Any of you out there computer bods?
OK, here is my problem. I have a laptop which was given to me when I left my last company which had admin passwords to allow for updating software etc. The laptop was networked with other machine's etc.
When I log with my user name/password I do not have privilages to do certain things.
I do have the admin user name/password but when I log in under that it takes me to another desk top and I can see what I need.
I have tried going to the control panel and giving my user name access but it has not worked.
If under the admin screen I remove admin as a user will this give me full access or lock me out completley.
Sorry if this is long winded, just trying to give as much info as I can.
Thanks, Mandy
Any of you out there computer bods?
OK, here is my problem. I have a laptop which was given to me when I left my last company which had admin passwords to allow for updating software etc. The laptop was networked with other machine's etc.
When I log with my user name/password I do not have privilages to do certain things.
I do have the admin user name/password but when I log in under that it takes me to another desk top and I can see what I need.
I have tried going to the control panel and giving my user name access but it has not worked.
If under the admin screen I remove admin as a user will this give me full access or lock me out completley.
Sorry if this is long winded, just trying to give as much info as I can.
Thanks, Mandy
