secondarily predicts brightness (or lack of).
                      In other words: they're saying to me that growing conditions will be very unfavourable in several weeks time (unusually cold and/or dull) so they're shutting down early for winter so this seasons soft growth can 'harden off' before it risks being frosted and killed...�.'

                      I thought maybe they were warning me of early snow or hard frosts, but I suppose preparation for two months of sunless cool days is good enough reason to start going dormant very early.

                      Really interestingly the trees stopped dropping leaves with one-quarter left and they have stayed that way for over a month. Once the last leaves fall the cold usually comes but as the remaining quarter of their leaves are still green it suggests it'll be some weeks yet before any really cold weather.
                      Last edited by FB.; 27-10-2019, 07:58 AM.


                      • #26
                        We've had gallons of rain recently and the first hint of frost on the roof this morning.
                        My apple trees are still fully leafed, as are the oaks although they are changing colour. The pears and ash are losing their leaves however.


                        • #27
                          Bumping an old weather topic but my usual 'weather indicator' trees have been yellowing leaves in the last few weeks, signalling that they expect growing conditions to be unfavourable for the rest of the year; dull and/or cool/cold.
                          This is possibly the earliest they have ever begun to go dormant.



                          • #28
                            They will most likely green up again after today.
                            What species of trees have you spotted turning yellow?
                            Last edited by Plot70; 28-07-2020, 04:42 AM.
                            Near Worksop on heavy clay soil


                            • #29
                              My cherry trees are dropping yellow/orange leaves already -a few at a time.
                              Not normally happening until August.
                              Also my large sycamore has been dropping leaves you consider either of those varieties as any of your weather indicators FB?
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Plot70 View Post
                                They will most likely green up again after today.
                                What species of trees have you spotted turning yellow?
                                They are my own fruit trees.
                                Specifically, a handful of less common varieties have an uncanny tendency to start going dormant early when a worse-than-average autumn/winter is coming.
                                When a better-than-average autumn/winter is coming they are quite happy to hold their leaves until Christmas.

                                A few years ago papers were forecasting a bad winter. I commented that my trees were saying 'nothing unusual' because they hadn't yellowed any leaves even in October and the trees were right.
                                Last summer they began to yellow leaves early and we had an unusually dull, cool autumn-winter.

                                They are not water stressed; they're on M25 and MM111 rootstock.
                                Last edited by FB.; 28-07-2020, 10:14 AM.


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