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  • On the Tesco site, if you log on at midnight, you will get a screen saying you are in a queue and to wait. You can see the screen flicker as each slot is taken. Eventually the screen will change to one where there are slots available. This screen doesn't stay up for long so, if you don't deal with it straightaway, it will disappear and you will have to wait til the next night. This was my third night of trying as I keep falling asleep and why I overslept this morning.
    "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
    "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


    • Thanks for that Janie, I didn't know. I'll try it tonight
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • Went lottie for a while,son doing a grand job,the plan is going tomoz armed with spuds to plant,whilst he was digging out the big stuff,came across several just sprouting from last year,so they will go back in as well,the old poly frame that i mackled together for last year is down,cover will do this year,if we can mackel it again,this weather sure hits the spot,
        The telly is no as good,but i did enjoy vera last night,night night peeeps.
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Good evening, dull with occasional light rain today but a wee bit warmer when outside, had a lazy day today just popped out to the greenhouse to prepare for some potting on which I will do tomorrow if I am not busy Monday if I have time I was out again just a short time ago to cover all the plants with fleece, well I think I will go and have a read of a book as I have a Conn Iggulden book to read, this is one I had been keeping for reading when on the cruise, which of course wont happen now, but must admit I am not upset about it being canceled and even though I haven't got my money back yet I am quite happy to wait to give the tour operator a bit of time to get it organised, I feel very sorry for the staff as I am sure they will be getting a lot of hassal from some people, but we should all remember they are just employees the same as many of us are/were. Well stay cheerful and if on the phone pass a smile down the line
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • Mornings!
            Lovely sunny day yesterday, and looks to be the same today
            Unfortunately it means that sneezy/itchy eyes time has started, and I've no hay fever pills in the house. I never even thought about it when all this CV stuff started.
            For me, it usually means oilseed rape is flowering nearby, but I haven't walked far enough, this year, to see any plus it seems a bit early.

            More garden pottering for me, as I guess there will be more people on the allotments today, and I'd rather avoid them right now

            Made my first bread with the new starter and it looked lovely - but I ruined it by forgetting the salt doh! It'll be in a pudding later ��.

            Have a lovely sunshiny day but stay safe


            • Mornin n'alln'all
              Unexpected frost last night (said it was going to be 6C)
              Glad I brought the seedlings indoors.
              Still on track for a picnic Barbie in our garden/field this afternoon
              Going to make a big effort -tablecloth, vase of flowers, buffet selection, even a bottle of fizz!
              Gotta make some days stand out from others eh?
              Best get preparing then!

              Enjoy your days peeps-see ya later...
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Morning it looks like being a good day to be in the garden Congrats on your first sourdough Thelma pity about the salt me I'd still try a sandwich. We had oatcakes made with sourdough discards for breakfast made a stack of them last weekend and they do freeze well.
                Enjoy todays sunshine
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Originally posted by rary View Post
                  Good evening, dull with occasional light rain today but a wee bit warmer when outside, had a lazy day today just popped out to the greenhouse to prepare for some potting on which I will do tomorrow if I am not busy Monday if I have time I was out again just a short time ago to cover all the plants with fleece, well I think I will go and have a read of a book as I have a Conn Iggulden book to read, this is one I had been keeping for reading when on the cruise, which of course wont happen now, but must admit I am not upset about it being canceled and even though I haven't got my money back yet I am quite happy to wait to give the tour operator a bit of time to get it organised, I feel very sorry for the staff as I am sure they will be getting a lot of hassal from some people, but we should all remember they are just employees the same as many of us are/were. Well stay cheerful and if on the phone pass a smile down the line
                  I like reading Conn Igguldens books as well.I recently read his Ghengis/Kubllai Khan books which I thought were fantastic.
                  My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                  to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                  Diversify & prosper


                  • Good Morning All Sunny start. Queued for a slot in the 20s of March but no chance. I haven't been in a supermarket for over 10 years! Have a!lovely Sunday
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Good morning all.

                      Usually the beginning of April means that I swap my jogger pants for shorts. I have made the swap move, even though it was a little bit breezy around the nether regions.

                      It is nice and bright outdoors so I think I will concentrate on getting a bit of sunshine to my knobbly knees today. This will be in the garden I hope and I have a few bits and pieces that are in need of attention

                      Anyway, take care, look after yourselves and others and have a nice Easter.
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • Good morning all.
                        Bright and breezy here at 10 degs.
                        Just pottering today and reading.

                        Nicos, a picnic sounds lovely, enjoy.
                        You're right about making some days special.

                        Snadgar, very daring at this early stage to dig out the shorts.
                        No doubt you will get a colour and some vitamin D.

                        Have a good day all and stay safe.

                        And when your back stops aching,
                        And your hands begin to harden.
                        You will find yourself a partner,
                        In the glory of the garden.

                        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                        • Morning, guys. Day seems to start later and later at the moment, reading all the news and latest updates from family and friends. So a late arrival, but still the morning, just, over here.

                          Too chilly here for shorts, Snadger. You must be brave, either that or Durham is has a milder climate than I would have expected. Bluish sky with a lot of hazy cloud all gathering together. Expecting it to be very overcast soon.

                          I've done that before, TS, and just put a salty filling in a sandwich or used salty butter. Not a great solution but better than nothing. Still got plenty of yeast, but have got organic rye and wheat flour for sour dough starters. I really must get round to it. The things you make with your discards, Bren, make it sound worthwhile for that alone. Maybe this week.

                          Busy day ahead. Haven't been able to settle. Mum in hospital and going through ups and downs in mood. Nothing we can do either except talk on the tablet. She's used to my brothers going out to work and they've continued to operate on a strict timetable with her while working at home. She's got used to being able to call me whenever she wants over the years, and it's now a heck of a lot of calls a day and no chance of actually doing anything to improve her mood.

                          Right, better step on it. Catch you all later. Have a nice barbie, Nicos.


                          • Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                            I like reading Conn Igguldens books as well.I recently read his Ghengis/Kubllai Khan books which I thought were fantastic.
                            You should try the Eperor books all about Julius Ceaser, or The War of The Roses which of course is about the English Crown, both series are a great read, sadly I only have the one book by him still to read, but at the moment I have a lot to do in the garden, which keeps me very busy
                            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                            • Good afternoon, a bit warmer again today but overcast with a little sunshine, have been doing some potting on, the tray I was going to use for dahlias was a bit small as I would have had to pot on again in about two weeks time, so used the tray for potting on verbena, so I still have the dahlias to do along with some lobelia, begonia, geraniums and fuchsia also some cabbage, leeks and onions, so will be quite busy for a while, I have also been caught several times for housework, as I don't have the excuse of taking the dog a walk I knew I should have brought her down to stay here when all this was starting I have also planted out some cabbages, to hopefully give us something to use in the future, we'll need to go and pick some chives and some lettuce and radishes from the greenhouse as we are having a salad for tea, enjoy your evening and keep smiling
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • pre evening all,what a lovely day,bin lottie for a while,the thermometer said 70 in the shed,and the door was open,i was just in a tea shirt top,i have only been pottering a little,setting out my new layout,with the old brain wizzing around,think am getting there,MR was asleep again,not a soul around our bit of the lottie,plenty on there other side,it was so good to just chill out regardless,ah bliss,i went armed with a cloth soaked in virus killer,the open the gated and lock,took soap to wash hands at tape when parked up,we have a notice on gate with instructions,failure to comply will see them closed down until when ever,
                                Hope you having a lovely feast Nicos,any little thing that is different ups the spirits,
                                Well done on the bread TS,i would love to have a go,but not enough hours in my slower working day,
                                Snoop bet your mum is feeling lonely,it must feel a bit like prison,but no help to you eh,but it is the only real time way you can help out,huggs to you all,would she be ameniable to set times to call you,treat it like visiting times,that way you both win,it might also make here feel that bit happier,something to look forwards to,and you will not get het up every time the phone rings,just a thought,
                                Snadger,what you need is some short legged thermals,or extra thick pants,oh and mind the robins searching for food.
                                dinner in over,1 i prepared the other week,ti's lazy evening,lets all Bgood2ourselves.
                                Last edited by lottie dolly; 05-04-2020, 06:18 PM.
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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