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  • #16
    I don't see it as self-isolating - I see it as isolating the rest of the world from me - I know its tough on them all, but they'll just have to cope somehow. The only real difference I can foresee in my usual routine of doing a bit on the computer, reading a book and looking at the state of the garden and thinking someone ought to do something about it, is bridge being cancelled.

    The biggest risk I face is Mrs Nick being told to work from home - I daresay she'll kill me if that happens, so I'll say goodbye to you all now, just in case :-)


    • #17
      If I have to work from home I'll be joining Mrs Nick because Himself will drive me to it Brandy please, a large one.
      Granny on the Game in Sheffield


      • #18
        Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
        If I have to work from home I'll be joining Mrs Nick because Himself will drive me to it Brandy please, a large one.
        Myself and Mrs B have wfh for years, love it. Must admit my afternoon office was usually wifi in the pub!



        • #19
          Happy St Patrick's Day, Bramble and all.

          Last edited by veggiechicken; 17-03-2020, 04:26 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
            If I have to work from home I'll be joining Mrs Nick because Himself will drive me to it Brandy please, a large one.
            Mr HH and I have already agreed we each get allotted time by ourselves if we have to home school combined with Mr HH trying to remote teach his pupils! May secretly stock my shed up with goodies from the house
            Another happy Nutter...


            • #21
              Originally posted by Containergardener View Post
              I'm immune suppressed and doing as I already did apart from.bringing shoppingnin as I have knee injury and cant drive. Have been careful.for 2yrs so I'm.used to this , I'm.not self isolating though. I have to go to hospital appts. May even in caravan ...but not mix with anyone.

              Shall enjoy a drink here in the meantime. What time does it open?
              Ronnie Barker


              open all hours...
              Last edited by Baldy; 17-03-2020, 04:57 PM.
              1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


              • #22
                ^ Very good, Baldy. And thanks for opening this thread.

                Mr Snoop went out today (car in for MOT [passed, phew] and went to get fancy cat biscuits, ageing cat can only have hypoallergenic ones now). So that's us sorted till 1 April when we'll need to go and get more medication for us.

                Off the booze as it depresses the immune system. Yes, that's a bit of a party pooper remark. Sorry Pretend I didn't say it. I'll have one of those ridiculously overpriced low-alcohol gins and tonic.

                Might actually get a lot done if I put my mind to it. No surprise if I say I've got loads of work to keep me busy. Just hope there's someone out there at the end to pay me for it. Will get the garden underway and my beehive up in the hopes of a swarm. Unlikely, but it's a nice thought. Mr Snoop has plenty of jobs to do... I'd make a list but it would seem too much like nagging.

                Thanks for the gin. Will leave some salted almonds in a big jar for everyone to share. Dead easy to make, if you're interested. Crack a cup of nuts or however many you can manage. Heat a couple of teaspoons of oil in a frying pan, add nuts, stir into the oil and fry, stirring occasionally, till they start jumping and popping in the pan. Doesn't take long. Remove from heat, wipe with kitchen paper to remove some of the oil, sprinkle with salt and eat while still warm. Yum.

                Catch you later.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                  ^ Very good, Baldy. And thanks for opening this thread.

                  Mr Snoop went out today (car in for MOT [passed, phew] and went to get fancy cat biscuits, ageing cat can only have hypoallergenic ones now). So that's us sorted till 1 April when we'll need to go and get more medication for us.

                  Off the booze as it depresses the immune system. Yes, that's a bit of a party pooper remark. Sorry Pretend I didn't say it. I'll have one of those ridiculously overpriced low-alcohol gins and tonic.

                  Might actually get a lot done if I put my mind to it. No surprise if I say I've got loads of work to keep me busy. Just hope there's someone out there at the end to pay me for it. Will get the garden underway and my beehive up in the hopes of a swarm. Unlikely, but it's a nice thought. Mr Snoop has plenty of jobs to do... I'd make a list but it would seem too much like nagging.

                  Thanks for the gin. Will leave some salted almonds in a big jar for everyone to share. Dead easy to make, if you're interested. Crack a cup of nuts or however many you can manage. Heat a couple of teaspoons of oil in a frying pan, add nuts, stir into the oil and fry, stirring occasionally, till they start jumping and popping in the pan. Doesn't take long. Remove from heat, wipe with kitchen paper to remove some of the oil, sprinkle with salt and eat while still warm. Yum.

                  Catch you later.
                  I find alcohol (lack of) depresses...

                  Click image for larger version

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                  Four Tom's I think will have to go to the plot poly house tomorrow. Think I'm going to try to get there early to avoid peeps... both for corona and more prosaic reasons
                  1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                  • #24
                    Think il have to start growing some.veg

                    Who is manning the bar?
                    Northern England.


                    • #25
                      Last edited by Baldy; 17-03-2020, 07:57 PM.
                      1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                      • #26
                        I am really gonna struggle with this. I have multiple health problems and am under shared care protocol, thankfully my husband is my main carer. But I have 2 teens and a very active 9 year old, who are really not gonna enjoy shielding. My teenagers are gcse and a level years and can be sensible, but my youngest is a constant cuddler...

                        My 18 year old was in the lucky position of 3 medicine offers and an unconditional for pharmacology... Now she is panicking as she needs to get good results to get her place.

                        Our blessing is that she passed her driving test this week, and we have quite a large garden .
                        Anything is possible with the right attitude, a hammer
                        and a roll of duct tape.

                        Weeds have mastered the art of survival, if they are not in your way, let them feed bees


                        • #27
                          Northern England.


                          • #28
                            I reckon this thread will be a mix of serious and silly and everything in between... and so it should.
                            Last edited by Baldy; 17-03-2020, 08:27 PM.
                            1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                            • #29
                              I�ve been self isolating for the last 6 years or so. So I don�t see what all the fuss is about.

                              Just checked ...... apparently that�s being unsociable not self isolating.

                              As you were, carry on.


                              • #30
                                I�ll raise a glass with you bramble

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