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  • #46
    I'd never have got anywhere if judged on what I look like... Must be my winning personality.


    • #47
      Likes are strange things. The woman who "invented" them actually regrets it now. She was interviewed about 6 months ago and said they seemed good at the time but have I suppose like many things gotten out of hand.

      Came up on another forum and I realised after a while that instead of "Like" maybe "Agree" would be better.

      Would rather have no Like button as not sure what the intended purpose was. I suspect it was "I like what you are saying", as in "I agree with you". Now it seems people just press it in passing.

      Another option would be a time out on Liking a post. Say in 2 days time the Like option is unavailable. Only say this as on the other I find people will "Like" some post that is a month old. To me not applicable, does make me wonder if they have read the post or any of the thing, or just gone through pressing Like almost randomly.


      • #48
        I use them when I agree with the post or literally 'like' what it says to me or to everybody.
        If I haven't liked a post it is because the post doesn't hit either of those 'buttons'.
        It really, REALLY, doesn't mean disrespect or dislike of the post/poster.

        Having said that on some supposedly sensible chat forums I've sometimes wished for a 'That's total BS ' button


        • #49
          Originally posted by Kirk View Post
          Likes are strange things. The woman who "invented" them actually regrets it now. She was interviewed about 6 months ago and said they seemed good at the time but have I suppose like many things gotten out of hand.

          Came up on another forum and I realised after a while that instead of "Like" maybe "Agree" would be better.

          Would rather have no Like button as not sure what the intended purpose was. I suspect it was "I like what you are saying", as in "I agree with you". Now it seems people just press it in passing.

          Another option would be a time out on Liking a post. Say in 2 days time the Like option is unavailable. Only say this as on the other I find people will "Like" some post that is a month old. To me not applicable, does make me wonder if they have read the post or any of the thing, or just gone through pressing Like almost randomly.
          I have been known to like an old post without realising it is old. If an old thread has been resurrected that I never read originally, I might read it and only afterwards realise the early posts are ancient.


          • #50
            I can't believe that people actually have an opinion on "likes".
            "Likes" are like "Smiles". I suspect that the people who don't give Likes also don't smile at people or talk to strangers.


            • #51
              ^I can't believe that of Rary!


              • #52
                I don't want to - but reluctantly, I do now.


                • #53
                  Like button to me can mean any of the following -

                  I like your post
                  I love your post
                  Thanking for posting
                  I acknowledge your response
                  I have just spat coffee all over my computer
                  I feel for you
                  I have nothing further to say
                  Ah you must be another nutter
                  I am here if you need me
                  I think you are being miserable but saying so will not help the situation..........

                  and it is just one lil' ole button


                  • #54
                    NG that sums up my idea of using the like button
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • #55
                      Isn't it funny how a thread about not Liking Likes has over 300 Likes.
                      I Like that!!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        I can't believe that people actually have an opinion on "likes".
                        "Likes" are like "Smiles". I suspect that the people who don't give Likes also don't smile at people or talk to strangers.
                        Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                        ^I can't believe that of Rary!
                        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        I don't want to - but reluctantly, I do now.
                        I was told this morning that it was nice to see me because I always have a smile
                        And thanks for that nice thought Snoop
                        Also, VC I will talk to anyone I have been told I would even speak to Old Nick, but then I am married to his sister.

                        No No I am just joking my OH is an absolute angel, I am actually friends through the Vine with his older sister, and she has posts on here practically every day
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • #57
                          I'm going to 'Blog this post' to see what happens / whether the 'Blog this Post' clickable should be banned.
                          1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                          • #58
                            I did.
                            I'm now (even more than usual) confused.

                            Seems I've got a blog here.
                            Not advising anyone to follow it though.

                            You might be able to 'like it' dunno
                            1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                            • #59
                              What about "Friends"? Is it wrong to have some people as "Friends" but not everyone? Are they enemies? At the very least, does it mean you don't want to be their friends - or worse, that you dislike them?


                              • #60
                                OK folks. Step away from the keyboard. This has the potential to turn ugly.

                                We are gardeners and spring will soon be here then we will realize there are more important, and less divisive, things to discuss.

                                Sorry - I don't usually offer unsolicited advice, and make it a rule never to accept it, but all rules have exceptions.
                                Last edited by quanglewangle; 12-01-2020, 08:48 PM. Reason: autocorrect fail: changed decisive to divisive
                                I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


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