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Plans for this weekend?


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  • Plans for this weekend?

    Anyone got any plans for the weekend, off anywhere interesting, chilling out at home?

    Its full on Halloween here at our house with a trip to Spooky World this evening, followed by pumpkin carving tomorrow

  • #2
    Might get legless



    • #3
      ooohhhh eeehhhhh, why not if that's what you feel like doing, some good wine I take it in your area?


      • #4
        My eldest, Sam, is 13 on Sunday, so we're off to a massive leisure complex in Castleford (Xscape it's called) to play LaserQuest tomorrow afternoon. Haven't done it since I was 20, and none of the rest of the family have ever played it, so should be a laugh! The place also has a 'real snow' slope, bowling, cinema, skate park, dodgems, crazy golf, so Iexpect it'll be a pricey outing
        Sunday will be spent baking for our traditional family birthday tea, complete with aunties, cousins and grandparents!
        On Tuesday it's our 14th wedding anniversary, so hopefully I'll get a nice night out to recover from the wknd... Chances are, I'll have to arrange it myself though


        • #5
          Wow, sounds a fab place, pricey I bet as you said, have fun and congrats on your wedding anniversay, have a gd weekend


          • #6
            Lovely weekend all to myself (in the day, anyway). Mr F is off on field work with the Uni students Sat and Sun. Today I'm getting the fruit ready for another batch of marmalade. Home made bread later this a.m. then home made pasta for tea. Tomorrow - make the marmalade and also meet the rest of the village's Britain in Bloom committee for a walk around the village to plan next year's planting/maintenance etc.
            In between I'm still hacking back at an old and overgrown shrub border. Endless task!
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7
              We're off to a Halloween Party tonight at the home of a friend and fellow covenor, so I'm making Pumpkin Chilli and Mr D is making Pumpkin Pie today to take along! Then tomorrow I'll be down the plot, Mr D is working, then we've a whole week off together!

              Its our wedding Anniversary on the 31st, as well as the old Feast of Samhain, the Celtic New Year, so we'll be celebrating our anniversary, celebrating the start of the new year and remembering our honoured dead, as was believed to be traditional at this time of year! So we'll do our usual visit to the woods at Alderley Edge in the day, then that night we'll have the house decorated, pumpkins carved, a cauldron bubbling away in the hall and have some fun with all the kids Trick or Treating before settling down to a special meal together, setting a place at the table for those we've known who have passed on and our ancestors. Later on we'll probably spend a bit of time in quiet meditation and remember those who've gone.

              This week we'll also be planting our overwintering onions, garlic and broad beans to go with the spring cabbages Mr D planted out on Thursday, and hopefully be erecting the second hand greenhouse in the back yard to allow us somewhere to overwinter some of our chillies and as somewhere to plant our seedlings in addition to using all the bedroom windowsills!
              Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

              'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

              The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
              Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
              Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
              On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


              • #8
                Ooh! Home made pasta! Now there's a thought...
                Having been home all week (half term) but having achieved v. little in the garden (I pruned the fruit trees that have no fruit on them, but have been concentrating more on getting the house in order again following a mental half term where work WAS my life!!) I plan to go out shortly and get stuck in! Having bought in excess of 150 Spring bulbs yesterday, I plan to get some of those int he ground, which will require me to do some weeding first. Garlic to plant. Bean canes to come down and associated plants resigned to the compost heap. Tom plants out of the greenhouse. Cuttings to take. Leaves to rake. More weeding. Apple picking and freezing. Plug flowers in to the ground/pots. More weeding. That's the plan anyway. Luckily, we don't return to school until Wednesday, so I have time on my side.
                Also want to do some work in the kitchen: baking, making soup, making chilli jelly (got no chillis this year, so bought 2 reduced chilli plants from the garden centre, laden with multi-coloured jewels.)
                Busy, busy, busy - I'd best be off!


                • #9
                  I've made bread this morn to take to my brother's Hallowe'en Party tonight. Ordered a wig off eBay so I can go in disguise
                  I'll make my usual Bloody Mary and gross out all the kids with it (of course they think it's real blood!)
                  OH might join us if he gets back off the rig in time
                  All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                  • #10

                    I'm at work both days. And I think i'm getting a headache.
                    Blogging at.....


                    • #11
                      Me too, at work this weekend that is. Never mind at least I come home to a warm fire, a hot dinner and an even hotter wife.


                      • #12
                        Busy enjoying having Madmax home for half-term week so the celebrations should last till next Saturday!!!
                        Happy Gardening,


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                          Me too, at work this weekend that is. Never mind at least I come home to a warm fire, a hot dinner and an even hotter wife.
                          Ooh Piglet, what a lovely husband you are and Karen - you must be a very spech wife
                          A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


                          • #14
                            Tis true indeed Claire I am, Karens not bad either


                            • #15
                              Decorating !
                              I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


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