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  • Typical

    On my allotment plot my greens, cabbages, chard, spinach and kale are under enviromesh to guard against slugs, pigeons and visiting mammals.
    On the plot where I keep my hens which is uncultivated, three Swiss chard plants are growing, don't know if they're remnants, self seeded or what, but three bigger, healthier plants you couldn't wish to see. Hardly any slugs, no pigeons etc.
    Have all the slugs made there way to the opposite end of the allotment to throw themselves on my enviromesh trying to get in???
    It's not fair, if I'd have left these open to the elements on my allotment they'd be stalks by now. But anyway, have picked and eaten a good portion of them today. Waste not, want not.

  • #2
    Sod strikes again Sue.

    Its just so irritating, after you've mollycoddled, nurtured and really looked after plants, only to find they might have done just as well without all that care.



    • #3
      Maybe the chickens scared off the pigeons, and ate the slugs and snails.


      • #4

        Perhaps the Chickens ate all the pigeons.
        Blogging at.....


        • #5
          That's funny, I've got a couple of self-sown Ruby Chards. I didn't let any go to seed though....???
          They are growing strong and un-slugged, as are the self-sown Rusty Lettuces. Why don't the slugs eat these? They go for anything else that is deliberately sown.
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            The problem with enviromesh and the likes, is it keeps the four legged and flying pests at bay but gives a safe haven for soil borne pests cos nothing can predate on them!
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • #7
              maybe slugs are like alligators and don't like to zig zag...if its not in a strieght line they can't be bothered...!


              • #8
                Mr HF made me a fantastic 4' high huge cloche to go over the savoys and brussles, alas when i went to have a look the other day, big fat huge huge aphids and some black sooty mildew looking stuff- not at all impressed with the mesh, what did I do wrong?


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