At work there is a job going for team leader. The question is should I go for it? or Not?
1' It means if no one can do the delivery I have to do it
even if I have been there since 6am I would be expected to do the delivery even if it ment i had to stay till 11pm
it could mean i end up working 7 days a week
yes its more money
yes I could do the job
yes I like all the people (well most) I work with
2' what is more important to me
My job
My wife
The Plot
No thats the way tesco wont it but in reality its
Mrs D
The Plot
At the moment I am at home
Monday till 4pm, Tuesday till 5pm, wednesday off, Thursday off, friday work till 7pm, Saturday work till 7pm.Sunday work till 5pm
this means i get down the plot 4 days a week
I know if I could not go down the plot I would get very agitated and start to resent work. I do now when I do over time I think why the F am I hear when i could be down the plot.
I just been looking at the pickys of me on the plot and reolising how happy I am when Im down there Even in the winter wet and cold
I'm wraped up got a brew and in My element
I love it no one can take it away from me.
Planting the seed, watering it watching it grow , looking after its evey need.
even when its grown you stll need to peper it Just been theriden chillis on to fishing line and tieing them up.
spacing them out so all of it dries
looking at the pumpking cheking they skin if its starts to feel a bit soft cook it and frezze it.
shelling peas and beans the list goes on and I dont mind I love it
I havent got time for work need to win the lotto then can tell them to deliver there own shopping, in a nice polite way of corse
what do people think should I go for it or Not
1' It means if no one can do the delivery I have to do it
even if I have been there since 6am I would be expected to do the delivery even if it ment i had to stay till 11pm
it could mean i end up working 7 days a week
yes its more money
yes I could do the job
yes I like all the people (well most) I work with
2' what is more important to me
My job
My wife
The Plot
No thats the way tesco wont it but in reality its
Mrs D
The Plot
At the moment I am at home
Monday till 4pm, Tuesday till 5pm, wednesday off, Thursday off, friday work till 7pm, Saturday work till 7pm.Sunday work till 5pm
this means i get down the plot 4 days a week

I know if I could not go down the plot I would get very agitated and start to resent work. I do now when I do over time I think why the F am I hear when i could be down the plot.
I just been looking at the pickys of me on the plot and reolising how happy I am when Im down there Even in the winter wet and cold
I'm wraped up got a brew and in My element

I love it no one can take it away from me.
Planting the seed, watering it watching it grow , looking after its evey need.
even when its grown you stll need to peper it Just been theriden chillis on to fishing line and tieing them up.
spacing them out so all of it dries
looking at the pumpking cheking they skin if its starts to feel a bit soft cook it and frezze it.
shelling peas and beans the list goes on and I dont mind I love it
I havent got time for work need to win the lotto then can tell them to deliver there own shopping, in a nice polite way of corse
what do people think should I go for it or Not