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global warming??


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  • global warming??

    Frost Fairs

    In the days of the old London Bridge, the river was much wider and the currents ran more slowly mainly because of the restriction caused by nineteen pillars supporting the bridge. In harsh winters the slow waters froze, occasionally creating an ice layer of up to 1m thick which would often remain for several weeks. A number of Frost Fairs took place on the ice. For the majority, these were winter festivals, made more special because, occurring perhaps once a generation, they were so rare. The frozen Thames was a curiosity and thousands came to witness the extraordinary sights. After the new London Bridge opened in 1831, water was able to flow much more freely underneath it, and the Thames has not frozen in Central London ever since.

    * Henry VIII is said to have travelled all the way from central London to Greenwich by sleigh along the river during the winter of 1536.
    * It is recorded that in 1564, Queen Elizabeth I went frequently upon the ice.
    * The most famous of these Frost Fairs took place during the great freeze of 1683-4. Streets of booths were set up on the ice, and horse drawn carts crossed the river.
    * Charles II bought a souvenir certificate with his name printed on it during the fair of 1684.
    * In 1789 the ice stretched all the way from London Bridge to Putney.
    * The fair in 1813 included a street of shops running from Blackfriars Bridge called ‘City Road’.
    * The last frost fair occurred in 1814, during which an elephant was taken across the river.

    ....and no central heating!!!!!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France

  • #2
    If you want to see the modern day version of this and have access to the Discovery History channel they have been showing a program called Ice Truckers where the drive 300 miles north from yellowknife in the far north of Canada mostly on frozen lakes at a maximum speed of 15kms a hour it only runs feb & march the language is a bit ripe but as for looking at a part of the world fascinating it is the last one this thursday to see a artic with 2 trailors on is some thing EAT YOUR HEART OUT BEEFY
    What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
    Ralph Waide Emmerson


    • #3
      Last edited by Nicos; 12-12-2007, 11:20 AM.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Originally posted by jacob marley View Post
        If you want to see the modern day version of this and have access to the Discovery History channel they have been showing a program called Ice Truckers where the drive 300 miles north from yellowknife in the far north of Canada mostly on frozen lakes at a maximum speed of 15kms a hour it only runs feb & march the language is a bit ripe but as for looking at a part of the world fascinating it is the last one this thursday to see a artic with 2 trailors on is some thing EAT YOUR HEART OUT BEEFY
        My uncle used to tell us about driving on the ice in Canada in big machines - wonder if it was similar to the programme you are talking about Jacob. I don't get Discovery so sadly won't be able to watch. Uncle told us about going through a thin bit of ice (long time ago and I can't remember much about it) once - just as well someone fished him out darned quick!!
        Last edited by shirlthegirl43; 12-12-2007, 06:27 PM.
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5

          The earths temperature has been fluctuating up and down for millions of years.

          It is a question of whether you believe mankind is the cause of the latest warming, which is faster than in the past.
          Personally, I think we have to rely on the scientists to do the numbers. They are a lot more trustworthy than politicians, who seem to dragging their feet somewhat.

          It is not 100% certain, but is anything ever 100%.

          Last edited by Tigerella; 12-12-2007, 06:28 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by shirlthegirl43 View Post
            My uncle used to tell us about driving on the ice in Canada in big machines - wonder if it was similar to the programme you are talking about Jacob. I don't get Discovery so sadly won't be able to watch. Uncle told us about going through a thin bit of ice (long time ago and I can't remember much about it) once - just as well someone fished him out darned quick!!
            They make the road across the lakes they sweep the snow of and keep it it of because the ice is thinner under the snow they drill holes through the ice and pump water over the surface of the ice and when it is 30 inches thick they let the big rig's on in convoys about 500 metre's apart they have 2 months to get as many loads up to the diamond mines and sort's of place of work the series that is about to finish they took 10992 load's up then the road melts and they all go back from whence they came some of these lorries wheighed 100,000lbs what ever that is in tons devide by 2240 and your there a very interesting program jacob
            What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
            Ralph Waide Emmerson


            • #7
              Thanks Jacob, my uncle was a very interesting man. In the summer he took tourists into the Rocky Mountains to hunt and photograph the wildlife. He once brought home the hide of a honey-tipped grizzly which he had shot - only because it woke up early from hibernation and charged him!
              Happy Gardening,


              • #8
                Panoramio - Photo of SUPER Tanker

                Now thats a Big tanker Jacob
                There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by beefy View Post
                  Panoramio - Photo of SUPER Tanker

                  Now thats a Big tanker Jacob
                  If you go onto utube and find roadtrains there is one clip on there of a chap reversing a artic with 3 trailors and puting it where he wanted to
                  What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
                  Ralph Waide Emmerson


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tigerella View Post

                    The earths temperature has been fluctuating up and down for millions of years.

                    It is a question of whether you believe mankind is the cause of the latest warming, which is faster than in the past.
                    Personally, I think we have to rely on the scientists to do the numbers. They are a lot more trustworthy than politicians, who seem to dragging their feet somewhat.

                    It is not 100% certain, but is anything ever 100%.

                    I agree. It is irrefutable that the earth is going through a warming cycle at the moment. It is warming up. However, it has done so before, and will do so again after it has cooled from this one.

                    What is still not proven, despite all the scare mongering, is whether human activity is causing, or even helping to accelerate, this warming. Last time it happened, humans certainly weren't the cause, though I accept that current scientific evidence is leaning towards proving that we are helping to accelerate this one.

                    Arguments will go on for ages yet, interpreting new and old data in different ways to 'prove' the argument. In the meantime, the warming will continue. Some scientists will tell you that this time it will be much worse, others that it is no different. (The Earth has after all recovered from EVERY single warming in the past, without any help from us).

                    However, IF the argument is proven at some point in the future, it would be much better to be able to say that because we acted here and now, we acted before it was too late. IF the argument is disproved, the cuts that are being proposed now certainly won't do us any harm in the long run.

                    EDIT: Regarding the frost fair. The Thames has so much other muck in it that very little left is water, meaning it's unlikely to freeze, and if it ever did, the Health and Safety police would never let anyone anywhere near it. It might be dangerous you know!
                    Last edited by The Doctor; 17-12-2007, 09:01 AM.
                    Veni, Vidi, Velcro.
                    I came, I saw, I stuck around.


                    • #11

                      It is not 100% certain, but is anything ever 100%.

                      Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.
                      Benjamin Franklin
                      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                      Brian Clough


                      • #12

                        I see the "proof" issue similar to the one that smoking causes cancer, you will never see proof, the men in white coats tell us it causes cancer; they know more than me about the facts, and the same is true of climate change.

                        Although not many people know, the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) was set up in 1988, so the scientists and Government were concerned back then.



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