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A sad tale for a Monday


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  • #16
    Originally posted by scared55 View Post
    I wonder whether people have been let down so badly in the past by supposed improvements working to their detriment (usually instigated by central government or local authority) that they are genuinely fearful that, whatever the promises and whatever reassurances are given, they will be negatively affected by the change - in this case the planting of smallish trees.

    No they are just twats Apologies but it's the only word for it. I would continue to make the rest of the village look nice and leave there's as a sh*thole .... ( I'm narked just incase you hadn't noticed)

    And as to your comment about the sorts of folks who get rid of there gardens Two Sheds - my back garden is 50% gravel & the front ( such that it is, is a square of conrete with a border round it ...... but I'm the exception rather than the rule
    Never be afraid to try something new.
    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


    • #17
      terrible, don't know what the world is coming to!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Headfry View Post
        but, but, but, the trees are so far from the houses and will only never be very tall, certainly they wont block any light.
        I would love to send a general letter to the house holders (some of whom are lovely people)
        I am not sure how to word such a letter, I would also like to put something in the village mag about this......any tips, I don't want to get at all 'bitchy' about this, but would like to make my point.
        I would go for an article in the Village Magazine. State what has happened, and ask for responses. That way you will hopefully get a balanced view from the residents. You could also try writing to the individuals concerned asking what their objections to the tree planting were, but I am not hopeful of a civilized response.


        • #19
          Dont they reolise with out trees they would have no oxigen
          Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


          • #20
            Originally posted by Matt. View Post
            This just doesn't make sense.

            Obviously the destruction of newly planted trees is pointless and such a waste but why would somebody be so angry about the planting of trees? Surely when the shouting and swearing was going on it was obvious this was going to be an issue. Why did they continue to plant there? Is this verge used for parking or some other use? Why was there not a two way discussion between those planting and those who owned the houses? There must be more to this story than is given?
            I agree Matt, I don't condone there actions but there has suely been some kind of breakdown in the consultative process somewhere!
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • #21
              Thanks kind people, I feel a lot more happy today, I hope my tree planting villagers do too.
              I will try and find out what went wrong, what just by tree planting drove some people into a rage.
              Like you say Matt and Snadger, you must think there is more to this than I (as of yet) know about. I will try my best to put things right for ALL involved, planters and householders......not sure how yet, but just gentle talking must be a good starting point.
              Still sad when I see the little stumps of young trees.......tree hugger me????
              you bet!


              • #22
                Hiya Headfry
                Sorry to hear about the trees, it's just unbelievable.

                I drive through a very large new estate to bypass town, and the council have planted loads of new trees along the verges. Very nice, I thought. Next time I drove through, about 50% of them had been snapped in two. I wondered if they'd had a hurricane or something first of all, but then it dawned that somebody must have gone out and broken them in two. B****y kids, I assumed, but adults... well?!?
                All at once I hear your voice
                And time just slips away
                Bonnie Raitt


                • #23
                  Bring back hanging FOR EVERYTHING!!!!! The sooner we lose the term petty crime the better off decent hardworking people will be.
                  is spacetime curved or was einstien round the bend


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by starwatcher View Post
                    Bring back hanging FOR EVERYTHING!!!!! The sooner we lose the term petty crime the better off decent hardworking people will be.
                    Lordy,Lordy,you sound just like my beloved!! Though he would like hands chopped off before the hangings!!!
                    I was thinking,could it be that local people are feeling a bit narked about "incomers" taking over their village. I suppose,really, the people who damaged the trees should have been consulted and their views taken into consideration before the planting went ahead. Just a thought.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by starwatcher View Post
                      Bring back hanging FOR EVERYTHING!!!!! The sooner we lose the term petty crime the better off decent hardworking people will be.
                      What about decent retired people, decent people who are unable to find work, decent people who are unable to work due to a disability?

                      On second thoughts, what about hanging for bigots?



                      • #26
                        Hanging is too good for some people!! What ever happened to common human decency, respect - ohhhh, it makes me so cross, and so sad as well. There are so many real problems in this world, why can't we all help to make things a little easier for each other instead of always fighting and stressing.
                        Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                        • #27
                          The trouble with capital punishment, indeed many forms of punishment, is that they don't make people good. At best they make people afraid to be bad - or, rather, afraid to be caught being bad.

                          We fight and stress because our natural tendency is to be selfish, to push for anything that benefits us and against anything that has a negative impact on us, often without thought for others. I suppose it is an outworking of the basic animal survival instinct.

                          Truly selfless individuals are rare and becoming rarer - but isn't it glorious to meet one?



                          • #28
                            It does sound a bit like 'old' residents being annoyed at what they perceive to be 'incomers' trying to change things without consulting them but it does seem like an extreme reaction. You say it's a small village Headfry but it doesn't sound like a happy one with community spirit! I would love someone to plant trees down our street but can see a lot of others round here would hate it. I got upset the other day when I saw a huge tree being cut down just round the corner as it's used by lots of birds for nesting & have noticed that someone from the house nearest to it has now started parking where it was. Not sure why it was cut down but possibly it was removed as it was too close to their house (a new build) & causing problems but luckily the other trees nearby have been left alone. Personally I think the more trees the better.
                            Into every life a little rain must fall.


                            • #29
                              tis an odd but nice little village really. It was home to a large US airbase. Many of the houses belonged to the servicemen or were rented out. The base was generally seen as a good thing for the village as they allowed the villagers to use their facilities.
                              So.... the village is very very relaxed with 'new comers' They like us are made to feel part of the village from day one.
                              The trees and the sites were selected by the parish council (a mix of old and new villagers) and the graft was done mainly by young new villagers!
                              All would have been given a chance to voice their opinions at village meetings....if only the old villagers would attend!!
                              I am still confused at their very proud almost celebratory joy at destroying the young trees outside their house!


                              • #30
                                Now i hope people don't take me the wrong way here as i'm not defending these bounders actions, but how many times do you hear of these terrible arguements happening when it comes down to peoples property or just outside there boundaries.
                                It can happen over extensions, putting up a new fence, parking outside someones house and apparently planting trees in front of someones house.
                                I've known people that have been the closest of friends fall out over something to do with the changing of what is already there, and it can turn the most quietest of people into furious creatures.
                                I can only put this down to some sort of animal instinct of defending your territory at all costs.
                                So in short, anything that is going to affect anyones house boundaries or around thier house it is best to talk to them first and get them involved. At least you can try and resolve any problems at an early stage.
                                I think if these people are actually bragging about what they have done they can't be such nice people after all.

                                Here endeth the sermon.
                                God bless all of us.


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