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Proof that public transport is rubbish!


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  • Proof that public transport is rubbish!

    We drive most places, as we live in the middle of nowhere and the public transport is horrendous. It's 10 miles to the nearest rural rail station!

    I was stopped today where I work (on a uni campus) by the Cycle to Work/Public Transport scheme, who were leafleting and speaking to the car drivers, trying to get more people to use public transport or cycle to work instead of paying �49 a year to park on campus.

    They offer to find bus routes etc for you (and we can get a reduced price bike through salary sacrifice). I went and sat down with them, knowing that it would be interesting....

    After 20 minutes of looking at timetables, the very helpful people couldn't work out a bus route that would enable me to get to work for 9am or even get me home when I finish at 5.30pm

    I only live 17 miles from work

    But also, I wouldn't cycle to work as it's too far and I'd have to cycle down single track roads, with no street lights that are used by HGV's - no thanks!!

    Apparantly, the people have had similar stories from a lot of people. They think that people are spinning them a tale about not being able to get the bus to work; and when they offer to help them with timetabling, they find that it's impossible.

    How do the Govt (and the green lobby) expect to lure people out of their cars if there is no public transport for them to use?

  • #2
    Not great for you, however there are loads of people who are simply unaware of alternatives, particularly people in more urban areas. Public transport is never going to work for everybody all of the time - I only live 6 miles from work (a deliberate move for me to reduce my mileage and time spent on the road) however it would take an age to get there on the bus. Fortunately I can cycle in which is very liberating and only marginally more time consuming than if I drive. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that if we all tried not to drive our short journeys (5 mile or less is often quoted) then it would make a huge difference so it's worth looking to see not just assuming it won't work for you. Shame it didn't help you OWG but at least you tried!

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #3
      I agree it's no good for you, or other rural dwellers. But my neighbours drive to work, which is literally less than a mile away ! Unbelievable.
      I got rid of my car in '92 because I realised I could cycle in quicker than driving, and that was when there was far less traffic on the roads. I still cycle almost everywhere...

      I hate buses though ... its quicker by bike! its 8 miles into school today (thankfully the rain has stopped). It takes nearly an hour by bus, 38 mins on my bike. I tried to get a bus to our train station the other week - there aren't any, but the station has plenty of car-parking. Does that make ANY sense at all?

      I don't cycle because I'm fit .... I'm fit because I cycle. 5 miles really isn't so far if you have proper comfy clothes and panniers to carry some luggage/shopping. 5 miles takes you about 25 minutes, and you can park just about anywhere. I only take the bus a couple of days a year, if there is ice or snow on the roads. Our climate is actually pretty good for biking (but please don't let's have another summer like this one, I did get trench foot)
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        A half hourly bus service to and from our village is, I reckon, pretty good. I always use it - don't drive, funny little anachronism that I am! However, it doesn't go to the nearest lot of shops 2 miles away, but links up the supermarkets, A**A and T***O on the way into Hull, about 6 miles. Journey takes about 50 mins. I used to cycle but an arthritic knees makes it difficult (and sore!). Public transport here isn't bad but you do have to run your day around it. I used to go to work with someone in the village who worked at the same place. Coming home however, was 2 bus journeys and a 10 minute walk or a 35 minute walk, one bus and the 10 mins at the other end. (It was only about 4 miles away) Unless it was widdling down I did the walk version. Never been fitter! However, in the last year, since I retired, the walking has slipped. Good job there's still the digging.
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
          I agree it's no good for you, or other rural dwellers. But my neighbours drive to work, which is literally less than a mile away ! Unbelievable.
          That most outrageous!!! You can walk it or easily cycle! They oughta be shot They missing out on exercise opportunity too.

          Unfortunately public transports aren't always flexible for everyone, depends on where you live. I choose to live where I live because the local train station and bus stops to town and city are within walking distance, useful transport options whenever I need to use them as we keep only one car, a small one at that (for low gas emission but okay it's cheaper on fuel too ).
          Food for Free


          • #6
            I used to cycle 7 miles each way to work every day, after buying my first house I found I couldnt afford to keep my car, so sold it and got a decent bike instead, the first month was a killer, but after about 8 weeks I was doing the journey in half the time and without getting out of breath! I found my fitness level improved by leaps and bounds, didnt use public transport at all, just my bike, and enjoyed it, even in the cold and wet!

            Unfortunately I now work 35 miles from home, there's no direct buses, no trains that wouldnt involve a 3 hour journey (bus to Altrincham or Sale 45 mins, tram to Manchester 25 mins, train to Congleton 1hr, then a 4 mile walk to the store or wait 25 mins for a 25 min bus journey), and the cost would be prohibitive, approx �25 a day, compared with �6 a day in my MINI which normally takes 40 to 50 mins!

            Much as I'd like to take a much greener journey to work I'm afraid its impossible for me at the moment, not that I'm happy about it, but what else can I do?

            I'd love to move closer to work, and be able to commute by cycle again, but cant afford the house prices in that area, so will have to continue my commute until a position opens up closer to home!
            Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

            'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

            The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
            Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
            Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
            On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


            • #7
              Is it only in Devon that we have a car-sharing scheme(or,rather travel sharing)If the posters are to be believed there are thousands of members.I'd give you the web-site details but I've never taken in!! Will look though if anyone is interested.


              • #8
                My OH and I are quite determined walkers, having had our car sabotaged a while ago. The extra exercise is brilliant. But, there are people who live on my street who will get in theire car to go to the local shop, which is, and I've measured it, just over 500 yards away!!!!

                "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by veg4681 View Post
                  That most outrageous!!! You can walk it or easily cycle! They oughta be shot They missing out on exercise opportunity too.
                  Oh dear - the Green Police again?

                  Remember when we all had to have catalytic converters because they removed all the dangerous pollutants and left "harmless carbon dioxide".

                  Much as I applaud anyone's efforts to reduce vehicle usage, if only because petroleum products are based on a finite resource, and to reduce fuel usage generally, if ony to save cash (we do both, for the latter reason); I have little patience with those who seek to force their "goodness" onto others!

                  Last edited by scared55; 10-10-2007, 11:14 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Polly Fouracre View Post
                    Is it only in Devon that we have a car-sharing scheme(or,rather travel sharing)If the posters are to be believed there are thousands of members.I'd give you the web-site details but I've never taken in!! Will look though if anyone is interested.
                    There is a car sharing scheme in our area which I logged onto yesterday... unfortunately, the nearest person to me is another 10 miles south of our house, when I travel north to work...

                    I'm miffed really, as I wouldn't mind having a greener journey, but I can't see it happening at the moment...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by scared55 View Post
                      Oh dear - the Green Police again?

                      Remember when we all had to have catalytic converters because they removed all the dangerous pollutants and left "harmless carbon dioxide".

                      Much as I applaud anyone's efforts to reduce vehicle usage, if only because petroleum products are based on a finite resource, and to reduce fuel usage generally, if ony to save cash (we do both, for the latter reason); I have little patience with those who seek to force their "goodness" onto others!

                      But driving a mile is absolutely pointless, regardless of the environmental issues!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                        But driving a mile is absolutely pointless, regardless of the environmental issues!!
                        As are a lot of things that we do, but we do them anyway. Hardly cause for vilification, though.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                          But driving a mile is absolutely pointless, regardless of the environmental issues!!
                          Totally agree. Within reason, there is good taste and bad taste and we have the rights too to be a little disgusted...and of course the rights of other people who are also disgusted with our attitude. It's a free world.
                          Food for Free


                          • #14
                            I walk with my daughter to school & back everyday. It's not too far I suppose as we can do the trip in 20 minutes walking at a 5 year olds pace. If we walk at my pace though we can do the trip in about 12 minutes. We walked in the pouring rain yesterday passing a friends house on the way. The friend was taking the car to school due to the inclement weather.They passed us as we walked but somehow we managed to get there before them. I was walking back out the school gates as they were coming in. Ok so they were dryer than us but we had more fun jumping in puddles on the way.


                            • #15
                              Not everyone is CAPABLE of walking a half mile to work. For example there are a number of people working with me who can hold down a job perfectly well, but could in no way walk half a mile to get to it as well as the walking required IN work. One of these would not be obviously disabled in any way, but in reality is.

                              I used to be able to get public transport before the toddler arrived (I was 7 months pregnant or so before we went to exclusive car use). OH needs his car for work a lot, but I only bought mine after toddler was born. The reality of trying to get home (getting in would be ok) from her creche, which is 20 mins from my old route but on another route which would take us close to home, is that we cannot get on a bus because a) they fill up a good bit before what would be our stop, b) the buses only allow 1 buggy or wheelchair per bus, and that space is usually gone even outside peak hours, and c) getting the train home means carrying the toddler and buggy up a high flight of stairs, over the tracks and down again, which is just too dangerous. If we use that bus route, it's a 30 minute walk from getting off to home. If we go to my old route, we still have problems a and b, with a 20 minute walk TO the bus and a 15 minute walk FROM the bus to home. On top of a journey (on either route) of approx 45 minutes. When I can drive to the creche, collect her and have the chat, and drive home within that 45 minutes usually (saving my 20 min walk to creche, and at least 30 mins walk after creche). Without ever worrying about getting wet.

                              But we do use public transport quite a bit at weekends, and we share one car on days when that is feasible. As well as walking when we are going locally.


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