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Team Leader


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  • Team Leader

    At work there is a job going for team leader. The question is should I go for it? or Not?

    1' It means if no one can do the delivery I have to do it
    even if I have been there since 6am I would be expected to do the delivery even if it ment i had to stay till 11pm

    it could mean i end up working 7 days a week
    yes its more money
    yes I could do the job
    yes I like all the people (well most) I work with

    2' what is more important to me
    My job
    My wife
    The Plot

    No thats the way tesco wont it but in reality its
    Mrs D
    The Plot

    At the moment I am at home
    Monday till 4pm, Tuesday till 5pm, wednesday off, Thursday off, friday work till 7pm, Saturday work till 7pm.Sunday work till 5pm

    this means i get down the plot 4 days a week

    I know if I could not go down the plot I would get very agitated and start to resent work. I do now when I do over time I think why the F am I hear when i could be down the plot.
    I just been looking at the pickys of me on the plot and reolising how happy I am when Im down there Even in the winter wet and cold
    I'm wraped up got a brew and in My element
    I love it no one can take it away from me.
    Planting the seed, watering it watching it grow , looking after its evey need.
    even when its grown you stll need to peper it Just been theriden chillis on to fishing line and tieing them up.
    spacing them out so all of it dries

    looking at the pumpking cheking they skin if its starts to feel a bit soft cook it and frezze it.

    shelling peas and beans the list goes on and I dont mind I love it

    I havent got time for work need to win the lotto then can tell them to deliver there own shopping, in a nice polite way of corse

    what do people think should I go for it or Not
    Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors

  • #2
    I am all for ambition. But in a structured way. (Cos lots of people hit a comfortable spot and don't want to go any higher, or sometimes even wish they weren't as high as they are).

    It sounds like you have a good set up with your shifts, and really, really enjoy the freedom that this gives you to be on the plot a lot.

    If you got the TL spot, would you still have free days like now, or would you be expected to work days all the time (except your 2 days off, of course)? Would the boost in earnings and status be enough to offset against what you have to giev up for it (longer hours, less structure, those sorts of things). Would there be more stress, which you couldn't work off on the plot?

    Or would the increased pay and step up the ladder lead to other great things in the future? With you still able to fit working the plots around the new schedule? As TL, would you be able to arrange the schedules better to your own satisfaction? Giving you perhaps MORE time on the plots (but maybe stranger working hours).

    How does Mrs Dobby feel about it?

    It sounds like if you haven't made up your mind, you have a definite preference. Do a list of ALL pros and cons, and weigh it up for yourself. Good luck whatever you decide.


    • #3
      HI Dobby,

      I think you have answered your own question!

      Extra cash would be good, but no spare time is not. If you can work to live and not live to work I think that is the best balance.

      Is it a big rise or could a few extra hours over time here and there be your best option?

      Good luck, Mandy


      • #4
        Do you want to be cash rich and time poor Dobby - or the other way round. Time is worth FAR more than money in my opinion. You can tell I'm not the ambitious type eh? It has to be a joint decision between you and Mrs D but I think you already know what you'll decide!
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          Last year we changed from cash rich and time poor to time rich and cash poor.

          We wouldn't want to change back - even though cash poor is often an inconvenience.



          • #6
            I also think you've answered it for yourself Dobby. To me, my time is worth far more than I could ever be paid for - though of course I need to work to pay the bills (and buy the seeds!). If it's a good payrise and you will see a real benefit from it, and maybe it will lead to greater opportunities in the future allowing you more freedom, then that has to all be considered as well. I agree with Winged One's suggestion of doing lists of the pros and cons - though I bet I know which list will be longer!! Good luck with it Dobby.
            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


            • #7
              Echoing everyone else here - stick with things the way they are or you will not be a happy Dobby.

              I am much more content when totally skint with Madmax in the garden with me rather than him earning good money in another country. Get the message Madmax?
              Last edited by shirlthegirl43; 16-10-2007, 01:31 PM.
              Happy Gardening,


              • #8
                Winged one
                Except 2day off of course LOL we are so short staffed I end up working an extra night or 2 one lad has not had a day off for 28 days more fool him I say

                Boost to earnings I get an extra �20+ now for Sunday hours so its just short of �100 more in my wage packet

                Or would the increased pay and step up the ladder lead to other great things in the future?
                Yea possible sectin manager but they have to run round like headless chickens (sorry for the saying but I could not think of anything else)

                Mandy yea time is better live to love

                I feel like the riches man alive with Mrs D and the plot

                KK I have never been rich in cash so what you never had you never miss

                If it's a good payrise and you will see a real benefit from it, and maybe it will lead to greater opportunities in the future allowing you more freedom, then that has to all be considered as well.

                If I loose the Sunday hours id be on about the same maybe a little bit more
                greater opportunities yes a lot more strss

                Your right
                Money is not everything
                Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                • #9
                  Having more money isn't the answer to everything!! Anyway, you have saved a fortune on fruit & veggies this year with what you have grown on the plot.
                  If being Team Leader will add to your life in ways other than money, then it's worth considering though - will it boost your confidence/self esteem? Will it give you more control over things that annoy you at work now? Will you be able to choose your days/time off to fit with Mrs D's?
                  Pro's & Con's list definately sounds like the way to go. And be brutally honest with yourself!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dobby View Post
                    I feel like the riches man alive with Mrs D and the plot
                    I think that's one of the best things I've read on here!! Dobby - I think you have your life sussed now. If you think the TL position would just add stress and no value, then it isn't for you from the sound of things. Just live your life and enjoy the riches you have
                    Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                    • #11
                      Hi Dobby, like everyone else I think that maybe you've already made your mind up not to go for it as it would give you less time with your lovely wife & the allotment & if you're happy why change. I'd discuss it with Mrs D. though & see what she thinks, maybe if you fancy giving it a go they could let you do it for a trial period of 3 months to see how you get on? As long as they would be prepared to give you back your old position it might be worth asking.
                      Into every life a little rain must fall.


                      • #12
                        I dont think I would get my sunday back, She did that with someone else that steped down last year and he still hasnt got his sunday back

                        Thanks all I'm off to the plot now to get some farty chokes for tea
                        Mrs D is finishing work early cos she was in 2 hours early
                        this will be the first farty chokes of the season
                        Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                        • #13
                          If you can break the spiralling trend of needing more, most people are a lot happier.
                          And that certainly isn't aimed at you Dobby.

                          There are an awfull lot of happy people in the poorer Countries.
                          One can get a lot of pleasure out of the simple things in life.
                          God bless all of us.


                          • #14
                            It's not quite the same but I gave up a professional career to stay at home with my children and haven't regretted it once, even now that I'm a lone parent and times are harder financially. I think there's a huge amount of pressure on people to 'progress up the career ladder', as though that's the be all and end all of life.

                            I don't think any amount of money truly compensates for time spent with loved ones, doing things that make you feel happy and fulfilled.

                            I was feeling part of the scenery
                            I walked right out of the machinery
                            My heart going boom boom boom
                            "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                            I've come to take you home."


                            • #15
                              Well a very serious accident in our household five years ago made us realise that we had to make the very best use of every minute we had - either together or (within reason) doing all the things we really wanted to do.

                              Good luck with your decision Mr D - its not an easy one for you, but at least you are sorting it all out in your own mind by discussing it here.
                              Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                              ~ Mary Kay Ash


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