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A sad tale for a Monday


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  • A sad tale for a Monday

    A sad tale of modern times.

    A lovely group of villagers got together and bought and planted trees in our little village. Crab apples and maples, all in beautiful in their autumn leaves.
    These were carefully planted by said villagers. With care they choose sites away from houses, ie- House, large front garden, road, wide verge. The little trees went into the wide verge, instant impact and very nice too. well away from the houses 100-150m away at least.
    The kind people planting them were sworn and shouted at whilst undertaking this task. Eventually they had to give up, it became that bad.
    The next morning many of the lovely little trees had been snapped a foot or so from the ground and were left lying on the verge for all to see..........heartbreaking!

    This was not the work of children or yobs, but of the local adults who live opposite the trees and who now boast and laugh about their evil deeds.

    Words now fail me and very very sad.

  • #2
    The B******s Im seeing red they will pay for what they have done,
    I can not say anymore I'll get band from the vine
    But what goes around comes around
    Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


    • #3
      What a shame. So sorry to hear that Headfry. Just shows the way people are brought up nowadays, don't think corporal punishment really did harm to many people. After all, there is a big difference between discipline to encourage respect and assault.

      Bring back the cane and hanging.

      By the way, I can offer a happy home to some crab-apple trees - been after one for ages but can't afford them.
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        That's so sad, how can people behave that way?
        Don't s'pose the authorities can do much, - no proof etc.
        Some people are beyond belief.
        Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


        • #5
          OMG that's terrible!

          It's not okay when children do it, but you can sooth it a bit when they do sometimes thinking thay don't really know better, but adults???!!!

          Words fail me....

          Edit: If it can be proved, you might be able to do them for criminal damage.........
          Last edited by Shortie; 08-10-2007, 10:08 AM.

          "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


          • #6
            Yes, the words criminal damage crossed my mind, too.



            • #7
              This just doesn't make sense.

              Obviously the destruction of newly planted trees is pointless and such a waste but why would somebody be so angry about the planting of trees? Surely when the shouting and swearing was going on it was obvious this was going to be an issue. Why did they continue to plant there? Is this verge used for parking or some other use? Why was there not a two way discussion between those planting and those who owned the houses? There must be more to this story than is given?


              • #8
                Our council has planted some young trees next to a new cycle lane ... loads of them have just been snapped and broken, and not replaced. Pointless. Apparently the locals LIKE their verges decorated with Stell@ cans, fag butts and used nappies.

                Similarly, I have spent hours digging glass etc out of the verges on our allotment site, and planted them up with flowers, shrubs and herbs for the enjoyment of all, edged with reclaimed lumps of concrete (not as bad as it sounds). However, somebody/bodies disagree with what I've done, and they deliberately drive their 4x4s over the borders, even though the actual lane is perfectly wide enough for them. The same person/s has also knocked over a newly built 3 foot by 3 foot by 3 foot brick planter, (because the doof can't actually steer his darn LandR@ver?)
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  We know who damaged the trees, they even tell us whilst swearing and laughing, they seem very proud of themselves, and are angry at the whole tree planting thing. They even asked how long one of the kind tree planters had lived in the village (4yrs) and said - well i have been here all my life, why should we have trees and what about all the leaves.....what????
                  I just don't understand this.
                  These are the old villagers doing this.
                  At a complete loss............
                  Last edited by Headfry; 08-10-2007, 11:14 AM.


                  • #10
                    More to the story....
                    The houses have large front gardens, with a long 'sideway' next to each house for parking and access to garage, then pavement, then the slip road from the dwellers use. Its wide enough for parked cars and cars to pass, then the verge then the main road. I guess you could park maybe 4-8 cars at each house.
                    They are nice roomy ex council houses, lots of space for all. big gardens etc.
                    I don't know why there was not a 2 way chat about this.. I can only guess that as the verge is a very good way from the houses it was thought not to be a problem, and the types being planted are not tall growing trees.
                    Yes with all the verbal shouting, they did stop the planting. Most of the villagers are really pleased to have more trees, It's just the ex council house owners who seem bitter, and bitter towards those who are helping with this project.
                    Funny about the 4x4's.....most of these houses have one or two of them!
                    Sorry for this rant, I was not one of the tree planters, however I am so saddend by listening to the very upset tree planters relate their hard work efforts to make the village
                    a better place......
                    Last edited by Headfry; 08-10-2007, 11:15 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Headfry View Post
                      what about all the leaves.....
                      ah, there you may have the answer. Sadly, people now see leaves as "work" because they need to be swept up and disposed of. The same people whose "garden" is just a bricked over car-park?

                      Homeowners are also being told that trees will block their light and the roots will cause subsidence. It's ignorance, and needs to be tackled if we are not to end up just covering the UK in concrete.
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #12
                        Unbelievable. I'd call the police, that's criminal damage make no mistake....

                        An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.

                        Will Rogers


                        • #13
                          but, but, but, the trees are so far from the houses and will only never be very tall, certainly they wont block any light.
                          I would love to send a general letter to the house holders (some of whom are lovely people)
                          I am not sure how to word such a letter, I would also like to put something in the village mag about this......any tips, I don't want to get at all 'bitchy' about this, but would like to make my point.


                          • #14
                            Agree, call the police, this is criminal damage or at least willful damage....

                            Have had similar issues with my next door neighbour when I first put in my veggie patch... "it'll grow too high and block the light" etc - bizarre really, seeing my patch overlooks her derelict outhouse and is 60 feet from the house
                            Live for something or die for nothing


                            • #15
                              I wonder whether people have been let down so badly in the past by supposed improvements working to their detriment (usually instigated by central government or local authority) that they are genuinely fearful that, whatever the promises and whatever reassurances are given, they will be negatively affected by the change - in this case the planting of smallish trees.



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