I think that was very nicely put Claire.
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Team Leader
You sound very content with your life as it is Dobby, or are you after something different?
You work for MrT (my OH used to as well) so you know what they can be like, its not as if you'd be hugely better off is it. How are the Team Leaders treated, how do they work? If thats what you want go for it, but don't do it because you feel you have to or they want you to.
Enjoy life.Last edited by smallblueplanet; 16-10-2007, 06:53 PM.To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Mr D,
I love you!!!! These posts of yours are so well written, straight from your heart, and your sentiments mean so much that they bought a tear to my eye, I love you!
Yes, extra money would be nice, BUT as we talked last night, its not everything AND if it means you'd resent work and the hassles, then dont go for it, but if they can offer you a rota that works for you and allows you to continue with the time on the plot and looking after me, well as we said last night, then go for it, but its YOUR decision, and I am behind you 1000%, no matter what you decide!
I know myself that I am fairly career orientated, not so much from an ego point of view, or even the money, but just from the fact of for my own sense of satisfaction at being able to do the best that I can in my job, I care far too much about my branch, my team, my store standards and our results, which as you know means I work too hard, work too many hours and get far too stressed out on times, but even so I enjoy my job, no matter how much I whinge about it! I would definitely be unhappy if I hadnt been given the opportunity to progress, as to be stuck in a position that you can do standing on your head with your eyes shut leaves you with limited job satisfaction and an inner turmoil at the fact that you are not utilising your abilities to the full, but thats just me, YOU are a different person, much more relaxed and confident in yourself than I am, and dont need to prove anything to anyone, so make the decision upon how you feel and what you want from life, not on others expectations or for financial rewards!
Oh, and did I mention I love you?Blessings
Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)
'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!
The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences
Hi Dobby,
I think youve got your Priorities wrong it should be
1st Plot
2nd Plot
then fit the other two in as and when
We get all the Bol***ks at work about work life balance then they went and stuck an extra 1hrs travel time on it for me making 11 hrs out of the house. So I now don't catch the free bus service ( which is very nice) I drive to work and I leave a 7:00am and am back at 4:30pm - far better for me, but not so good for the carbon footprint but I was finding I was so knackered that I was continually arguing with Mrs G over the most stupid things. Now I come in have a cup of tea and can avoid her all night( only joking).
We can all use some extra money, but you need time to spend it as well. As my grandad used to say ....
"They don't put pockets in shrouds"Last edited by nick the grief; 16-10-2007, 06:20 PM.
Heart warming comments I have read here. Follow your heart Mr D. Not the bank balance.
Stick with the plot. Don't lose it mate!
My job takes me away from my loved ones all too often but now after this one in Lisbon if we have to sell the house then so be it... You get many jobs, but you get one life that you are aware of. You are a lucky man Dobby, as am I. You have the following in your favour:
a good hobby you can follow,
fairly happy in your current job
and a woman who simply adores and supports you.
The last is by far the most valuable investment you have.
Money is noooooo good if you ain't there to enjoy it. Stay rich in health and happiness and follow your heart. I am sure you know aht you want to do!
Mrs D - That was sooooooo sweet!
And yes Shirls - I get your hint! 9th Dec.....Let's go diggin' dirt....
Big silver bird, come land low and slow
Cut your engines, cool your wings,
You've taken me home...
answered your own question as many have said b4! totally agree with the 'no pockets in shrouds comment', prior to working in education I worked in an OT role with elderly (or not so as the case may be) most had mental health problems in later life and they all had the same advice for me...... 'live your life for now...you can't take it with you etc....' IF is a very big word! they all told me to go with what I wanted to do! as long as I was happy, which I am! Hope you know what I am trying to say!
Cripes I thought I'd tuned into an agony column by mistake there!
Dobby, I love my job but my kids are grown up and I don't need the extra money so I won't do overtime now. Like you I'd rather be at the allotment! I will be the first person with my hand in the air when, and if, they ever ask for voluntary redundancies!
Ambition and promotion equates to stress and who needs it! People are starting to realise there's more to life than work.
Follow your heart....but ask Mrs D first!My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Originally posted by Dobby View PostAt work there is a job going for team leader. The question is should I go for it? or Not?
1' It means if no one can do the delivery I have to do it
even if I have been there since 6am I would be expected to do the delivery even if it ment i had to stay till 11pm
it could mean i end up working 7 days a week
yes its more money
yes I could do the job
yes I like all the people (well most) I work with
Add up how much extra you will get and devide it by the number of extra hours.
As a TL you are not there to like the staff you are to work the ass of them you need them to hate you and be frightend of you. If you do the nice boy bit they will take the piss and it will be more dificult to get shot of them when it comes to the crunch.
Money is nice but you only live once.
NOGMy phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings
I used to work six days a week Dobby - started at 5 in the morning and wasn't home untill after 7 any night usually around 8.30 if I'm honest.Result - I didnt see my oldest boy from a Sunday night when he went to bed untill Sunday morning the following weekend . I eventually caught myself on and took the gardening/ groundsman job that I have now.Start at 7.30 and finish at 4.00pm with a half day on a Friday(7.30 - 11.30).See the kids every morning and night except when I'm away in the lorrry at the weekends . Would not go back to the way it was for all the money they could throw at me .I've been offered jobs paying �700 - �900 a week and turned them down as it would mean being away from home for 3 months at a time . If I have to choose between being at home with my wife and kids or sleeping in the cab of a lorry in a dingy little industrial estate in the backend of nowhere I'm sorry but I know where I'm going to be - at home.There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.
There are lots of well balanced people on this forum. Is it because well balanced people love growing things or because growing things makes people well balanced?Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
Originally posted by Flummery View PostThere are lots of well balanced people on this forum. Is it because well balanced people love growing things or because growing things makes people well balanced?Happy Gardening,
Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View PostPersonally I think growing things teaches patience and encourages a sense of your space in the scheme of things. Therefore, growing things makes people well-balanced?
I might only be growing properly for a single season, but it has given me so much more peace and made me step back from a few committments that I would have taken on otherwise for no good reason (and taking me away from precious family time).
I hope you make the best decision for you Mr Dobby (and listen to Mrs Dobby, she makes a loooot of sense - and loves you loads too)
Echo those sentiments too - growing things definitely helps me to see what is really important in life. Time spent with loved ones (including plants!) is just the best time and should be cherished. All those sayings come to mind about life not being a rehearsal, only having one go at it ... we've all heard them, doesn't make them any less true. Mr and Mrs D - you have found what works for you and makes you happy, gives you your sense of achievement and a great life - don't lose that.Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance
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