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Horrible Yobs!


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  • #16
    Originally posted by TPeers View Post
    Police aren't interested in catching the little pests. Too much like hard work. Or rather more to the point nothing traceable was taken so there is little hope of a prosecution. So even if they could find the people involved there is actually little point - a slap on the wrist and a written warning is the most that can be hoped for.
    Perfecty true. And then they wonder why some people don't bother with the police and become vigilantes!
    Veni, Vidi, Velcro.
    I came, I saw, I stuck around.


    • #17
      To think, our service men and women gave their lives for the freedom that I, you and those yobs have today... what a way to pay the debt back... it's just so sad. I hope they realise what they did in years to come and feel so guilty that they end up volunteering their time to help the elderly. Somehow I doubt it though. It's a very sad reflection on society.

      Dwell simply ~ love richly


      • #18
        Oh the bad Karma that's coming to them! You just have to hope, don't you, that they'll experience from the other side what it's like?
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #19
          Originally posted by Flummery View Post
          Oh the bad Karma that's coming to them! You just have to hope, don't you, that they'll experience from the other side what it's like?
          If there is any justice they were drug addicts and they are now lying in a ditch somewhere . I won't say more as I don't want to offend
          Never be afraid to try something new.
          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


          • #20
            May the Lords hand weigh very heavily upon them.
            God bless all of us.


            • #21
              Originally posted by nick the grief View Post
              If there is any justice they were drug addicts and they are now lying in a ditch somewhere . I won't say more as I don't want to offend
              Offend who? The ditch?
              Happy Gardening,


              • #22
                OOohhhhhh, it makes me sooooo angry ..... I just had a lump in my throat reading the posts on the rememberance thread, then I read this one ... beggars belief, it really does. Send them all to the front line.

                And national service most definitely.
                Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                • #23
                  Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post
                  Some of my blackberry brambles would do a better job!
                  could tie them you with nettles
                  Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors


                  • #24
                    some people have no respect!!


                    • #25
                      Obviously they have no self respect, no sense of decency, no concept of the sacred,and no moral conscience. Neither have they any adult supervision, care or concern. What came first - the chicken or the egg.
                      I'm not making any excuses for the little blighters, but it's not only parents who are responsible for their upbringing and teaching. As a society we've all become terrified to speak out when we see unacceptable behaviour or hear foul language. We're so PC it's unbelievable. And the result is we get the world we are prepared to live in.

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                      • #26
                        Hi Terry, Just caught up on yesterdays news, am was saddened to hear of yours.
                        I am lost for words.
                        it all makes me so angry.
                        I do hope you recover quickly from this awful event.
                        My love to you all
                        Mrs HF


                        • #27
                          I can wholly understand Terry's frustration and anger at what some lesser "no use to anybody" members of society get up to.
                          I have seen things deteriorate in my own lifetime , and i'm only forty three....!
                          My girlfriend is a school worker and its plain to see that any tools they used to have to correct bad behavior are long gone, and have been for some time.
                          So now yesterday's unruly child has kids of his own and the story goes on.
                          These people do whatever they want without concern or morals , we have more and more silly little laws thrown at us and still have to suffer the same irresponsible behaviour of what are a growing section of society.
                          Its time the "powers that be" enforce responsibility, its all we can ask for.


                          • #28
                            On our local news last night they showed CCTV footage of a man stealing a poppy collection box from a post office, he wasn't a youngster, he looked 30-40 odd to me & smirked as he hid the tin in his coat. The post office called the police & told them they had video but were later contacted to say they weren't investigating further as there wasn't enough evidence & they apparently hadn't even seen the video! Hopefully now it's been shown on T.V. someone will turn the scumbag in!
                            Into every life a little rain must fall.


                            • #29
                              Just been watching T.V. programme about "street crime"
                              Most of it was the police dealing with drunken yobs.
                              Some times many(6 or more)police we needed to deal with them!
                              While the police were dealing with these mindless morons they were not dealing with "real crime"
                              The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                              Brian Clough


                              • #30
                                If I were to let my dogs roam as these children do I would be in serious trouble!If one of my dogs caused a fight,injured someone,stole a sausage from a butcher's shop I would probably have to have it put down.
                                BUT let someone let a teenager out to rob,rape,murder,drink-drive etc(and not only teenagers,children as young as eight or nine) and what happens? Bugger all."Tut-tut,you naughty scamp!Lets send you on a nice holiday as you're obviously deprived.After all your parent/s don't care.
                                Send the parents as well as the child to jail and maybe they will be a bit more responsible!!


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