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Corona Cavern


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  • #31
    Well, what a day I have had. Work is manic because many pregnant women are worried and ringing our team. Most of our staff have families and vulnerable older relatives, but none are complaining. They're worried, but they still get up, show up and take the risk. They're amazing
    I was concerned I'd be sent home as a non-clinical, and therefor possibly surplus to requirements, but to my surprise, a busier day than ever.
    How grateful I am for our lovely NHS and the absolute gems that work in it too. Love them all


    • #32
      Who's for a drink?
      Special Offer at the Corona Cavern tonight.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	funny-special-offer.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	85.3 KB
ID:	2386621

      Where's rary??


      • #33
        Vodka and diet coke for me please... and maybe an amaretto on the side


        • #34
          Don't drink:

          mulled wine (unless in extremis)
          ouzo ... actually just do this
          blehhh... very long story - not a pretty picture,won't try to paint it...

          most everything else Rowley Birkin.

          1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


          • #35
            Agree baldy ..silly serious anything

            SP yep

            Il have a wine n soda please with a midori chaser. Does that exist still , midori ?
            Last edited by Containergardener; 17-03-2020, 09:37 PM.
            Northern England.


            • #36
              What's your Real Ale name?

              Its time to stock the pub with some special ales.

              Which one is yours?

              Click image for larger version

Name:	beer.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	83.8 KB
ID:	2386624


              • #37
                To SarissUK. The NHS have been absolutely wonderful. Both my parents worked for them, my dad was a doctor and mum was a nurse. There was no problem or delay with dealing with my cancer last year. Today I rang them as I have a regular checkup appointment soon and I didn't know whether to attend. They must be incredibly busy with people like me not knowing where we stand. There was no atmosphere of hurry and I spoke to the nurse in charge of my "team". My appointment has been rearranged for August and I was advised to self isolate (in my time it was quarantine).

                I spent the day arranging my life to survive for 12 weeks without going out. My daughter thinks I'm wrong but she's not in the scary group. I did (or tried to do) a top up shop. No rice, mince, chicken, or doggy chews which are what I needed. But also no tinned tomatoes, baked beans, bread, potatoes, eggs, sausages, pizzas (pizzas, really?), a bit short on the gin, only allowed 2 bags of sugar. But that's ok as I only need them for homebrew and they are 2kg bags.

                My biggest problem was the electric key which has a topup restriction of �49. This isn't going to last 12 weeks and is not something where I want to give anybody my card to top it up for me. It turned out I could buy it in increments of �49. Ridiculous.

                Talking to my daughter, i have stuff she needs and hasn't managed to get and vice versa.

                What a strange time to live in.
                "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                • #38
                  A pint of Clerk's Dark Badger Lifter, please.


                  • #39
                    I�ll have a pint of fishers ruby goat worrier


                    • #40
                      Slaters Pale Pheasant Worrier. I hope it's cold, fizzy and tasteless as that's the only beer (lager) I can stand. Cheers. I'll try it anyway.

                      Can I have a Sauvignon Blanc instead. Large of course, anything else isn't cost effective.
                      Last edited by JanieB; 17-03-2020, 10:02 PM.
                      "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                      "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                      • #41
                        I’ll have a glass of orange juice and a bag of peanuts, if I may. A bit of vitamin C ;-)

                        I have been pondering what to do with myself if I get confined to barracks for a week, and thinking I might have a go at pebble painting. We have lots of blank pebbles in the garden that came free with the house, and I think some fun designs could brighten the place up a bit ;-)


                        • #42
                          oooohhh,i would love a light coffee i sweetner and a drop of bayleys please

                          pass around my cakes whilst your at it,with gulps of fresh air for the dieters
                          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                          • #43
                            Slater's heavy rabbit Dodger for me please Friends wedding just been cancelled by church in Wales....
                            Another happy Nutter...


                            • #44
                              Sorry to hear that, Humph. So many celebrations being cancelled because of this pesky virus.
                              How dare it!!!!


                              • #45
                                Fishers Vintage Ferret Tickler... Sounds legit, which is why I have been known to go into a craft ale pub and ask for a Stella

                                I reminisce about how good Stella used to be when you could only get it on import from slightly iffy offys.. but I digress, as is my wont
                                1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


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