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  • Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
    Pots and kettles, SBP. Gov advice - STAY AT HOME. You can't call other people names when you are doing the same thing.
    I had NO IDEA what it would be like and official GOV advice wasn't to STAY at home. THANK YOU. We observed social distancing and didn't socialise or go anywhere in company.

    IF other people had observed SOCIAL DISTANCING - there was PLENTY of space - then things would have been okay.
    Last edited by smallblueplanet; 23-03-2020, 11:37 AM.
    To see a world in a grain of sand
    And a heaven in a wild flower


    • Originally posted by JanieB View Post
      As to the one hour slot at our local supermarkets. It means being in contact with people who may have been in contact with those who are infected, so defeats the objective. I might have to break my quarantine if no delivery slots become available in the next few weeks.
      Sainsbury's website (which is a little overloaded atm) is saying this:

      We have prioritised online delivery slots for elderly, disabled and vulnerable customers. We�ve already been able to identify some existing customers who are elderly, disabled and vulnerable through the information that we have about them and have emailed these customers.

      But we know that we haven�t been able to identify all of our vulnerable customers. If you�re elderly, disabled or vulnerable and think you should be on our vulnerable customer list, please get in touch on 0800 328 1700
      To see a world in a grain of sand
      And a heaven in a wild flower


      • I'm a stay at home bod anyway so my lifestyle hasn't really changed much tbh. The only small issue I have is where best to walk the dog I am minding and that can be a wee bit difficult with the amount of kids out playing now schools are off. It's like the Summer holidays here at times!

        I tried staying in with her and playing games to help burn off energy but she's a young puppy and was going stir crazy and becoming very badly behaved so it became quite clear that she still needed outdoor exercise. I'm curious as to what other dog owners do? Especially those with very young or high energy animals? Have you changed routes/walk times or just stick to the norm?


        • got the last of what i wanted this morning,got the shop 45 mins to 8,there was i quew i joined,just find out,i could have gone straight in,grrr,any way,a woman came up said oooh ,yes said peeps,it is a quew ,get to the back,next a car pulls up next to me in the loading only space with 2 males,1 gets out,gets out goes to front and is not liked being tolled what to by the door man,back to the car and was venting his disgust ext to me,about not being let in,am afraid he picked on the wrong one,he even got back out the car,came right in my space and mouthing off again,i tolled him get back give me space,god he stunk of garlic and bad breath,he got back in with the door open,they both mouthing of still,i tollem,either shut up or bugger off,if not i will call the police,as they did not frighten me,eventually silence,a man at back of me gave a a slight good signal,all went silent,he passed me in store later,and said,him and some others had my back,if needed,i also,discovered,to late,i could have just walked in,need not have quewed,never mind,coming out the store,the ladies were being given free flowers again,seeing i got 1 yesterday from another, place,i took them to my friend and neighbough,she works for the NHS,share the love eh,see what i mean about getting riled up,i feel much better now,soap box now put away,i hope to remain in now.
          Last edited by lottie dolly; 23-03-2020, 11:52 AM.
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • The only place I have to go today is my local pharmacy I am glad to say.


            • Originally posted by greenishfing View Post
              The only place I have to go today is my local pharmacy I am glad to say.
              Must say it was very quiet when I went to the chemist. Very few cars or pedestrians. No idea what the supermarkets are like......didn't go near any. I was worried my husband might have problems getting his paracetamol as I had read there was a shortage......but no problems.
              Last edited by greenishfing; 23-03-2020, 01:15 PM.


              • Well, I've just deleted a long post before clicking on post. Probably just as well. But if you socialise with other people indirectly - the chef who plated up your meal - or directly - the waiter who lays your table - you are placing yourself and anyone you come into contact with at risk. Even if you're not worried for yourself, think of others who are vulnerable.


                • This article is in Spanish, but you'll be able to get a semblance of a decent translation using Google Translate. Of most interest, however, are the graphs. Italy didn't learn from South Korea, Spain didn't learn from Italy, the US didn't learn from Europe. Obviously these are only confirmed cases, and who knows how many unconfirmed ones there are, but it's interesting to see the trend in the curves.

                  The upshot: strict measures work; and don't leave it too long before implementing them. I should add that Spain has a fantastic health service, considerably better resourced than the UK's judging by a comparison of my mum's experience and mine.



                  • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                    The upshot: strict measures work; and don't leave it too long before implementing them.
                    That is obvious. If every person sees no-one else there can be no transmission. The difficulty is what are 'strict measures' and how to implement them.
                    Last edited by smallblueplanet; 23-03-2020, 02:54 PM.
                    To see a world in a grain of sand
                    And a heaven in a wild flower


                    • Originally posted by smallblueplanet View Post
                      I had NO IDEA what it would be like and official GOV advice wasn't to STAY at home. THANK YOU. We observed social distancing and didn't socialise or go anywhere in company.

                      IF other people had observed SOCIAL DISTANCING - there was PLENTY of space - then things would have been okay.
                      This is a quote from the transcript of the PM's statement on 20 March -

                      You may think you are invincible, but there is no guarantee you will get mild symptoms, and you can still be a carrier of the disease and pass it on to others

                      So that�s why, as far as possible, we want you to stay at home, that�s how we can protect our NHS and save lives.
                      Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                      Endless wonder.


                      • Having spent the last few days telling DH to cancel his hair appointment for today - who really cares what your hair is like when it’s keeping everyone save. Happy to say the hairdresser closed doors last week, he just hadn’t known. Mind you definitely a divorce if he asks me to do it. I can trim mine and DDs ends and sort of do the dog, but DH hair is another matter completely.

                        Nicola Sturgeon telling hairdressers today to close so we will be a nation of interesting styles.


                        • Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
                          This is a quote from the transcript of the PM's statement on 20 March -

                          You may think you are invincible, but there is no guarantee you will get mild symptoms, and you can still be a carrier of the disease and pass it on to others

                          So that’s why, as far as possible, we want you to stay at home, that’s how we can protect our NHS and save lives.
                          They didn't close the pubs until after Friday. People can walk their dogs. Go to the shops. Travel on the Tube. The National Trust had opened gardens and parks for free. I contacted the site before we left and they said they were following GOV guidelines.

                          We were in contact with no-one else beside the one woman on reception - they had hand sanitisers for us and them.

                          WE maintained the GOVT advised SOCIAL DISTANCING. Other people (in their droves did not). Most thought we were weird when we stepped off the path to avoid being near them. I would suggest you preach to those people.
                          To see a world in a grain of sand
                          And a heaven in a wild flower


                          • SBP, people here waited for the government to tell them what to do, and look at the state we're in. Learn from bad examples as well as good.

                            What do you think are sensible measures to keep yourself and others around you safe?

                            Mr Snoop says it's amazing how many situations come up once you become aware of the problems. The virus stays alive on surfaces for quite some time, surprisingly. Not that long on fabrics or cardboard, but for a lengthy time in the air and on plastic and metal.

                            So Mr Snoop went to buy petrol the other day at a staffed petrol station. Mr Snoop opens the filler cap, leaves it with the keys on top of the car. Guy fills the tank, takes the cap and keys, locks it all up and then gives Mr Snoop the keys. It's a nice gesture in normal times. But today: firstly, how many people has the petrol station man spoken to, how many notes, coins and credit cards has he handled, how many surfaces has he touched, how often has he coughed, blown his nose, been able to wash his hands? And then what about Mr Snoop as a potential source of infection for the guy at the petrol station and others he comes into contact with in the future? Mr Snoop says it's the last time he'll leave the filler cap and keys on top of the car.

                            You might say we're being paranoid. But our village is probably 60% over the age of 60. Anything we can do to stop the spread is the right thing to do.


                            • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                              You might say we're being paranoid. But our village is probably 60% over the age of 60. Anything we can do to stop the spread is the right thing to do.
                              So don't fill up the car. Stay in the house. That's not meant to be harsh, but to point out the dilemma.

                              Of course there will be social interactions, but what is being discussed is what and how much. When we set off to the caravan site on 20th Mar we had assessed the situation as best we could. During our time away we knowingly saw two other people (or it might have been the same person twice) not out of preference, within touching distance - to get and hand back the caravan keys. I stayed at arms length as did they.

                              What I find totally unacceptable is the people who were out and about as if nothing was happening. As I said we did our very best to observe social distancing. Where it didn't happen was down to others being selfish and/or thoughtless. I am aware of the life span (as known currently by the scientific community) of the C19 virus. I had NO wish to get near anyone at all. There was plenty of space so it didn't have to happen, but it did and I'm furious about that. But we needed the time at the coast and I thought that the GOV measures were sensible at that current time (except for pubs being open). But they were being totally ignored by the majority of people who were out.
                              Last edited by smallblueplanet; 23-03-2020, 04:05 PM.
                              To see a world in a grain of sand
                              And a heaven in a wild flower


                              • Anyone like a drink?
                                The Cavern's open.


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