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Chatback #18


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  • Mornings!
    Forum is still v slow again this morning, what a b*gger, don't s'pose I'll be hear much today if it stays like this - what ever they've done with it they should have put it right by now - but they can use CV19 as an excuse I suppose.....

    Weird day yesterday, no visitors and only a couple of cards - the only time I've really been grateful for FB and email - fuddy duddy that I am

    Have a good'un and stay safe


    • I tried to edit my post 'cos I'd used the wrong 'hear' but couldn't got the message
      Service Temporarily Unavailable

      The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

      Apache Server at Port 443
      dunno if it helps?


      • Vine is slowing down again now, maybe the number of users,but it will motivate me to get on - this seems really strange working at home. I've not got going yet so will go upstairs and pretend I'm in the office. Better take off my apron and get in the mood. There must be some tips on how to do this!
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Morning all, a bit duller this morning but still nice. Got our delivery yesterday with only one thing missing which was great!
          Think it will be more of the same today with a stroll round the garden later...managed almost 4,000 steps, OH joined me this time.
          Hope you have a lovely day and hope you get into the swing of things Flo!! x


          • Good morning all.
            Another nice day though a little cloudy.
            The same complaint here, couldn't even get on yesterday morning.
            Not allowing me to show likes to peeps post either.
            Anyway, hope all have a good dsy.
            Jay, I feel the same , up and down the garden and up and down our back lane.
            Thelma, I hope you managed to enjoy your birthday even though you were alone.
            Nicos, newspaper should protect if you've not got enough fleece.
            Have a good day all and stay safe.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • As the Vine is playing up I thought I�d ask this here...just noticed that since I�ve been back I haven�t seen Nanny Sally around, anyone any idea if she is ok?


              • Good afternoon, it was a bit cloudy earlier has cleared up but a bit chilly I am making some shelving outside to hold some pots and trays and then will start filling my baskets to give me some room in the greenhouse . Like others I have been having problems when trying to get onto the Vine, and just hope it gets sorted soon. I wish everyone well, keeps at and smiling
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • Artnoon All. 4th visit of the day - Vine seems to have speeded up a bit now.

                  I'll try a photo

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	100_1244.JPG
Views:	2
Size:	172.0 KB
ID:	2387090


                  • That's better! Still very slow to respond - must be getting old, like rary.


                    • Good evening all.
                      Tomatoes and peppers are now in the greenhouse.
                      Spending every day outdoors now.
                      We have been painting, sanding, varnishing and generally keeping ourselves busy.
                      Hope everybody else is managing in these strange times.
                      Have a good evening and stay safe.

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Evening all,

                        my better half's 94 year old dad lives in a care home in Aberdeen. An agency carer who had a family member suffering the symptoms of Covid 19 and should have been self isolating, thought he knew better and went in to work at the care home. Six residents have since died after contracting Covid. The Agency carer has been sacked by the Agency.

                        Better half's brother was phoned by the care home a couple of days ago and told there had been deaths in the care home from covid but no mention of the situation with the carer. He was told to expect to see something in the press. The story with all the detail duly appeared in the Sun newspaper.

                        Needless to say we are shocked, horrified in fact. Better half's Dad is absolutely fine for now although all the residents are now being kept in their rooms. He is blind so particularly difficult for him but he is a hardy old soul and importantly still has all his marbles. Hopefully he will remain ok.


                        • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Fine here. I have no words AP, but will be thinking of him. Have a good day All
                          Last edited by Florence Fennel; 24-04-2020, 05:51 AM.
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Hope the FiL remains healthy AP, morning all


                            • Morning, its a worrying time AP xx
                              Location....East Midlands.


                              • Really sorry to hear your news, AP. Dreadful for the people who have died and their relatives. Hope your FiL remains well despite the situation.


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