Hello there!
This is my first foray onto the Grapevine in almost 9 months; I was suprised to see my log-in still worked!
unfortunately 2007 has proven to be THE year to forget for me, my family & siblings: I was made redundant in March this year, then 1 week into my notice period my mother suffered an aneurysm then a stroke (she is 63), my Grandfather died in July, and someone ran over and killed my cat - I also managed to pick up 6 points on my drivers license, but that WAS my fault, so I can't really complain there! The good news is that Mum came out of hospital on 23/12 and seems to be rapidly improving (certainly mentally)
With all the tooing and frowing from Cambs to Herefordshire, I'm afraid to say my Veggie plot has been utterly neglected - nothing has been planted/harvested except for the odd strawberry snaffled on the way out to the car. On top of this willful neglect we are having an extention put on the house - this won't encroach on the plot itself, but will come within about 2 metres of it, which will probably mean it will get trampled on during the week. So the question is (sorry to take so long getting to it!)
Do I:
a) dig in all my lovely compost (that has been sitting there for the past 9 months virtually untouched) cover it in black cloth stuff and leave it until the building works are done.
b) Leave it completely untouched until all the works is done and try to rectify the damage later; or
c) Procede as normal and shoot the builder that dares tread on my veggie patch
Here's hoping 2008 is a good one -
Much love to all
This is my first foray onto the Grapevine in almost 9 months; I was suprised to see my log-in still worked!
unfortunately 2007 has proven to be THE year to forget for me, my family & siblings: I was made redundant in March this year, then 1 week into my notice period my mother suffered an aneurysm then a stroke (she is 63), my Grandfather died in July, and someone ran over and killed my cat - I also managed to pick up 6 points on my drivers license, but that WAS my fault, so I can't really complain there! The good news is that Mum came out of hospital on 23/12 and seems to be rapidly improving (certainly mentally)
With all the tooing and frowing from Cambs to Herefordshire, I'm afraid to say my Veggie plot has been utterly neglected - nothing has been planted/harvested except for the odd strawberry snaffled on the way out to the car. On top of this willful neglect we are having an extention put on the house - this won't encroach on the plot itself, but will come within about 2 metres of it, which will probably mean it will get trampled on during the week. So the question is (sorry to take so long getting to it!)
Do I:
a) dig in all my lovely compost (that has been sitting there for the past 9 months virtually untouched) cover it in black cloth stuff and leave it until the building works are done.
b) Leave it completely untouched until all the works is done and try to rectify the damage later; or
c) Procede as normal and shoot the builder that dares tread on my veggie patch

Here's hoping 2008 is a good one -
Much love to all