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Chatback #18


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  • Chatback #18

    As the previous thread got past 500 pages, time for a new one
    Last edited by Greenleaves; 10-12-2019, 07:33 AM.

  • #2
    Morning All

    +4� and dark but dry. I shall be wandering over the plots later to see what, if any damage has been done by the wind.

    Have a super Tuesday


    • #3
      Morning oddly it was frosty last night at 11-ish woke up to no frost. like GL says its still dark out had to use the outside lights to collect milk from the back side gate.
      Stay safe in that wind.
      Last edited by Bren In Pots; 10-12-2019, 07:44 AM.
      Location....East Midlands.


      • #4
        Blue skies out there, but there's a cold wind blowing. I haven't started the fire yet, but won't be long...

        Back to general business after the festivities. But reasonably under control. Need to do some gardening soon, though, as the weeds are taking over already. Wild rocket can survive in all weather conditions, it would seem.

        Catch you later, guys. Have a good one meanwhile.


        • #5
          Morning, we have had my brother visit for an extended weekend, he drives back to England today in some pretty grotty weather, not planning on going anywhere today, fires lit and I doubt I will open the door again, keep safe all.


          • #6

            Blimey Janie, when S�1t happens, I find you often get a bucketful at once and that is one! Stay strong, it'll sort itself out in time..
            Grey skies, rain up there but not falling yet, breezy but not cold. Warm enough for Mollycat to venture outside.
            I'm going into town for the library and get the bits that Trashco didn't deliver. Out of stock? really? considering I ordered 2 weeks ago that's pretty shoddy stock keeping IMO. (and why would you run out of cat litter just because it's xmas ) excuses excuses.

            Sorry that should be in the rant thread
            Have a good'un


            • #7
              Good morning all.
              Dull, wet and breezy but its 13 degs.
              Indoor day for me with domestics in the mix.
              Have a good day all.

              And when your back stops aching,
              And your hands begin to harden.
              You will find yourself a partner,
              In the glory of the garden.

              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


              • #8
                Been and caught up with the end of the previous thread. Big hug from me, Janie. That's too much awful stuff all at once for sure. Hope you're doing OK. On a more positive note, 'Comet' sounds like a hoot.


                • #9
                  Good afternoon, wet and windy today, had intended going over to the coast to collect some seaweed but OH took ill through the night so I decided not to go, there will be another time, though I will need to go out when the boys come home from school. We'll keep safe and if you can't get into the garden you can plan what you are going to grow next year and of course everything grows so much better in your minds eye
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • #10
                    Well that's the Christmas tree up and SWMBO is doing the decorating, I am now under orders to get in a seasonal mood...…………………………..but it's still another two weeks away!!


                    • #11
                      Wet and windy here as well so glad to spend the day indoors
                      I've made some naans now I'm just waiting for the loaves to finish proving then back into the kitchen.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • #12
                        hello all,what a day,Janie how awfull for you and all involved,nightmare not in it,as been said,stay strong and chat whenever you need,pluss please dip into the hug bucket when needed,i actually put the hpone down on my nightmare earlier on,only so much i need and want to hear,i must get up the attic and sort more decos out,get a better feeling about the place,have a good evening and stay save.

                        Just a quick moan,that ruddy mulberry bush advert,wants setting fire to,not only can youn NOT get rid of it,it often interferes with the vine workings,you clic on to send a message,and up the dam thing comes,it seems like it has unseable roots into the thread boxes.
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • #13
                          Good evening watching the 2 older boys actually making their tea as parents are at school parent night, got a call just before 2 to see if I could pick up one of the younger ones as he had been sick as their mum wasn't going to be home till 3 I had to collect both of them as I wouldn't leave the other in the house by himself, their mum had to go to Glasgow this morning and had intended to catch the train home but due to high winds they weren't avaliable so came home by bus, new bus service where it used to take 35 minutes it is now 1hr 35 minutes to come from Glasgow a great plan that to take cars off the road, need to watch the time as I have a meeting tonight, fortunately I have everything ready for it but thinking of looking for a job so that I can have more time to myself
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • #14
                            Evening all,

                            been a real fool(foul) dreich n mochie(overcast) day. Nonetheless, I managed a while at the plot. Loaded and barrowed in some fym and reset my mousetraps. Bleeding mice are managing to scoff the peanut butter bait on the mousetraps without setting them off. . I thought initially slugs were the culprit but even completely surrounding the traps with slug pellets didn't kill any and no slimey trails either. I am flummoxed.


                            • #15
                              Its been "a real fool dreich" here too (I think!)
                              Went to my Mum's to give her her lunch then back home when I rang my brother to tell him how she is/ what she ate etc.
                              He'd just got home, soaking wet with some takeaway fish and chips that he was really looking forward to eating.
                              "Must go now, my F&C will be getting cold"
                              "Must go, looking forward to my F&C".............and so on.
                              Every time he said this, and was about to go, I'd remember something I had to tell him.

                              Eventually, I let him go, telling him to enjoy his F&C.

                              5 minutes later he rang back.............
                              "Dog has eaten my F&C!! She was out in the garden, wagging her tail, looking very pleased with herself, surrounded by chip paper".

                              I'm still laughing!!


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