Its not than I'm a hoarder but I have a stack of "Organic Gardening" magazines from 30 years ago that I've never read.
To be clear, I didn't buy them, they were given to me. 
In April 1990 there was a competition to win 2 PTs (worth �139 each).
The Questions are:-
1. What root crop is known as "vegetable oyster"?
2. What natural enemy of the white fly is a biological control in the GH?
3. In what country was the "Golden Noble" apple introduced?
4. The annual nettle:-
a. is a natural antiseptic.
b. treats burns
c. relieves earache.
5. There are
a. 37
b. 260
c. 343 species of hoverfly.
Which is the most correct?
Tiebreaker in less than 20 words.........
I would welcome the use of a polytunnel because................
NB I don't know the answers and there are no prizes!! Try not to goggle.

In April 1990 there was a competition to win 2 PTs (worth �139 each).
The Questions are:-
1. What root crop is known as "vegetable oyster"?
2. What natural enemy of the white fly is a biological control in the GH?
3. In what country was the "Golden Noble" apple introduced?
4. The annual nettle:-
a. is a natural antiseptic.
b. treats burns
c. relieves earache.
5. There are
a. 37
b. 260
c. 343 species of hoverfly.
Which is the most correct?
Tiebreaker in less than 20 words.........
I would welcome the use of a polytunnel because................
NB I don't know the answers and there are no prizes!! Try not to goggle.
