A sad tale of modern times.
A lovely group of villagers got together and bought and planted trees in our little village. Crab apples and maples, all in beautiful in their autumn leaves.
These were carefully planted by said villagers. With care they choose sites away from houses, ie- House, large front garden, road, wide verge. The little trees went into the wide verge, instant impact and very nice too. well away from the houses 100-150m away at least.
The kind people planting them were sworn and shouted at whilst undertaking this task. Eventually they had to give up, it became that bad.
The next morning many of the lovely little trees had been snapped a foot or so from the ground and were left lying on the verge for all to see..........heartbreaking!
This was not the work of children or yobs, but of the local adults who live opposite the trees and who now boast and laugh about their evil deeds.
Words now fail me
and very very sad.
A lovely group of villagers got together and bought and planted trees in our little village. Crab apples and maples, all in beautiful in their autumn leaves.
These were carefully planted by said villagers. With care they choose sites away from houses, ie- House, large front garden, road, wide verge. The little trees went into the wide verge, instant impact and very nice too. well away from the houses 100-150m away at least.
The kind people planting them were sworn and shouted at whilst undertaking this task. Eventually they had to give up, it became that bad.
The next morning many of the lovely little trees had been snapped a foot or so from the ground and were left lying on the verge for all to see..........heartbreaking!
This was not the work of children or yobs, but of the local adults who live opposite the trees and who now boast and laugh about their evil deeds.
Words now fail me
