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Chatback #18


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  • Mornin Flon'all
    Sounding a bit blowy out there.
    More of the same for me today but we've booked to go out for a meal this evening! Hope I can stay awake during it!
    OH has also booked 2 tickets for the new Star Wars film for Saturday. The cinema is about an hour away in Caen and is showing it in English rather than dubbed into French. They also have the option of 3D but as I get really bad motion sickness, I thought it best not to try that out. Apparently if you remove the 3D specs everything then becomes double so you can't watch it. Anyone experienced 3D cin�ma?

    Captn...what work are you having done?...I can't quite get my head around so many holes in the ceiling and 3rd attempt at laying the floor....
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Morning All

      Wet, windy and +11� today looks like a non plot day. Thankfully the OH declared that shopping in town is suspended until after the holiday because of shear numbers of shoppers, so that's a bonus

      I may start to plot sowing dates in my electronic diary or I might jyst sit by the fire and start a box set

      Have fun whatever you do and keep dry


      • Morning its wet and windy out no frost or fog that hung around most of yesterday. A walk over to the shops first then we'll be hand delivering the local cards.

        Originally posted by Nicos View Post
        They also have the option of 3D but as I get really bad motion sickness, I thought it best not to try that out. Apparently if you remove the 3D specs everything then becomes double so you can't watch it. Anyone experienced 3D cin�ma?
        Nicos not been to a cinema but we do have a 3D tv never had any viewing problems, I love it for Tim Burtons animated films.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Mornings!

          Late on parade today, as I was up 'til silly o'clock with my head in a book.

          It's another grey & dismal day today, on the plus side it isn't raining, blowing a gale or freezing cold either I'm trying to psych myself up for a plot visit to collect veg (might need to invest in some waders lol) and start on the ironing pile

          Have a good'un


          • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
            Twenty minutes of phone calls later it was all sorted out but what a faff,.. I wonder what the french for that is. Quelle summat I imagine
            Back when I was living in France, people of my generation then would have said something like "que c'est chiant". Informal and vulgar, according to my usual online dictionary. Nicos might have something more suitable and current.

            I do like this Chatback thread. Proper mates engaging in proper chitchat. Hope floors, walls and ceilings are progressing satisfactorily today.

            Chilly here today. Won't be long before I'm lighting the fire.

            Mr Snoop back home. Not much work getting done as he's testing a radio and talking the while about what he's doing. Too many words on the go: his talking, the radio presenters gabbling away, the words I'm trying to translate and my translated words. Too much for my poor brain. Dogs more settled now he's back.

            Hope you all have a nice day.


            • Mmmmm�.something in the depths of my brain is telling me that's the equivalent of saying it's a pain in the a*se? or have I got it all wrong, as usual?


              • afternoon all,was mild earlier on,now wet and miserable,at least we can close the curtains on it,my supposed new help has let me down,rang a body that sounded desperate for the job a few weeks ago,i think i got a sick sad person,will have to leave things till the new year now,so that ironing pile is going to get divided into,must do and not matter,you set the stall out and make plans,rrrr barhumbug,a quick text or call would have been nice,then i would understand,not leave me in the lurch,when i really would appreciate some help,by the way,the pay a lot more than minimum wage,cash in hand,have a good evening and Bgood2yrselves.
                Last edited by lottie dolly; 19-12-2019, 03:52 PM.
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                  They also have the option of 3D but as I get really bad motion sickness, I thought it best not to try that out. Apparently if you remove the 3D specs everything then becomes double so you can't watch it. Anyone experienced 3D cin�ma?
                  I have experienced 3D cinema several times and have thoroughly enjoyed it though most of the films I have watched were made for 3D, the others which I suppose you star wars will be like we're also enjoyable but if you take the specs off I think it is similar to trying to focus after a bottle or so of whisky, or so I have been told
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Bon soir mes amis
                    Mon Oncle-in law was learning Francais as he used to sail his boat over to France. His favourite books were in Franglais.

                    He used to wander around saying

                    N'est ce pas drol
                    Je m'appelle Paul
                    Mais le nom de mon pere,
                    Son Albert

                    Of course, I may have written this incorrectly - I failed French O level miserably
                    All I can remember was a book about this little curly haired lad called Toto - Toto frappe la table.
                    I don't think Toto did much else except frappe for the whole time I was in school.


                    • Good evening,has been a bit damp but mild today, OH wanted to go out for a wee while as she has a hospital appointment tomorrow now feeling shattered and heading to bed, I have tried her with a lot title bit of soup and as she doesn't feel like eating I made her a sandwich, well enjoy you evening and hope you avoid any illness over the next couple of weeks
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Sorry to hear Mrs Rary still poorly. Best wishes. Hope she makes a speedy recovery.


                        • Evening all, it was a wet and miserable day in Kildare but temperatures was quite mild around 10’C.


                          • evening all, spent quite a bit of the day in shops, Home Bargains, M&S, Costco and even Costa for lunch. Hmmmph was my turn to pay too . Did some more french revision using Duolingo and persevered till I was top of the league type table they use probably to try to release the competetive streak in the users. Anyway, I've probably been overtaken again by now but hey ho, I've got till next June to get myself able to talk and understand. The talking will be fine, I can do that slowly but the replies will come back like gunfire and that's where I may get unstuck.

                            Bit of bad news this evening. My last customer who is no longer a customer because she has moved away to live with her daughter has lost her elder sister. The sister was 90, bedridden and suffering from dementia but even so we all know the pain of bereavement. The funeral is tomorrow and very local to us so quick check in the wardrobe to make sure I have an ironed white shirt. Phew, that's sorted at least


                            • Good night all.
                              It's been an absolutely miserable day here.
                              Very heavy rain since early afternoon.
                              Got most indoors jobs done.
                              A peaceful night to all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Mild, dry and weird! Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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