After reading and listening to some articles in the media about the problems some people have with regards to how they perceive other people may view them by the number of likes they get I have decided that I will not be ticking the like box in future so don't take offence because I don't tick
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No more likes
One year at school, our English teacher announced that she would not be giving us marks on our homework except if it was exceptionally good or bad by our individual standards. I thought this a great idea: made the work worth doing for its own sake.
Good stuff, Rary. I shan't follow you, but I admire your position.
A "like" doesn't necessarily mean that you "like" whats been written but could indicate that you've read the post or are grateful for the help offered to you or another.
I shan't stop liking posts just because the "media" think its bad.
PS This is rary's Likes position
Likes Received (18372)
Likes Given (14191)
I shall be watching to see how long it is before those numbers change!!Last edited by veggiechicken; 10-01-2020, 02:47 PM.
Recently Instagram stopped giving the like numbers out. It spoils it for me!! Sorry I love likes
As VC, there's other reasons for it to -my family know I've seen it/read it along with I like it. I actually don't agree with the whole PC thing in schools where everyone gets a badge/cup etc. There's nothing wrong in a little competition- I've twins, there was always one that would come second - it did them no harm and made them work at the ones that they really wanted to come first at!
# likes received 27681
Likes given 33820Last edited by Scarlet; 10-01-2020, 04:15 PM.
Only vaguely relevant but my brother (who failed his 11+) rang me on my birthday and told me I'd failed - because he'd sent me a text and I hadn't noticed it.
"You may have passed your 11+ but you don't know how to send a text message!"
Not sure what that proves but we can't all be good at everything.
For me, a like is an appreciation of what the other person has written, has been going through, or just shared his thoughts or the days events.
I will continue to give likes.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
I do and don't agree which is why I would like a "double- like" button for the odd posts/comments that I really find really helpful or make me rethink things (even if it could only be used a dozen times a year).
I also don't agree with the PC thing in schools where everyone gets a prize. Not winning can make you try harder or switch your goals.
Some of my likes really mean 'seen and noted' ( espesh when sharing modding info)
Others...'oh no...I am aware of your sad/frustrating situation and you have my support'
Others cos I'm happy personally to have been able to have been included in seeing that info
Others cos they make me smile, or laugh
Some don't get a like purely cos I've not read them ( cant read absolutely ALL the posts!!!) or don't feel I needed to interact directly with the poster.
And some just cos I want to pass on a smile. That's how I see yours rary...a smile
It would drive me nuts if everyone liked all my posts -I'm not really that interesting but at least I don't feel like Billy no mates
I was actually against them when they came to the Vine for your very reasons rary but I can see they are useful and/or supportive."Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Wasn't there a Sci-Fi film about the number of 'likes' gained 'credits' to enable people to do things...or not
One of the Black Mirror series?
Quite scarey !!!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
To be honest sp I don't care what the media say either, its how some people react to getting them or not that I am more concerned about, it would seems that some people can get stressed if they don't get them and due to the fact I sometimes come into the Vine to read the various posts without logging on which means I can't activate the like button and because I am lazy, I don't always go back and press like, I miss folk out, so rather than unintentionally offend some one I have decided to stop pressing like and before VC comes on and says I am offending everyone, tuffit may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
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