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Dowsing for water.


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  • Dowsing for water.

    While stood in the queue to get into the supermarket today my mind started wandering and eventually I remembered a distant memory from my past. A friend, in Spain, lived on a finca and his well was running dry. He sent for the local water diviner, as was common there at the time. I was with him when the diviner turned up. My initial thoughts were....airy fairy nonsense, a con, local mumbo jumbo, etc.
    The diviner was an ancient local who paced across my friend's land with 2 sticks and eventually went "there", telling him where to dig a new well. He asked me if I wanted to have a go. To say I was cynical would be an understatement, but I couldn't refuse. No-one was more surprised than me when the sticks not only crossed but nearly pulled themselves out of my hands in the same spot.
    I was just wondering if any other cynics had ever had a similar experience.
    By the way a well was dug and is still supplying water!

  • #2
    Never tried it myself, but it facinates me nonetheless.
    I always wonder whether a diviner could find underground sources in an area like ours with streams, ditches, ponds and water mains all over the place?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chestnut View Post
      Never tried it myself, but it fascinates me nonetheless.
      I always wonder whether a diviner could find underground sources in an area like ours with streams, ditches, ponds and water mains all over the place?
      With so much water under the land I've heard it's almost impossible for a diviner to not find water but I wouldn't know first hand since I've never tried it.
      Nutter's Club member.


      • #4
        I was on an archaeological dig and we wanted to locate the likely site of the well (as all manner of artefacts end up at the bottom of a well). A water diviner came along with 2 bits of wire coat hanger, bent into L shapes and the forked branch from a hazel, cut into a Y shape.
        We already thought we knew the likely site of the well but we didn't tell him - just sent him off across the field to find it. Sure enough, as he neared the spot, the hazel started to dip downwards and, when directly over the spot, it went downwards very strongly.
        He asked us if we could push the end of the rod back to the horizontal but nobody could, the force was too great.

        He repeated the search using the wire rods and again, they swung inwards and crossed over each other above the "well".

        Several of us tried to use them but only one had the gift and he was as surprised as anyone!

        Unfortunately, we were unable to excavate the "well" as we ran out of time on site.

        I believe in it.


        • #5
          I remember as a child on my uncles farm the water diviner coming on the land with the Y shaped hazel and I remember seeing it point down sharply where the water source was suppose to be strongest and my uncle later drilling a well there which supplied the water to the farm. It always fascinated me, I tried it many times over the years but never managed to get a reaction. Pity because I do believe in it.


          • #6
            Bob does water divining. It’s a very handy skill to have. He used it on our building plot last.
            We’ve not done the exploration work yet to find out if he was right. He’s normal pretty accurate.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
              Bob does water divining. It�s a very handy skill to have. He used it on our building plot last.
              We�ve not done the exploration work yet to find out if he was right. He�s normal pretty accurate.
              Do you call him Plumb Bob?



              • #8
                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                Do you call him Plumb Bob?

                Ok! Cheeky


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