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  • Morning, all.

    Hazy cloud in the sky. Cold enough this morning to make me think I could spy traces of frost in the fields. Rain (and lots of it) forecast for early next week.

    Mr Snoop off out shopping this morning. Me, I'm home with the dogs and work for company.

    Have a good day, everyone. Catch you later.


    • Bright but bitterly cold and blowing a hooligan on the tops where I walk the youngest dog. Poor thing nearly got blown over when he was squatting for a poo, even worse when he was on three legs for a pee.
      I have always fancied a Rhus Typhina (Stagshorn Sumach) for the garden so may have a bit shop around online and see if I can get one cheaply.

      Take care folks.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • Morning All - just jumping in here for Snadger. Rhus Typhina is a spreader, I believe. Not one I would risk in my garden.
        Last edited by veggiechicken; 12-03-2020, 11:54 AM.


        • Originally posted by Snadger View Post
          I have always fancied a Rhus Typhina (Stagshorn Sumach) for the garden so may have a bit shop around online and see if I can get one cheaply.
          Be warned they sucker like crazy - like they're on a mission to take over your garden


          • Good afternoon,ti's a bit nippy in the shade,we had a lovely morning out,at the local dementia support group,MR actually said,how much he enjoyed it,and it was the best place we been to so far,he was trying to sing and shaking the things with bells on{everyone is given one},this month was a local ukulele band,again very friendly and welcoming,and none of this awful me darlin stuff,so nice,the usual raffle,home cooking,crisps and penguins bars ext,next month,providing we allowed to meet up,is said to be an opera singer,wow,i shall enjoy that,pity they not meet more,the atmosphere in the hall was of a mini party/concert event,we all asked when our birp days are,everyone gets a card,and sung to independently,there were several this morning,a ref was made to washing of hands hehehehe,it did feel good to be there,hope all are ok,Nicos hope you are having a nice time,see yar later.
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • ^Sounds like a winner of an event, LD. Staying as happy as poss is key, if my Dad's experience is anything to go by. Saw your what makes you happy post, and just sitting out in the sun with chickens about the place (or cat in my Dad's case) has to be good. Another big hug for the both of you.


              • Honest Snoop,am fine,by sharing on here,i thought it might help anyone else that is dealing with such matters,that it is good to share experiences,what is out there that can help,and the way it can help,it is also good just to share,a trouble halved and all that,i hope am settling down a bit now,as it is hard when changes are forced on peeps,until we can adjust,also sharing gives me that confidence to meet it head on,and that goes for anything that brings changes to our lives,i asked him this AM what he understands of how he is,he suggested to be put in home,i tolled him off,we have done 52.5 years together so far,and i do not plan on changing it,unless i really,really cannot cope,for we are fine,getting our second wind as it were,thanks peeps for the support,there is no point in hiding away,so sod the garden ext,what gets done does,if not insert a raspberry x
                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                  Mornin n'alln'all

                  Snow rary?!
                  We had snow yesterday evening the it settled on the cars but luckily it didn�t hang around for long. Sunshine and wind today glad I�ve got hurricane pegs the washing stayed on the line and was dry in no time.
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Good evening!

                    Hope everyone's all good!

                    Busy but ok day at work, windy..very windy, little break at lunch to do some casting..

                    ... I know the pandemic is awful, and I myself am in the 'at risk group' but all I can think is that 14 days isolation means at least 10 good days fishing..

                    Leeks are up, banana shallots too.. chillies need potting on.. parsnips are popping up! It's all go..
                    <*}}}>< Jonathan ><{{{*>


                    • Well, schools are now being closed here for at least two weeks and some small towns in Catalonia in lockdown. Told not to travel unless necessary and all the other usual advice. And like Cptn Crackoff, we're both in the high risk category. Mr Snoop because he's had three heart attacks, me because I have a hiatus hernia that causes reflux. Who'd have thought that would be a factor? Not me, that's for sure.

                      We've got plenty of pasta, dried beans and rice in (I always stock up for winter in case we get cut off by snow). I did get some powdered milk, so thanks, TS, for suggesting that. Our panic buying has been bags of dog biscuits. Actually, not really panic buying, but it's amazing how many three big dogs can get through. I think we can see out three weeks before they start to look at us with hungry eyes... Other than them, we should be OK, as we live in the middle of nowhere.

                      Hope everyone's staying well and jolly.


                      • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Cold but not raining. Have a good day and stay safe
                        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                        • Good morning, bright but cold this morning, so hopefully will get some work done in the garden today, but first I will need to cancel our cruise it has taken me years to talk OH into going a cruise, now I need to cancel and no VC before you start thinking its age related OH is in the very high risk category on a more serious note it is going to be very difficult as there are no other G. Parents for watching the children and with 2 of the parents working in Glasgow and 1 doing home visits plus we don't want to go without seeing the children, we are going to have to make some difficult decisions, on that note I wish you all a pleasant day and remember to have a smile to pass on
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • Mornin n'alln'all

                            Brill day yesterday -even the sun shined for a while
                            Too windy to hand around on the beach so we had a fantastic wander around a garden centre instead. It was much more like a UK type with decorations etc but sadly no cafe ( not that I could have stuffed one morsel more in my stomach)

                            It did however have a fantastic organic section so we'll certainly be going back there again.
                            Not particularly expensive either.
                            As promised my OH bought me secateurs but they had no falcon ones...still I'm very happy with the ones we bought so it'll be interesting to see how they go on.

                            Having been burning the candles at both ends for the last month we've decided to semi lock down here too Snoop.

                            Diet started today...strict 800 cals again( fast 800 diet) for the next 4 weeks. That takes us until Easter weekend. I have a packet ( or two) of Cadbury's mini eggs awaiting me then

                            Ah Well...lots to do to distract me

                            See ya later peeps!
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • Morning, all. Hazy start to the day but the sun is shining through at the moment.

                              Thinking of you, Rary. Not an easy time for anyone, but very difficult for someone in your position.

                              Mr Snoop has gone into town to pick up some packages of solar equipment and to do some laundry. I'm at home with the animals. The dogs are doing synchronised breathing. Sounds just like a washing machine swooshing back and forth. One of them is bound to start snoring soon and ruin the effect.

                              Right, on that note, I'd better get on and do some work. Have a great day, everyone.


                              • Morning its a dry sunny day here and no wind a bit of shopping then some garden tidying then I'll start seed sowing.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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