Some advice please!
A couple of local lads (12/13/14?) have decided our house and garden is obviously more interesting than their own. A few months back, every now and then they'd ring the doorbell and run, and I saw them do it to the neighbours opposite: annoying, but harmless, and as my Dad said, he used to do it when he was kid!
This week though, one evening they kept doing it over and over again. Our house is quite long and we have a doorbell at one end (which they keep ringing) and a proper bell at the other end. So hubby went out of the kitchen end where the proper bell is and shouted at them and then of course they started ringing the bell bell aswell. We've ignored it as best we can, but to say it's annoying is an understatement, and my poor cats jump out of their skins everytime the bell goes!
OH went out yesterday morning and told me last night, that although they hadn't rung the bell the night before, they'd obviously been through to our courtyard area because the gate was open. I've just been out to feed the birds and had a look around, and there are broken canes all over the place (and orange peel!!) and my bird feeders were in pieces all over the garden (luckily fixable). I think they had been using the canes to knock them down as they're out of their reach.
So, is there anything that can be done about these little blighters, or do we just have to ride the storm?
I know it's only harmless stuff, but that's now; what happens if they don't grow out of it and they go on to bigger and 'better' things?
A couple of local lads (12/13/14?) have decided our house and garden is obviously more interesting than their own. A few months back, every now and then they'd ring the doorbell and run, and I saw them do it to the neighbours opposite: annoying, but harmless, and as my Dad said, he used to do it when he was kid!

OH went out yesterday morning and told me last night, that although they hadn't rung the bell the night before, they'd obviously been through to our courtyard area because the gate was open. I've just been out to feed the birds and had a look around, and there are broken canes all over the place (and orange peel!!) and my bird feeders were in pieces all over the garden (luckily fixable). I think they had been using the canes to knock them down as they're out of their reach.
So, is there anything that can be done about these little blighters, or do we just have to ride the storm?
I know it's only harmless stuff, but that's now; what happens if they don't grow out of it and they go on to bigger and 'better' things?